Item Guide



Event MYO Slot

This limited MYO key will let you make any Mimikai + 1 trait of your choosing!


Starter MYO Slot

This limited MYO key will let you make a standard material Mimikai!


Basic MYO Slot

This MYO key will let you make a standard material Mimikai!


Special MYO Slot

This MYO key will let you make a special material Mimikai!


Extra-Strength Glue

The mixed materials trait will allow you to add an accent of another material to your Mimikai!


Safety Cone

The horned trait will allow you to add any kind of horn to your Mimikai's head! Horns must be made out of the Mimikai's material.


Utility Belt

The betailed trait will allow you to add any kind of animal tail to your Mimikai! Tails must be made out of the Mimikai's material.


Makeshift Headband

The earful trait will allow you to add any kind of animal ears to your Mimikai's head! Ears must be made out of the Mimikai's material.


Safety Goggles

The eyeful trait will allow you to have non-standard eyes! This includes dark sclera, unnatural pupils and eye shapes, or even a single cyclops eye!

Fake Teeth

The mouthful trait will allow you to have non-standard teeth! This includes fangs, tusks, shark teeth and other fun configurations.


Thrifted Backpack

The bewinged trait will allow you to add any kind of wing to your Mimikai's body! Wings must be made out of the Mimikai's material.


Expired Takeout

The expelled trait will allow you to have different types of leaking like glue, oil or vapor. Plastic Mimikai can even have food!


Broken Hammer

The discounted trait will allow you to make your Mimikai seem a bit...worse for wear. This includes cracks, shown stuffing, and other similar afflictions.