Group Conduct Rules

Welcome to Seasideclans! Joining is open, and has never not been open. Please ensure that you read and agree with our rules as outlined here and on our Character Creation page! In order to join, you must:
  • Submit an approved Character Reference Sheet to the admin Alopiidae via Toyhouse, Discord, or Deviantart. If you need a Toyhouse code, let us know. We have a guy.
  • Be of the age 18 or older. If you were archived since we turned into an 18+ group, let us know.
  • Provide contact information to the admins, including a name and pronouns to refer to you with. Activity Checks take place annually, so it is important that we can contact you. An Activity Check solely consists of confirming with the Admin that you are still interested in the group. Anyone who fails an activity check has their information stored in the Archive so that they may return to it later should they wish. Do note that being archived relinquishes your right to NPC names, and the story will move on in your absence.
  • Agree to be kind to your groupmates, follow the rules, and keep your user pages, icons, and usernames clear of particularly offensive content (feel free to ask what that entails! Note that the roleplay is a social group, and members must be able to get along).
  • Understand that the group allows for a wide variety of topics; if you require a more curated space, please look elsewhere.
  • Understand the group roleplays primarily in English, and on Discord.
  • Not have been banned from any of our sister groups; NewfoundClans, Clans of the Zenith, or Wayward Warriors.
What is the group? Warriors is a book series by several authors under the pseudonym Erin Hunter, which features feral cats living in hierarchical societies and following a Code. There are light supernatural and fantasy elements. In this Warriors Roleplay group, people control their own characters in an original setting with additional and altered lore, following the structures described in the books. Reading the books is not a requirement to joining, we can give you a rundown on what you need to know.
Seasideclans was founded in 2015 on Deviantart. The roleplay's story thus far is available to read in the Lore and World pages folder.

The rules of the group are subject to change as required. Consultation with the group will typically be involved. We are always open to feedback as well.
Who are the Admins?
  • Shark (Alopiidae) is the primary admin and has full control over the group. When in doubt about who to contact, go to this one.
  • Hermes (Snoodle/Snakesnsnoodles) and Nerd (Lizardnerd757) are the in-character authorities in their respective clans, and are knowledgeable senior members. Avery (orphic/BR41NDE4D) is another senior member. They can answer most questions or direct you to the correct person, and can administer warnings and potentially bans in extreme circumstances.
  • Please be nice to the other roleplayers. Avoid personal attacks, and communicate grievances respectfully. If you would like something brought to the attention of another roleplayer but do not want to speak to them directly, see the Reporting Behaviour section at the end of this page.
  • Transphobia, homophobia, sexism, racism, xenophobia, attacking religious people, body-shaming, ableism, etc will not be tolerated between people, within the group or out. Characters may hold these views. See Roleplay Rules below.
  • Please inform the admins of any triggering topics so that we can make a plan to spoiler, warn, or have relevant roleplays put in a channel you can mute!
  • Admins are expected to treat members fairly.
  • Please do your best to write clearly. Take your time with spelling and punctuation so that others may understand you. If someone struggles with writing or the English language, please be kind and politely ask for clarification if needed.
  • Please accommodate your roleplay partner's needs. They may ask you to adjust your writing to help them understand or translate.
  • Only submit group-related art and characters to the Deviantart Gallery and Toyhouse Characters.
  • Do not steal character designs or art. Credit all bases and linearts used.
  • If you see a mistake on the pages or lists, kindly let us know!
  • You may be asked to not disclose personal information, or keep it to certain channels.
  • Always practice web safety.
  • Ask Alopiidae for a link to the Discord. It is alright to share the link with your friends. Please introduce yourself when entering.
  • You may join the Discord before/without becoming a member to chat with members or observe and see if the group is a good fit.
  • Please announce when you are leaving the server or group so that we know what to do with your characters. You may do so in Alopiidae's DMs if preferred.
  • A guide to the channels is in #rules-and-directory. Please only use channels for their intended purpose.
  • There are hidden categories for suggestive content and particularly disturbing content. These categories are opt-in and will not be visible unless requested.
  • It is polite to ask before joining a roleplay.
