• Ero

• the Ero

The ero are a dark skinned people, with golden lines on their foreheads, and golden eyes. They normally have black wiry hair, that they cover with clothing and hoods, and feet with a thick layer of skin that feel more like leather. 

Ero eyes glow gold in the dark

Ero don’t need to drink a lot of water, and a glass a week will keep them going. 

Ero have an extra eyelid over their eyes, that’s used to protect them from the bright sun and heat. (Similar to a lizards)

Ero are born with an innate attraction to fire, and all are able to command it with varying degrees of success.  The ero that are able to control large amounts are highly respected, and often leave to join the military. (For simplicities sake, the ero military is similar To full metal alchemist’ system)

The ero have made their homes in clay domes, that generally go deep underground. They live in small towns scattered around a major capital, and merchants are always traveling back and forth. 

Ero are ruled by a king and queen, and it is common for both the king and queen to have more than one lover. It’s a sign of prestige. Noblemen and high horns are common, and while slaves are less so, it isn’t un heard of. Some families have been declared slaver families, meaning that as long as the family exists, they are bound to servitude to a noble/royal family. The only way to get out of this is to marry out of the family. 

Ero live in small families of 2-3, and girls are rare. They just aren’t born as often as boys, and no ones really sure why. Because of this, girls are treasured, and same sex relationships are common. 

Ero are commonly very secretive and bad tempered, and more than a little stuck up. They consider the more Brutish races like the Ammar or the Flur beneath them.

It’s not common for the Ero to travel out of their warm homelands, but they occasionally do. The ones who do so are considered weird and silly, but generally there’s nothing wrong with it. (An ero who does this might get made fun of or whispered about)

Ero are normally merchants, or they might train with a mentor to learn a craft like basket making and pottery. Some of the less common jobs that are highly appreciate or respected though are snake charming, traveling shows, military, and fire dancing. (Entertainers are rare and uncommon, and if one comes to a town everyone goes. Even the slaves.)
