

Clan Status

Prey - Average amount!

Herbs - Sufficient.

Sickness - None!

Predators - A bit more then normal, watch out.

StarClan - Neutral Thoughts

Clan Tensions

ThunderClan - Indifferent

WindClan - Indifferent

ShadowClan - Neutral

SkyClan - Hostile

Kittypets - Neutral

Loners/Rogues - Hostile

"Traps are like temperamental can use them to your advantage, but you must always be wary of them, for they have a bite that can be damaging to you..." - Sharptooth, the first Trap Master

The dense forest of ShadowClan is home to many creatures besides the clan, including foxes and wolverines. Because the clan also lives so very close to a Twolegplace, there are traps and snares all over the place. As they live in a dense forest- the traps are a danger to the clan.

And such, the Trap Master was born.

Born from a concerned medicine cat, the clan managed to turn the traps to their advantage, using the ones they can for protection and hunting, and marking the ones they can't so warriors know to avoid the traps.

A former kittypet was the first Trap Master, as he had intimate knowledge of the traps as their former Twoleg was a hunter in his own right. Soon, the Trap Master passed his knowledge down to his apprentice, and theirs to their apprentice, and so on until ShadowClan has been managing traps for generations.


Oak And Ash And Thorn

"Oh, do not tell the priest our plight - For he would call it a sin"



Cras enim ex, suscipit in quam at, semper pulvinar sem. Sed consectetur ultrices neque, ut tempor lectus efficitur molestie.


Vivamus a gravida metus, ut tincidunt mi. Nullam sagittis nibh eros, viverra sagittis justo dictum eu.


Cras sed urna vel urna dictum lacinia a vel mauris. Quisque aliquet malesuada orci, sed consequat orci tempus eu.


Donec mattis odio in urna commodo, quis interdum lorem congue.




The Crystal Pool

A hidden treasure within ShadowClan territory- a small clearing with a pond in it. Whenever the sun is directly over the pond, it glitters like crystals.

It is a popular place for loved ones and mates to come here and visit- and even a popular place to confess. But it is also a popular place to sun and hang out, as the rocks on the northern edge of the pond were always warm after the sun hits them just right.

Code by AviCode