Dark Nation

Dark Nation is the term used for Ivy's story, but it's also the name of the group she was a part of in the Original World.
This group was a Pokémon roleplay group; all our avatars were based off Pokémon. As such, these will be Pokémon inspired designs, but I have tried my best to make them original.

In summary, Dark Nation is the story of Ivy making her place in the group in the Original World, but when they go back to the Rewritten World after the Shutdown, her memories are mostly lost due to a botched rewrite.

The bulk of Ivy's story is her trying to find out her past, who she was, what's happened to her group, and who she can become now in a world where she doesn't know who she is.

Eventually, when she realizes that she's lost her memories, she starts looking for Dark Nation to find out her past, find out herself...
And that leads her to some very, very interesting events and people.
These are those people, both old and new.


But first, a brief overview of the three groups that are going to be mentioned in these characters' bios!

Dark Nation: The original group from the Original World. Formerly led by Cobalt, led by Dark until the Shutdown, where it was forcefully disbanded.

Infinity Nation: Another group that was formed in the Rewritten World. Led by Arc.

New Dark Nation: The second version of Dark Nation formed after the Shutdown in the Rewritten World. Led by Dark.