db4caij-3b946005-777e-4574-8def-02ec6f8e WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL DESSERTBUN TH CHARACTER HUB db4jhov-bd58ed9a-6ad6-45e4-a5f6-f4bf26e1


Dessertbuns are anthropomorphic rabbit-like creatures based on sweets and desserts! This world is dedicated to the species and all Dessertbun characters, official or MYOs, are welcome to be submitted!

Please note this world only accepts characters that are a part of the species, and not all food-based bunny OCs. You are not allowed to create a Dessertbun without permission from the species admins.

dcyfsjh-266e5e3e-62c0-4120-a344-ee69eb20Dessertbuns are a closed species created by Mwah/Stickerpen. TH World is run by Zerafr, cottonclown, pazootsy, & Pluto-jpg.dcyfsjh-266e5e3e-62c0-4120-a344-ee69eb20