World Lore

The World of Mimikai

From a Time Before

A thousand years ago, a great calamity befell the world and wiped out most forms of life. Ruins were left in its wake, the remnants of past civilizations with their belongings almost perfectly preserved. As time went on, plant life started to take over and animals (though oddly mutated) began to reclaim the buildings and structures of the previous inhabitants.

The 1,000 Year Birth

As the world started to recover from the calamity, something odd started to happen with the items left behind. A spark of life grew inside of them, giving them more humanoid features until suddenly the first Mimikai appeared! After 1,000 years of nothingness, these discarded and lonely belongings gained a soul and with that came sentience.

As more and more of these items started to show the signs of a soul, they decided to work together to learn about their past and discover their future.

The Mimikai Outpost

Deciding a base of operations would be the best for newcomers, the Mimikai Outpost was built! This town formed around an odd hole in the ground and has since grown out into a rather bustling hub of life. Guilds were formed as a way to assist both the town and its citizens with anything they might need!

The Carpenter's Guild: Run by Mimi, and the main hub for wood Mimikai! Members of the Carpenter's Guild assist with building and repairs to homes and other structures, and are well known for their skill in creating furniture.

The Tailor's Guild: Run by [__], and the main hub for fabric Mimikai! Members of the Tailor's Guild work to create new clothing and fashions for the people of the outpost, and will also help with repairs. A subset of the guild has also taken up the task of creating toys for children.

The Chef's Guild: Run by [__], and the main hub for plastic Mimikai! Members of the Chef's Guild are masters of cooking, baking and all sorts of the culinary arts. You can also find members who have taken to creating potions!

The Blacksmith's Guild: Run by [__], and the main hub for metal Mimikai! Members of the Blacksmith's Guild are the main creators of the armor and weapons for those who delve into the Labyrinth. They also help create a lot of nails and other supplies for the other guilds.

The Artisan's Guild: Run by [__], and the main hub for glass Mimikai! Members of the Artisan's Guild are true creatives, working with all sorts of materials like glass, porcelain and ceramics. They love to create art for art's sake, but also mundane items like plates and glasses.

The Goldsmith's Guild: Run by [__], and the main hub for precious Mimikai! Members of the Goldsmith's Guild live for creating accessories and jewelry, and love nothing more than the biggest and brightest gemstone they can find. They are the only guild that works purely by commission.

The Endless Labyrinth

At the very center of town lies the Endless Labyrinth, a great hole in the ground braved by only the strongest adventurers. Countless expeditions are sent down into the seemingly never-ending maze in hopes of bringing back treasure or new discoveries.

Many speak of mysterious creatures, fearless monsters and weird plants. Even more speak of the relics and treasures found deep within the Labyrinth, which can be worth quite a bit to the right buyer.