  • Please announce when the roleplay is finished so that others know the channel is open.
  • Please do not spam, and use @ everyone sparingly.
  • You may only promote your own or a friend's commissions/work.
  • Admins and Leaders can make official #announcements. These must be relevant to many characters.
  • You may be asked to leave the voice chat or turn off your mic if there is too much noise coming from your end. You also may want to announce you want to voice chat, as it is unlikely anyone will notice you there.
  • All prophecies must receive admin approval, and must follow whatever specific rules are set for them.
  • Seasideclans is set on a fictionalized island in the Atlantic Ocean. A number of zoo animals escaped, so do not worry too much on what species are there. See Herbs and Wildlife for more information on confirmed species presence.
  • Do not cause disasters that will have a permanent or long-term effect on the territories depicted in the maps without permission.
  • If you add an NPC or wild animal to the roleplay, either you control it (somewhat realistically), or ask an admin to take over.
  • Actions must be physically possible (with the exception of StarClan and magic-related things). The limits can be slightly pushed with particularly high stats.
  • Character Stat Levels are enforceable, but can be overruled if all roleplayers involve agree. See the Stat Tracker for more information.
  • Dice rolls may be required or permitted under certain circumstances. You may use them in competition/combat with consenting other roleplayers. Default to the stats.
  • Time moves irregularly, but should be abided by. Ask the admins if you would like to know how much time has passed between events.
  • You may not control, even slightly, another person's character without permission, even if they leave the group. If a character must be controlled, Admins may do so.
  • You may not permanently alter someone else's character's appearance or kill them without permission.
  • A clan leader may administer unavoidable punishments when appropriate. See Warrior Code and Rules. Likewise, admins have the right to determine whether or not a character goes to StarClan or the Place of No Stars on death.
  • A clan leader's roleplayer may reject a join request, warrior name, or story element if their character would not have done so.
  • Both roleplayers must agree to have their characters be mates or become pregnant.
  • A pregnant character may not be killed off if a kit belongs to someone else.
  • No topics are necessarily off-limits, however, we ask that sensitive topics are treated respectfully, and roleplayed in the appropriate 18+ category. Include content warnings in character history where appropriate.
  • That being said, do note that we are not an E-RP group. Please do not get too explicit.
  • Cats can not talk to non-cat characters without an approved second language. The big cats and most dogs speak Cat Language.
  • There is no required tone; roleplays can be silly or serious! Please try to respect the tastes of others, and communicate if you are looking for something specific in a roleplay.
  • If your roleplay partner wishes to stop roleplaying, then the roleplay is over. In special cases where a roleplay is important to the plot, the roleplay can be replaced by narration.
  • There is no maximum number of characters that you are allowed to control at a time.
  • There is no minimum word count to replies, but do note that other players may get bored and end the roleplay if you are not engaging with them.
We encourage you to communicate with us and let us know when you need help, or changes on the lists. You can contact Alopiidae in the chatroom, over any site, or in DMs, whatever you feel most comfortable with. You may report these OOC and IC behaviours. Do bear in mind that reporting someone may not necessarily get them in trouble or banned. We will look into the incident. We encourage members to be up-front with each other when possible. We are willing to help facilitate these discussions.
  • Harassment or bullying of any kind.
  • Anything that makes you uncomfortable.
  • If you feel a decision made by a clan leader is unfair, you may ask for the other admins to weigh in.
  • Rule-breaking.
Please report the following if needed. This is to prevent us from attempting to contact you when you no longer wish to be contacted.
  • Hiatuses.
  • Departures from the group or Discord.
  • Changes in contact information (ie new Discord or Toyhouse account).
  • Changes in preferred name or pronouns.
Please report the following in-character changes! This is to ensure our information is up-to date and to help you keep track of it.
  • Changes in stats.
  • Addition of named NPCs.
  • Changes in backstory.
  • Pregnancy (all relevant characters must confirm).
  • Mateships (all relevant characters must confirm).
  • Deserting the clan, or wishing to join one.
  • Death.
  • Any story element that happened in private that you would like included on the Roleplay Summary.