Religion & Deities

Plottie Pantheon

Plottie culture follows a polytheistic religion with a pantheon of both major and minor gods and goddesses lead by a Supreme Deity: Juaraw, Goddess of the Sun. Religion, although not mandatory, plays a significant role in Plottie civilization as it is the means by which they explain various forces of nature, life and existence itself.

Plotties believe the deities exist to mantain the order of the cosmos and thus perform rituals, offerings and prayers regularly to gain their favor. A lot of the major Plottie events are centered around worship of a specific of various deities. Young Plotties are taught to follow these traditions and respect the deities from a very early age.


Juaraw is the Supreme Goddess in the Plottie Pantheon. The Sun Goddess is considered the creator of all life, including the creation of all the other deities. She is also widely revered as the Goddess of Time as Plottie beliefs dictate that she is responsible for the passing of the days and the seasons.

As the main deity in the religion, she is the most worshipped and most mentioned in scriptures. She is honored in practically every major holiday in one way or another but the main month dedicated entirely and solely to her is Juamox (August).


  • Main Symbol: ☉
  • Colors: Orange, red, yellow.
  • Plants: Red Poppy, Sunflower.
  • Stones: Juarod, Ruby.
  • Other symbols and items: Drums.

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Mani is the second most important deity in the pantheon. Juaraw's younger sister, some Plotties believe she is at the same level as the Sun Goddess in the hierachy and, in fact, honor her as their Supreme Goddess. It is for this reason that Mani and Juaraw are in constant conflict and, according to folklore, this is why the Sun and the Moon are hardly ever in the sky at the same time.

Plotties consider Mani to be in control of their growth and well-being and, whether devoted or not, most of them pay close attention to the phases of the moon. In fact, a good amount of the offerings and rituals in the religion are centered around her cycles. Her main month of worship is Manimox (September).


  • Main Symbol: ☾
  • Colors: Silver, lavender, white.
  • Plants: Moonflower, Jasmine.
  • Stones: Manikalite, selenite.
  • Other symbols and items: Tambourines, white owl, chitters.

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Omumu, the Goddess of Fertility, is widely considered the Mother Goddess and the deity Plotties pay tribute to when they are wishing for sprouts. She is the fruitful deity of parenthood, family, abundance and prosperity. Omumu is married to Roob, the God of Rain and Thunder and is the mother of Halladem and Ylfior, the Goddess of Spring and God of Earth respectively.


  • Main Symbol: ★
  • Colors: Sky Blue, Fuchsia.
  • Plants: Cornflower, Lotus.
  • Stones: Rose Quartz, Aventurine.
  • Others: Bells, Babu Hojitas, bulbs, fruit.

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Plottie culture places great importance to the balance between life, death and their opposing forces and as such, the Goddess of Death and Despair, Tanase, is widely respected. Plotties far and wide honor and make offerings to the goddess in hope that she will allow them to live longer. Some Plottie groups worship Tanase as their major deity but these are commonly associated with the dark and the occult. Despite her mysterious nature and apparent sternness Tanase is a fair and merciful deity.


  • Main Symbol: ⏂
  • Colors: Black, violet, indigo.
  • Plants: Monkshood, Black Rose.
  • Stones: Onyx, Spectrolite.
  • Others: Cypress Trees, Flute, Orbs, Sword, Death Head Moth.

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