Scrap Drones



Broken beyond repair Disassembly Drones. These drones are slowly falling apart with no way to fix themselves so they are sent to Iron-17 to die. Some of these drones either are failed prototypes, simply broken and can no longer heal, or just Drones who are too dangerous even for B. But it isn't all black-and-white on Iron-17, as they aren't just sent there to die but also to kill any of those Worker Drones who call this Death Trap of a planet home.

It's pretty much of a two birds, one stone type of thing going on.

Scrap Drones have the appearance of a normal Disassembly Drone. But they are often missing limbs, fully or semi broken sensors, overall unhinged and crazy personalities, or a different colour instead of yellow. Anything viewed as a sign of weakness, defect or a bigger and dangerous threat will make you a Scrap Drone.

Scrap Drones lose their ability to regrow limbs and or heal themselves. So they are actively slowly falling apart, they can either die falling apart bit by bit, or by starving to death being unable to eat any of the Worker Drones to prevent them from overheating and dying.

Drones may be scrapped as well for having illegal modifications to their base hardware.