
MetalClan's territory is quite strange for clan cats, combining both the familiar natural green of the forest with the unknown that usually lies only where clans would never think to settle. The place was once used by Twolegs, as a dumping ground for their "monsters". Creatures that normally sped along dark, foul paths were left here, where they stood motionless forever. Perhaps this was where the Twolegs buried the monsters, just as clan cats would bury their dead. Surely they would have to go somewhere when they die!

But the forest near the grave crept closer and closer as years passed, until it engulfed everything that was left to rest there. Left untouched and left to the forest, the Twolegs had abandoned this burial ground, maybe for one a little less crowded.

Most cats would stay away from this place, for fear that the monsters would stir again. But the ones that lived here used these creatures --- now overgrown with thick grasses, weeds, and vines --- as their homes. The monsters couldn't possibly rise again, not with their insides hollowed out!

Now that the dumping ground has been overtaken by the forest, some particularly crafty and clever cats made their home in the hollow husks that intimidated most would-be attackers.

Other clans have given this dumping ground their own name --- "Monsternest".

A landmark referred to by the clan as the Hollowdens takes up much of the clan's camp space, and serves as the camp's lodging for warriors, apprentices, elders, queens, and kits. Many monsters lined up in rows, bits and pieces chipped and pulled off from overgrowth finding its way into cracks. The plants hadn't just peeled pieces off of the monsters, but had also buried almost half of their bodies. The bushes and weeds that found their way near the monsters made excellent and convenient bedding, and could be used to fill up all the imperfections and holes in the floor of the makeshift dens.

On one end of the Hollowdens, was a monster that hadn't entirely sunk into the dirt and brush quite yet, but was covered in moss. Green lichen covered its entire exterior, making it look almost as if it were always supposed to be there, as if it were really part of the forest. The clan leader resides in this den. A tangle of trees, brush, and branches at the sides of the monster's body made it simple to climb up onto the monster's back and call for a clan meeting.