
Agriculture: (Business name unknown) Medicinal, recreational, and otherwise useful herbs are grown and harvested by employees.
Bonnet: (Business name unknown) A dive bar ran by the Bonnet brothers. Don't go there.
Boucheron: (Business name unknown) Both a retailer and security run under this name. A jeweller under the previous owner.
Christianity: There is a known practising Christian community based primarily in the city.
City: The majority of non-clanners live in the City. There is an elected mayor, and tax collection for funding infrastructure maintenance.
Clans: Warrior Clans in which the members follow the Warrior code. Within a clan, there are;
  - Apprentices: Cats who are still learning to fill their role as a Warrior or Medicine Cat.
  - Deputies: Each Clan has a Deputy to succeed the leader. The Deputy also organizes much of the daily activities.
  - Elders: Retired cats who provide council and tend to the dead.
  - Kits: Young kittens who have yet to begin training. Training begins at six moons of age.
  - Medicine Cats: The healers and spiritual leaders of the Clans. Typically, a Clan has one Medicine Cat, who may have an Apprentice.
  - Leaders: Each Clan has a Leader who makes all of the major decisions. Most Leaders are given nine lives at the start of their Leadership.
  - Queens, Kings, Den Parents: A cat who is tending to young in the clan's nursery. Traditionally, a nursing cat looks after their own litter, but sometimes a cat will stay in this role permanently.
  - Warriors: The main body of a Clan consists of Warriors, who are trained to hunt and fight for the Clan.
Couriers Guild: A postal service that delivers and retrieves items and messages, for a price. The Couriers are a cult organization, in which individuals do not have names.
Discotheque: A dance hall that serves drinks. Popular in the queer community.
Hospital: There is a for-profit hospital with fantastic service.
HillClan: A dissolved Warrior Clan that was in Nova Scotia. HillClan had a nasty reputation.
Hunters Guild: The Hunter's Guild has the hunting rights to the forests surrounding the City. Poachers are punished when caught.
Judaism: There is a known practising Jewish community in the city.
Kittypet: Traditionally refers to a cat belonging to a human, but has come to mean a cat that behaves like a human.
LeopardClan: A once-thought to be legendary Clan comprised of leopards. They are known to be pacifistic.
LionClan: A once-thought to be legendary Clan comprised of lions. They are at war with TigerClan, constantly.
Loners: Individuals who are not affiliated with or hostile towards a Warrior Clan. Most 'loners' do not identify with the term.
Magenta's Clinic: A charity hospital with a dedicated staff. It runs on donations, and does not always have all the material it needs.
MoonMirror: The place of worship for the small cat clans. The mirror is a pool in a cave, which will bring you to visit StarClan if touched.
MoonTemple: The place of worship for the big cat clans. The temple is a gazebo fitted with a zip-line. If you touch the floor paint illuminated by the moon, it will bring you to StarClan.
Nova Scotia: A Canadian province from which Warriors of unfamiliar clans came. The climate is considerably different, and the cats there do not know Scratch.
Nihility: A mysterious afterlife beyond StarClan and the Place of No Stars.
Ó Fiaich Fish Farm: An aquaculture operation which employs many. It largely replaced the more costly sea fishery. The family that owns it is incredibly wealthy.
OceanClan: A warrior Clan on the south coast. It is known for an aggressive stance on kittypet behaviour and humans. They like to think themselves pretty tough (mostly just rude), and if you see one from across the water, you might get cursed at. While problematic, they have little actual interest in the other clans.
Place of No Stars: An afterlife for those who believe in StarClan, but have done wrong in life. This place is also often referred to as the Dark Forest.
PoolClan: A dissolved Warrior Clan that was in Nova Scotia. PoolClan was known for its traditional ways and misfortune.
RainClan: A Warrior Clan that resides in the ravine. Filled to the brim with mystery and danger, and a lot of rain. They act somewhat superior, and give off a mysterious aura. They have been a problem since a recent change in leadership.
Roger: (Business name unknown) A shady business that aquires collector's items for trade.
Rogues: Those not associated with a Warrior Clan, but is aggressive towards the Clans.
Scratch: The written language of the cats. No one seems to know where it originated.
SplashClan: A semi-dissoved Warrior Clan that lived in a resort hotel. After getting taken over by RainClan and OceanClan, the cats have split between following their oppressors or joining WaveClan. This clan had things the easiest, running by the pool was the scariest hazard they have to face- though some prove their daring out in the forest and by the mountainside.
StarClan: The afterlife as described by the Warrior Clans, where good cats go upon death.
Stylist: (Business names unknown) There are at least two stylists in the city.
SurfClan: A dissolved Warrior Clan that was in Nova Scotia. SurfClan's determination and bonds remain strong despite it all.
Tickers: A group often viewed as a gang. They are known to donate to Magenta's Clinic.
TigerClan: A once-thought to be legendary Clan comprised of tigers. They are at war with LionClan, constantly.
WaveClan: A Warrior Clan residing on the south shore. WaveClan was not very thought through, but stubbornly enough planted themselves in a forest by a rough and sandy beach- terrible during storms. It is tradition to yell motivational speeches during these storms.
WeedClan: A dissolved Warrior Clan that was in Nova Scotia. WeedClan was diplomatic and wise, and strove towards perfection in fighting techniques and medicine.
Wyndham Power: Not much is known about the wealthy family which maintained the connections between the city and the solar plant. Apparently, the only member of the family that knew what their job was has been inebriated this whole time.