My Hero University

Schuyler University
My Hero Academia Fan RP Group | Year 23XX | Applications are CLOSED!

Schuyler University was built on ideas of equality, peace, and safety. Helen Schuyler founded the school on the grounds it be used to educate new heroes in a world where quirks had just started to manifest!

Her school has seen many students, many heroes, and countless friendships. Though she's gone, her pride and joy stands as a reminder that people can better themselves for the sake of others.

Your achievements are well recognized and they've caught the eyes of the faculty here. Will you be the next Alumni to call this school your home? We look forward to your visit.

Headmaster Vanhorne

My Hero University takes place in the same universe as My Hero Academia.

Enroll in Schuyler University, a prestigious college in Boston, Massachusetts to expand your knowledge and master your quirk. This school exists for heroes looking to add more experience and skill than could be achieved in just a high school setting.

Group Rating: 18+
Because of an overwhelming adult membership we will not accept minors.
The 18+ rating is not based on group content.

Schuyler Campus