
Sexuality & Gender

All Plotties are naturally hermaphrodites and are unfamiliar with the concept of "male" and "female" sexes. Physically, Plotties don't have visible genitals or any other characteristic that would suggest sex differences. Due to their hermaphroditism, Plotties are capable of self-fertilization in order to reproduce.

The concept of "Gender Identity" does not exist in Plottie culture. Plotties sometimes exhibit what may seem like "gender expression" through their looks as a result of observing and mimicking humans. However, Plotties don't grasp the concept of what what may be considered "female" or "male". For this same reason, they are not known to have any sexual/gender "preferences" or "inclinations". The lack of genders in Plottie society results in the nonexistence of established gender roles. Plotties consider they are all equal.

It can be concluded that Plotties don't really have a biological sexuality because their reproduction with other Plotties is asexual. In regards to orientation or attraction, most Plotties would be considered "panromantic" (in human terms) since they have no concept of gender and could feel attracted to any Plottie regardless of their apparent gender expression.

Note to Owners

Terms such as "gender", "gender expression", "pronouns", "panromantic", "orientation" or any other relating to gender or sexuality are used out-of-world to make things easier for Plottie owners to understand but none of these concepts exist in Plottie lore and are never used by Plotties themselves.

Breeding & Parenthood

Plotties have the ability to create offspring on their own by producing seeds through self-fertilization or by planting cuttings of their own blooms. The ability to breed with another Plottie is a matter or choice and not a requirement. Plotties that are born from a single parent are virtually clones. Genetically, they have the exact same set of traits the parent plant has.