beginner's guide to bons



Terrabons are a closed species group and a casual ARPG! What does this mean? An ARPG is an art role-playing game. Players can join events, draw characters to earn virtual currency and buy items for their bon! You can still join in on events without participating in the ARPG and vice versa- you also don't even need a Terrabon! You can read more about this in the "ARPG AND EVENTS". The World is the main hub for characters and information, whilst events will be held on our Discord server.



Interested in getting a Terrabon of your own? Welcome to the cult! There are a couple different ways you can get your own bon- we'll split them into getting an MYO, and getting an offical adopt.

Official adoptables are sold by beansprouts on deviantART periodically. You might see them as deviations or in the shady side-deal adopt journal linked here. On top of adoptables from beansprouts, we also have guest artists from time to time. Permanent guest artists (namely ch1sh10 and ohilin) are able to make adoptables at any time. Other guest artists might be recruited for certain events, and can be certified through their special role on the Discord server.


Not into purchasing other designs? You can get an MYO through the following methods:

Purchasing it with $USD
Purchasing it with gold
Achieving Level 20 on our Discord Server

Purchase of MYOs through $USD will be opened occasionally through journals on deviantART- either through the group or from beansprouts. Keep an eye out! Slots will be limited every time unless there's a special event. The pricing of MYOs may change at any time, subject to our discretion.

You can also buy an MYO through gold! Gold is our ARPG currency. Common and Uncommon MYO slots are able to be purchased through the merchant shop as Mysterious Tokens. Nobody knows where the shop sources the tokens from, but they seem to be pretty hard to obtain, because the shop only restocks them every two weeks. How do you earn gold, you ask? By drawing bons and participating in events! If you want to start on that, start by making a gold tracker. This type of MYO may not be sold for money.

Finally, let's look at quite possibly, one of the best (or worst) ways of getting an MYO for free. We have a Discord! If you achieve Level 20 on the server (through chatting) you'll be automatically awarded with a Common MYO slot, no purchases involved. This is only applicable to FTO (first time owners) who do not already own a Terrabon, and this slot cannot be sold/traded, only gifted.



What if I want to resell/trade/gift my MYO? You can, depending on how you obtained it.

Obtained through $USD sale

Gift: OK ✅
Trade: OK ✅
Resell: OK ✅ (original price + value of art)

Obtained through Gold (Shop Purchase)

Gift: OK ✅
Trade: OK ✅
Resell: NO ❌

Obtained through Discord Levelling

Gift: OK ✅
Trade: NO ❌
Resell: NO ❌



So you got a Terrabon MYO slot and you want to design it! Fun! Where do we start? Everyone has their own way of designing an MYO, but here are some steps to help out.

First thing you want to do is check the traitsheet for all the possible traits. We're a casual and small species, so things aren't too confusing (we hope!!) If you're troubled by anything, pop on our Discord and ask away! There's no such thing as silly questions ^__^ )b
You can check the masterlist for a list of all the currently existing Terrabons and their respective plants.


Clothing Style


designs by ch1sh10, Sym and beansprouts

The Isles have a mix of oriental and western fantasy culture, and their clothing should have hints of that! It's not a rule per se, but MYO Terrabons with extremely modern/futuristic designs probably won't be approved. Try to work some hints into the design, a mix is OK! Something else that isn't really a rule, but more of a fun tidbit with lore- bons have pretty heavy shells, and sometimes magic isn't enough to keep their shells on so most of them wear a sash around the shell to keep things tidy.



At the moment, MYO approvals are done through the discord server. However, if you'd rather not have to join our server, you can DM beansprouts on with a coloured image (it doesn't have to be polished as long as all traits are easily visible) with a simple list of the traits you've chosen.


This is the channel for MYO checks in the server!



You can, of course, own a Terrabon and not participate in any events or the ARPG. It's completely up to you :> You can also participate in events without following the ARPG aspect and vice versa, it's up to you. However, if you DO want to participate, we heavily encourage you join our discord server! In order to start earning gold, you also need a tracker- for more information on this, please see "gold tracker" in the sidebar.