Arctic Trenches

Arctic trenches

“Littered across the surface of the frigid Ocean water in this freezing  area are gigantic sheets of ice, thick enough to easily support a  thousand Phish-Keepers or more. Diving below these white behemoths  reveals large, deep creeks plunging below where the light can travel  successfully, where the weirdest and wackiest of creatures live."

Choosing this Homeland for your Phish-Keeper will grant these special perks:

  • TBD

Phish-Keeper phish-keeper closed species phishkeeper phishkeeperspecies phish-keepers Artfight 2024 CS phishkeepers PhishKeeper P-K Closed Species cs p-k Phishkeeper pk Phish Keeper Phish-Keepers Gacha Phish Keeper Species Phish-keeper phish Closedspechies Phishkeeperspechies Phishkeepers aquatic phish keeper fish PK water fantasy PhishKeeperSpecies Closed species Phish-keepers keeper ARPG Cs Poison Dart Frog FlNCH-FACE PhishKeepers Frog Phish Keepers active Phish feral Adopt ocean Icon DONE C-S Adoptable black Forever homed shark adopt Fish Shark Feral closedspecies Closed Aquatic spotted adoptable NFT FOREVER HOMED yellow Pk Pokemon themed Phish keeper spechies Fave MYO Need to Develop striped Tuoko Pygmy Paintball Fish Phish-Keeper Species Forever Homed 1 Reference Need Images creature original species scars NO white Screaming Prompts dragon P-k Male orange nudibranch female Tigershark seal npc P-K exclusive animal Bta FINCH-FACE Design favorite Tan grey f2u phish-keeper npc Chimaera Fantail Guppy Betta myo Butterfly Goldfish closed species adopt Dragon Phish keepers sea Raffle tan phish keepers sea slug hybrid Custom Eel Ota Sunset Mantaray Pokemon inspired Shusui Koi Karp Six Line Wrasse Tiger Barb Prehistoric saltwater crocodile Story Glaucus atlanticus Reef Triggerfish Nautilus Undead Scorpion Fish Snickers cat feline axolotl Axolotl P-K world specific Axolotl Morph German Blue Ram Christmas Special ArtValue Tracker ClosedSpecies Mandarinfish German Electric Blue Ram Cichlid PhishKeeperspecies Dusty Batfish - Juvenile Piranha Asian Arowana pilot whale 2021 clown loach poison frog Honeycomb Eel Northern Elephant Seal White-shelled Mantis Shrimp Reginald Inspired by CheepCheep code phish-keepers code crab rave stripes FOREVERHOMED Convict Tang Teal Keeper Foreverhomed UFO TikTik Ocellate river stingray horror Horned Beetlegeuse winter candy cane zebra not for trade male emperor Bi-Coloured Angelfish Goblin Shark Clovertailed Betta fish Green 40 Discord Server Raffle Spotted Dragonet Tiger shark puffin tusk Alien themed EO Dno Alpinenewt red paleo CLosedspechies weddell Bird Trout Long Nose Horned Frog Bumblebee Goby Dumbo Octapus Zebra Spinosaurus Squid Mantellafrog Phishkeeperspecies Alligator purple queen anthias So I herd u liek mudkipz horsea No TradeSale Californiasealion Giant Isopod Smalltooth Sawfish Koi indian bullfrog Bought for 250 DB Open Christmas 2023 Design Goldfish Phishkeepersspechies Christmas Adopt Vaporeon p-ks misc species Dunkleosteous Mink Frog Shop Keeper P-K NPC Epaulette shark lion monster shapeshifter Butterfly Peacock Bass Spotted Moray Eel Christmas special Clown Triggerfish doodlebug Amazon milk frog Anchor Dusky Dolphin Boesemani Rainbow Fish Silver Arowan Moon Wrasse coelecanth lapras Mahi Mahi Long-finned Pilot Whale Sea Sheep april fools dart frog blue gold black white