Welcome to the world of InFURno!

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(click any of the terms for links to the more in-depth lore pages, or explore the pages on the left side of this screen)

"DIVINI" ~ An immortal being that lives in the Celestial plane and serves either Heaven ("Angels") or Hell ("Demons").

"THE ORIGIN" ~ The 'god' of this world, who creates all new angels and mortals. Many mortals (and all angels) worship Them.


"DIVINE ENERGY" ~ The life force that sustains all Divini. It can come from Heaven (called "holy energy") or Hell (called "infernal energy"), OR it can be converted from the raw "neutral energy" created by mortal souls.

"NEUTRAL ENERGY" ~ The greatest resource in the celestial plane- produced only by mortal souls in the mortal plane.

"SOUL" vs "SPIRIT" ~ A "soul" is the ball of pure energy at the core of all beings. A "spirit" is what makes them unique: their memory, identity, personality, etc. When Mortals die, the soul and spirit are inseparable and indestructible. When Divini die, their spirits are erased, and their souls are recycled. (See the "Immortal Bodies; Mortal Spirits" section of this page for more info.)



"THE MORTAL PLANE" vs. "THE CELESTIAL PLANE" ~ Two separate dimensions connected by Purgatory and the portals created by divine beings. The Mortal Plane includes the Earth and the known universe, while the Celestial Plane includes Heaven, Hell, and most of Purgatory.

"PURGATORY" ~ The chaotic, empty grey void plane that exists mostly in the Celestial Plane but creeps into the Mortal realm in liminal spaces. A realm that connects all others, but contains no beings of its own. Like on Earth, Divine energy fizzles out to nothing here, so Divini can't survive here for long. Mortal souls can survive here on their neutral energy, and wander here until they're sorted into either Heaven or Hell.


"THE RIVER STYX" ~ A 'river' of souls and energy that collects from Purgatory and flows downwards into Hell, where souls of Divini in it are recycled.

***Note: The inspiration for a lot of the worldbuilding comes most directly from Dante’s Divine Comedy, but is still modified into its own fictional world, so none of these creations are meant to be direct representations of existing theological concepts. Basically, the framework of this world is probably familiar to you, but you can’t expect that all the details will line up in the same way.***

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