Nyala's Village

About the Village

Nyala's village is composed of a small group of mages living among a humble community of seemingly small huts. Designed to appear very ordinary and unimportant, the village contains several very powerful mages who use the peaceful setting as a cover for who they really are in order to hide from enemies. Nyala built this home to shelter herself as well as several mages she has raised over the years. Although the appearance is quaint, there is an additional layer of protection. When feeling threatened, a barrier goes up that makes the village disappear into the landscape. Otherwise, it is easily accessible and many other local villages come to it for help from the healers within its barriers.

Within the walls of this village live a variety of shapeshifters and mages who all share one common trait: they shift into African Wild Dogs. While some started that way, many were different shifters who later changed their identities to form a more unified community.

While this village is used as a place of respite for hiding, many of the mages here enjoy traveling and often times the village is left behind a very solid barrier. Everything about this village is an illusion, from how basic the mages appear, to the reality of the buildings' sizes. Located within the huts are very large and luxurious living spaces, most of which are filled with artifacts from thousands of years of travel by the residents. This is a very peaceful place to visit and live in, and while there are not many residents, it is a welcoming place that continues to grow.


The Setting


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus erat, vestibulum pretium justo at, aliquet sodales leo. Sed pharetra justo et nisi eleifend, quis tincidunt urna blandit. Etiam quis mi sagittis nunc luctus rutrum quis quis urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In lacus ligula, commodo et nisl sed, suscipit iaculis nisl. Suspendisse non felis sed nunc faucibus interdum et sit amet massa. Suspendisse dapibus rutrum sem ac lacinia. Nam commodo augue libero, ac consequat nunc tincidunt non.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus erat, vestibulum pretium justo at, aliquet sodales leo. Sed pharetra justo et nisi eleifend, quis tincidunt urna blandit. Etiam quis mi sagittis nunc

Vito's Bakery

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus erat, vestibulum pretium justo at, aliquet sodales leo. Sed pharetra justo et nisi eleifend, quis tincidunt urna blandit. Etiam quis mi sagittis nunc luctus rutrum quis quis urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In lacus ligula, commodo et nisl sed, suscipit iaculis nisl. Suspendisse non felis sed nunc faucibus interdum et sit amet massa. Suspendisse dapibus rutrum sem ac lacinia. Nam commodo augue libero, ac consequat nunc tincidunt non.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus erat, vestibulum pretium justo at, aliquet sodales leo. Sed pharetra justo et nisi eleifend, quis tincidunt urna blandit. Etiam quis mi sagittis nunc

The Story


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus erat, vestibulum pretium justo at, aliquet sodales leo. Sed pharetra justo et nisi eleifend, quis tincidunt urna blandit. Etiam quis mi sagittis nunc luctus rutrum quis quis urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In lacus ligula, commodo et nisl sed, suscipit iaculis nisl. Suspendisse non felis sed nunc faucibus interdum et sit amet massa. Suspendisse dapibus rutrum sem ac lacinia. Nam commodo augue libero, ac consequat nunc tincidunt non.

Etiam lacinia a ex et tempor. Nullam ac vehicula est. Ut et quam augue. Pellentesque sit amet egestas nisl, sed fringilla ante. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur et pellentesque felis. Vivamus accumsan ipsum eu enim finibus, nec convallis turpis tempor. Donec pulvinar sed orci non dapibus. Curabitur odio sem, ullamcorper in facilisis sollicitudin, condimentum non leo. Sed nisl sapien, egestas et ipsum eu, semper aliquam diam. Integer vel neque magna. Vestibulum mauris tortor, sodales pharetra libero quis, porta vulputate tellus. Pellentesque dictum orci eros, eget ornare dolor viverra ut.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tellus erat, vestibulum pretium justo at, aliquet sodales leo. Sed pharetra justo et nisi eleifend, quis tincidunt urna blandit. Etiam quis mi sagittis nunc luctus rutrum quis quis urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; In lacus ligula, commodo et nisl sed, suscipit iaculis nisl. Suspendisse non felis sed nunc faucibus interdum et sit amet massa. Suspendisse dapibus rutrum sem ac lacinia. Nam commodo augue libero, ac consequat nunc tincidunt non.

Etiam lacinia a ex et tempor. Nullam ac vehicula est. Ut et quam augue. Pellentesque sit amet egestas nisl, sed fringilla ante. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur et pellentesque felis. Vivamus accumsan ipsum eu enim finibus, nec convallis turpis tempor. Donec pulvinar sed orci non dapibus. Curabitur odio sem, ullamcorper in facilisis sollicitudin, condimentum non leo. Sed nisl sapien, egestas et ipsum eu, semper aliquam diam. Integer vel neque magna. Vestibulum mauris tortor, sodales pharetra libero quis, porta vulputate tellus. Pellentesque dictum orci eros, eget ornare dolor viverra ut.




The Event occurs due to an unknown supernatural cause. Everyone goes through a life-altering experience with no clear memory of The Event. Some kids went missing, but were later found.


The Event occurs due to an unknown supernatural cause. Everyone goes through a life-altering experience with no clear memory of The Event. Some kids went missing, but were later found.




The Event occurs due to an unknown supernatural cause. Everyone goes through a life-altering experience with no clear memory of The Event. Some kids went missing, but were later found.


The Event occurs due to an unknown supernatural cause. Everyone goes through a life-altering experience with no clear memory of The Event. Some kids went missing, but were later found.


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