Build A Bonfirian! [wip]

Build a bon workshop

So, you've gotten knee deep into Bonfire and want to hop on in, right? The best way to do that is to create a character or two (or, if you're like me, over a hundred). Normally, I'd walk you through that... however, sometimes it's easier just to follow a tutorial, so here you go! This should be a step-by-step guide on how to build up a character from scratch that can fit into the world as a whole. I'll also go over how to port a pre-existing character into Bonfire.

Once you have a character made, all you have to do is PM me, Magniventris, and tell me about them. I'll approve them, probably.

Every rule is meant to be broken. If there's a good reason why a character may break a certain rule, they can still be approved.


The first thing to know about building a Bonfirian is that their species will have a major impact on them. Building a Higher is dramatically different than building a Lower, and building an Anthro is dramatically different than building a Nixen. Because of this, I suggest picking the species first before deciding on all too many specifics.


HTML by lowkeywicked