About Apricot University

Apricot University is the #1 ranked University in all of the Unova region with all professors being leaders within the field they teach. Offers students 18 majors to study from and encourages students to pursue different tracts within these majors. We currently have a plethora of clubs that can help students find their new passion or hobby and have plenty of resources to help students create their own clubs to share their gifts and interests to the rest of the student body.

About Housing

Students who choose to live on campus are sorted into various housing facilities. These housing facilities are called the Sapphire house, Ruby house, Emerald house, Jasper House, Diamond House and the Amethyst House. There is a RA assigned to each housing facility who helps students with any housing related troubles.

Pokemon Battling

Apricorn University historically has trained and taught many of the current and past champions. With this impressive alumini network we have worked to keep up with our image by persistently upgrading our facilities and researching new battle techniques. Each housing facility is equipped with a training ground that allows students to train in their downtimes between classes. Furthermore, students are also encouraged to work with professors to research new methods to integrate in to their battle style

About the World

Apricot University takes place in an alternate universe where Pokemon have become humans and there are no non-Pokemon humans. Being that there are no trainers each battles are primarily fought by the Pokemon themselves. In this world prestige and wealth are gained most commonly through winning battles. 

Naming conventions typically are [first name] [Pokemon name] however Pokemon who come from particularly affluential families may have a last name specifically from that family.