Planet Iron-17



Iron-17 is a planet made of nothing but red sand. It's very dry with oxidized rocks, old mining sites/equipment alongside abandoned buildings were left behind by humans before it became a dumping ground. It is believed after the planet was drained of all it's resources, it became a dumping ground for other nearby planets as there was no way biological life could survive on that planet.

The planet is next to a giant eye shaped sun that circles the planet 24/7 like a normal sun. Unlike the sun on other planets, this sun is deadly causing massive heatwaves and can be very fatal to a normal Worker Drone, even extra dangerous to the Scrap Drones. So it is a common practice for the drones to hide in bunkers, abandoned mines and buildings during the day, blocking any windows to the light outside.

Instead of hot and boiling at night. The Planet becomes extremely cold, with no sun to give the planet warmth the planet becomes so cold sometimes it even snows. Covering the red sand with white powder causing it to sometimes mix, this is normally the perfect time for The Drones to come out of hiding as with no sun overheating them. They scavenge around in the dark, looking for what they need to survive on this cruel planet before the sun returns.

Iron-17 was originally planned to be Earth 2.0. Incase Earth ever went to shit but the humans got too greedy and lost their chance to turn Iron-17 into their new home, go out further enough you will see abandoned houses and stores. A ghost town of what once was meant to be a new home for biological life for humans, animals and drones but now only drones remain and they can't undo it.


Sand Storms - Often happening during the day. These sand storms can rust a defenseless drone in a matter of seconds, getting sand struck in their gears causing them to stop working. Luckily barely any drone gets to meet a fate like this if they are aware how dangerous the sun already is.

Snow Storm - Same like Sand Storms but quite different. Only coming out at night (Rarely) they bury the red desert sand away turning half the planet white, not really as dangerous as Sand Storms instead their winds and blinding fog can easily get you lost. It's why it's best to be in groups during Snow Storms.

Dust Devils (Day) Snow Devils (Night) -  A strong, well-formed, and relatively short-lived whirlwind, Dust Devils often come out in the day and Snow Devils come out at night. Usually harmless but can get dangerous if they are big enough and has ended the lives of a Drone or two so it's best to take caution when one is nearby.