
Demen is the home of the biggest academy, Yasreth, where most middle-to-upper class youth go to develop their gem abilities. There are smaller versions of this academy in each region, but the unique geography of Demen lends itself particularly to gem magic. In order to reach it, young Archanes have to pass the Crystalized Forest, filled with massive crystals and minerals.
Legend says that many of these deposits stemmed from ancient Archanes and is actually a very mature Memorial Grove. Demen is a quiet, peaceful place full beautiful old forests to aid in reflection and self-study. The biggest body of water is also in Demen, the Enchanted Lake, where many crystal stones can be found for raw materials.
Legend says that if one sits in the middle of the lake at daybreak or sunset, the spirits of ancestral Archanes drift over the water. Many of the leading philosophers, scholars and other academic forerunners live in Demen.