The Slayer's Kingdom Directory

Demon Slayers live here. Otherwise known as The Kingdom of Ashra On the island continent of Edin Near the waterfronts The name originated because of the large amount of volcanic activity in the area long ago- now mostly all dormant. The people go by Ashrans The main domain of the demon slayer clans Ashra has existed for close to 700 years The land is often referred to the land of ash and sea, or the Slayer Kingdom Despite their dangerous life style, a lot of innerland slayers (away from the sea sides, exhibit lung/breathing issues- due to a long line of ancestors that dealt with the volcanic ash in the air in earlier times) though this is just speculation and not scientific fact. The slayer kingdom is not in good standing with the nearby Hunter Kingdoms. The people have strong right or wrong beliefs. Many are religious and look to the ‘deity’ of ‘Shimmering Lights’. (Otherwise known as the dark master, but only hellspawn demons would call it that) - another alternative to this religion is that the shimmering lights are not actually a creature but the purgatory water itself. Many speculate because the humans in life realms simply don’t know. Ashrians hate demons because of the wars and chaos that have happened with them in the past. They also feel that demons tarnish the good name of the God(dess) of shimmering lights. They believe the god is trapped by the demons and the only way to free it is to exterminate them all. As the slayers are the main waterfront location where demons from the mainland arrive from, they have had many bad experiences with a large quantity of demons of all kinds, opposed to the rest of the continent further inland. The main city of Slayers is known as a’Tenyuu and is located at the furthest edge of the sea leading out to the Mainland