IMPORTANT! Prompts, Updates, and Participation

Posted 5 years, 2 months ago by AmarantaYuuki

Does this update sound good for you?

0 Votes Yes because of the participation guidelines
0 Votes Yes because of Prompt and/or Magazine changes
1 Votes Yes because of all or other (Tell us about it!)
0 Votes I don't really care/It doesn't change anything for me
0 Votes I don't like it (Tell us why!)

Hello everyone!
You may have noticed there was never a January-February Magazine, and there may not be a March-April one either. The reason is just that we don't have enough participation. 

There isn't anything wrong with that, since Vari-A is a completely optional-based group! However, people who did initially commit to doing more are the reason the magazine is possible, so when your life gets busy or you just forget, we just can't do it. For that reason, from now on the magazine will not be on a schedule and will just come out once we've collected enough entries to make it worthwhile!

The prompts, likewise, will be permanently open, but you will get more 'model credit' as usual for doing whatever the most recent prompts are. However, you are always free to draw or write for any of the past prompts that you feel inspired by. Once enough entries for an issue of Vari-A Magazine come in, we'll put it out with the most high effort entries as the main feature!

It's important that Vari-A stays as something fun, optional, and relaxed, and for that reason we will no longer be using the model categories as a measure of participation. You are free to do as much or as little as you want, though if you are completely inactive we may poke you perodically just to ask if you want to leave your character as part of the world. 

With the exception of other people's characters that you do not have permission to use, you can make use of the Vari-A lore however you like in your characters' stories, so have fun with it! Anything you make can be submitted to us, even if it isn't connected to a specific prompt, we love to see what you've done with this world. 

Thank you all for being members of Vari-A, and look forward to some new prompts and news very soon!

December Prompt

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago by AmarantaYuuki

You can still submit for the November Prompt: Connections.
The December Prompt is Celebration. What do your characters celebrate and why? You can submit art or writing of any kind for this prompt. Due date is December 30 for both prompts. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season! 

November "Monthly" Interview

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by AmarantaYuuki

Is this a good Alternative to Prompts for you?

0 Votes Yes! It's quick and easy, and lets me still be involved.
0 Votes No, I don't really like doing it.
0 Votes No for a different reason (Tell us what it is!)
0 Votes I have no opinion and just want to vote

Following the theme of Connections, we have five questions for your characters to answer! You can do this whether you plan on submitting anything else or not. Remember, Vari-A's purpose is to let you expand on your characters and share them with others, so even if you don't have time to draw or write anything for the theme, take a few minutes to fill out the interview, found here

November Prompt and Reminders

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by AmarantaYuuki

What are you submitting for this month?

1 Votes Art
0 Votes Writing
0 Votes Other
0 Votes Nothing this month

Hey everyone!
I hope you're having a good November so far. Just like you, we're going to be very busy during the holidays, so we've decided that November and December will each only have one prompt (though you can of course submit multiple pieces if you wish). The November prompt is up now, take a look! You can submit anything you want. The theme is Connections.

If you haven't introduced your character here then you can do that now. The monthly interview will be up in a day or two. 

No Sept-Oct Magazine

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago by AmarantaYuuki

As there were no submissions, obviously we cannot have a magazine for these months. We encourage all members to let us know if they would still like to participate in Vari-A, and understand that it is midterms for many of you. Remember that there are no required activities, but it does make our life easier to know if members will be having a period of absence. I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween.

Updates and October Prompt

Posted 5 years, 8 months ago by AmarantaYuuki

Do you find Vari-A Prompts worth participating in?

1 Votes Yes, I'm just busy or forgot
0 Votes I'm not sure/Still deciding
0 Votes I really don't care
0 Votes I have no opinion and just want to vote

Due to the lack of participation in the September prompt, it has been updated to October Prompt 1. You can still hand in the prompt until the end of the month. The first prompt is Transitions. Sound a little vague? That's alright, you can read all about it in the September Prompt forum.

