Species Info


Mimics & Yokai

Mimikai take on two forms: a mimic form and a yokai form.

Mimic Form: The mimic form of a Mimikai always takes on the image of a standard object. This can be anything from a treasure chest, to a sweater, to a juice box! This is called their 'resting' stage. When a mimic form is 'activated' though, they can gain more humanoid features such as a mouth, eyes, or more animated posing.

Yokai Form: A Mimikai is able to pick their yokai form and how they appear. Yokai forms are generally humanoid, though some are able to shape their material-covered parts into more non-standard forms. Traits can only show up on the yokai form!


Materials are the most important part of a Mimikai! They can cover up to 50% of a Mimikai's body, and can also take the place of hair on a Mimikai's head if they so wish. Currently, Mimikai materials are split into two types: ☆Basic, and ✪Special.

☆Wood Examples are items like furniture, boxes, carved figures, etc.

☆Fabric Examples are items like clothing, rugs, plushies, etc.

☆Plastic Examples are items like food containers, toys, household objects, etc.

✪Metal Examples are items like armor, weapons, tools, etc.

✪Glass Examples are items like glassware, ceramic vases, porcelain, etc.

✪Precious Examples are items like jewelry & other finery; most used with the Mixed Materials trait

Mimikai Life

Biology: Mimikai are a humanoid species and live just like them; they need to breathe air to survive, along with making sure they get enough food and water. Most are omnivores (all those sharp teeth have to be good for something!) but some animal lovers have decided to become vegetarians. They have a lifespan of around 150 years, are capable of having families, and are surprisingly hardy folk.

Gender: As Mimikai are able to decide on their own appearance, they are able to decide on their own gender as well. Some feel very strongly about a single identity, while others like to switch depending on their mood and how they feel.

Culture: Mimikai are generally a very boisterous and helpful species, always looking to help out those who might be in need. Their society is based around trading and bartering, often for goods or services. They love a party and will find any chance they can to throw one, be it for a birthday or a discovery of some funky new plant they found.

Daily Life: Most Mimikai work as either a shopkeeper or a tradesman for their chosen guild; they highly value the ability to create, and they love to share it with people! Those of the more bookish sort work with the adventurers who explore the Labyrinth, cataloging all of the flora and fauna that they come back. Scholars, teachers and historians are also not uncommon to find.