Snowflake Moray whale shark Marcellous Tuoko Sky Stripe Moray Eel hammerhead shark Goblin Pteraeolidia ianthina Fairy Penguin batman Dreamie bullfrog Jingle Ph Shanook Manatee gothic Halloween Horns Christmas Themed candy holidays zebra moray myo event 2021 3 Tentacles African-Penguin emperor penguin Narwhale Pink Pygmy Sea Horse close species gator Pinta Frog Duck MY LOVE pumpkin frog Ants brown Chromis Viridis Brown turtle Salamander Plesiosaurus temnodontosaurus Phish-keeperspechies Antarctic Albatross Goldentrout Clown Coris PhishKeeper Species Rainbow Tetra pleco Oscar Purplebacksquid Pleco coral reef lobster Albinojuvenilealligator anthias trilobite Wishi Washi psyduck CS Phish-Keeper Kelpie Politoad Hi Utsuri Koi Cookie Themed Cygnet Keepers White Koi Shovel hammer head shark Black moor goldfish Tocantins Eartheater Scribbled Boxfish P-K Species all hail lord helix Main personal Art Fight crocodile pink seaslug NPC Astrological tigershark tiger adult Red Emperor Snapper Great Frilled Axolotl Phish keeper Pagedoll Water Riptide mandarin dragonet Amazon Pink River Dolphin megalocoelecanth unicornfish Fantasy freshwater frog-fish green Ocean california sheephead nft auction Neon Dottyback forever homed species code Moray Eel morph crab Charity Auction Closespecies Blue Dragon Nudibranch Lore batfish viper dogfish american bullfrog oscar Stingray AmazonianManatee black and white red eyes stripped Reindeer Kelpie eel Moray zebra moray eel Phishkeepr whale penguin Emperor-Penguin Clover soy koi caiman Water Fowl companion w.i.p. Angel shark Narwhal phiskeepers Pufferfish Wiglett Firesalamander Reptile Ichthyosaur Seal Weddell seal Phishkeepershpechies Gacha Design Raccoon ButterflyFish Yellowhead Jawfish Zebra Pleco Redtigeroscar Boxfish Lepardfrogpleco Octopus Flamboyant Cuttlefish Clown Killifish seapony Pokemon Companion CS Phish-Keeper Primarina Carvanha Betta Fish Green Swordtail Guest Artist Adopt Junevile Harlequin Sweetlips lines Alaska Blackfish Platinum Koi Lemon Shark water snake Geophagus altifrons redseatoad Arctic variant Vaporeon Milotic Species Mascot Mantis Shrimp A The Open Ocean Leopard Seal Phish-Keeper NPC Scorpio anthro werecat In-Development Inspired by Taiyaki Peacock Cichlid Siamese Fighting Fish Tuoko Reef yellow tang Zebra Shark Sea mandarinfish Valentines special Juvenile Emperor Angelfish Kroyers deep sea angler fish ringed seal Whitemargin Unicornfish beluga loach artfight 2021 leopard seal Mutated Elephant Seal tuna Tuoko Pygmy Frilled Paintball Fish pk code otter meme Hawksbill Turtle Goblinshark Artfight 2022 Halloween Special butterfly FH Panda Shrimp Closedspecies UFT Female Sponge Bone Shark Beetle Juice Beetlejuice species holiday christmas platypus Redeyedtreefrog TrueGrouper Sperm whale beak Rockhopper-Penguin slug St. Patricks Day phish-keepers adopt candyoc Rummy Nosed Tetra MandarinFish Closedspeshies bird horn aqautic nonbinary Chow chow Newt animal Striped Lovedisc saltwater Antartica Fringedleaffrog Javan Tree Frog Picasso Triggerfish TwinSpot Goby Triops Pishkeeper Ornateboxfish Lobster Caribionreefoctopus gacha mudkip poliwag Is Baby sealion Pea Puffer Halfmoon Betta DTA magicarp Dumbo Dalmatian Veiltail Betta Chimaera Fish Swan Rosetail Betta GhostFish Hammerhead April Fools Adopt phisk-keeper Mothersday Seatoad omanyte