The second prompt is unsurprisingly, Halloween themed. Regardless of if you or your character celebrate the holiday personally, we encourage you to do something spooky or crazy for this theme. Both prompts can be submitted on the same forum. The drop-dead due-date is October 31st for both of them. Please remember that you don't need to submit fully finished pieces of artwork for prompts. If you don't have the time, then a sketch or a short piece of writing is fine. The point is to participate, not to be the best.

The following members have been automatically updated to part-time models or employees due to a lack of participation for three or more prompts. If you were already part-time before this announcement, this means that you will be updated to a guest after missing one more prompt. 

This is just a tag! If you aren't looking for participation points for upcoming contests, you aren't affected by this change. If you are concerned, please make sure to participate in the next prompts. If you believe you have been mistakenly tagged please let us know.




Hi everyone! You may not have met me yet, so this is my hello. I am AmarantaYuuki, the founder and manager of Vari-A. I am currently a college student and an independent artist and author. This is a pet project of mine and I hope that we can all get along and other stereotypical niceties. ^^

I'm known to be a little sassy but I promise if I'm trying to be rude I will tell you. <3 My policy is zero BS and lots of positivity. So, with that out of the way, here we go with this month's announcements!

First and foremost, if anyone has not given a character bio for at least one of their Vari-A characters in the Introduce Your Characters forum, please do that as soon as possible. It takes two minutes. If you have time to read this, you have time to introduce us to your character properly.

Secondly, this is a loving reminder about the rules of Vari-A. If you do not participate in any activities for three prompts in a row, your employment will be automatically downgraded. We don't kick anyone out here, and we support you having a life and not wasting all your time online, but we won't list you as a full time employee if you aren't doing anything! 

Now on to the fun stuff!

The first prompt for September is Transitions. Sound a little vague? That's alright, you can read all about it in the September Prompt forum. Please note that the July and August prompts are closed now, the magazine has already been released and no more entries will be accepted. 

The September interview questions will be up soon, so keep an eye on the bulletins. You can ask any questions you have here or on the questions forums found in the RP or General Info sections.

July-August Issue is out!

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by AmarantaYuuki

Thank for everyone who participated in the prompts or registered for Vari-A in the past month! We look forward to continued support from all of you. ^^
The first issue of Vari-A Magazine is now published, give it a look and maybe share with your friends. 

Anyone who gave us art or writing was featured, and all new models were included. 


Monthly Rankings: 

ASPEN is #1 for our Flora Models! Thank you for your participation in the prompts. 

Important Reminders (Deadline 8/18)

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by AmarantaYuuki

The deadline for the Favorite Things prompt is August 18, please send in all submissions by that time. For this first issue only, you can still send in a piece for the Visual Kei prompt until that date as well. This is a special extension we have made to allow as many submissions as possible for our first issue of Vari-A Magazine. You are allowed to submit any sort of creation for these prompts. 

Also, we are requesting that all current members of Vari-A submit a short bio to this thread for their included characters, so that we can introduce them in the magazine. You do not need to have participated in either prompt in order to do this, so please take a minute and do so.

For those who are not participating in the prompts, you might be interested in our new Monthly Interview. Answer 8 quick questions about your character and submit to have them included in the magazine with your staff bio. This will be an ongoing option for those who are unable to participate or uninterested in whatever the ongoing prompts are each month, though you can still do the interview, and prompts as well. 

IMPORTANT! Prompts, Bio Requests, and Updates

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago by AmarantaYuuki

Excited (or at least pleased) about the updates?

2 Votes Yes
0 Votes No
0 Votes I like polls

The deadline for the Favorite Things prompt is August 18, please send in all submissions by that time. For this first issue only, you can still send in a piece for the Visual Kei prompt until that date as well. This is a special extension we have made to allow as many submissions as possible for our first issue of Vari-A Magazine. 

Also, we are requesting that all current members of Vari-A submit a short bio to this thread for their included characters, so that we can introduce them in the magazine. You do not need to have participated in either prompt in order to do this, so please take a minute and do so.

For those who are not participating in the prompts, you might be interested in our new Monthly Interview. Answer 8 quick questions about your character and submit to have them included in the magazine with your staff bio. This will be an ongoing option for those who are unable to participate or uninterested in whatever the ongoing prompts are each month, though you can still do the interview, and prompts as well.