Aureapolis - The Golden City

Aureapolis was built around a lake in the middle of Platun. It was once sacred and revered as a place of worship to Life. The mountainwaters brought with it gold with strong magical properties and they pooled in the lake. People swore that it helped them heal and become more pure.

Over years as the city grew the inhabitants started to harvest the lake. The riches gained allowed the city to grow enough to outgrow the other big city at the time, perack city. The city was named Aureapolis after the golden lake and in honor of Life. 

Just as how the old lake had been covered by city, the city itself was built upon layer by layer with previous layers becoming decolate.

Today the city is about the size of france. Most people live in the new middle layer of the city. the top layer is for corporations and shopping. soaring high above in spires lives the elite class. Below the city where the lake once stood is a largely abandoned place called the underground. It is there many pets have taken refuge