
My Hero University

Applying to MHU
This group will be primarily invite only, however we do have occasional public openings (1-2 times a year)!

Please keep in mind the following:

  • This group is rated 18+ due to an overwhelming adult membership. We will not accept minors through public openings, or invites.
  • Quirk Registration is for current members to reserve potential quirks for additional characters. Reference the Member Spreadsheet to be sure you aren't applying with a taken quirk-- new applicants DO NOT claim a quirk on their first character.
    • If multiple members apply with the same quirk during a public opening they'll basically end up competing. This should encourage members to think outside of the box for quirks. After all we will be judging applications on creativity!
    • If two applicants with the same quirk have really solid characters a random selection will occur and the member randomly selected will have to change the quirk to make it different. (Members refusing to make this change will have their app declined.)
    • A quirk change won't require a complete overhaul. You can still keep the quirks similar!
  • Because there will be chances for edits once the enrollment period ends; in public openings we will not be doing app checks.
  • Members who have applications that require only a few edits will get one week to make the proper changes. If the requested changes aren’t made in this allotted time, the member’s app will be declined. This time period also included changing quirks if requested too! Members will get one week to make necessary app edits.

Private Invites
Any existing member can invite others to the group. Do not solicit strangers for invitiations.


  • Active members can only invite 1 friend every 30 days.
  • Invite cool-downs can be checked in the member list.
  • In order to invite a friend you must get mod approval.

Current member comfort/safety takes priority over friend invites. We reserve the right to deny invites based on past instances of drama or abuse.

How to join via invite

The applicant should request to join the group. In the join request, please include the name of the person inviting you as well as a link to your completed character application.

The current member should message Relevancies with “MHU: Friend Invite” in the subject line. In the body of the message please include the friend’s username.

Once checks are done/approved we will invite the friend to let them into the group, however if we require edits on the app we will delay entry to the group until edits are completed.

An invite is not a guarantee for approval. If we decline the friend that will count as a used invite and the user will need to wait 30 days before another invite can be sent. (They are free to invite the same friend again. Even if they were declined before!)

Public Openings
This group will be primarily invite only, however we do have occasional public openings (1-2 times a year)!

Public Openings

Public openings will be held periodically! Ultimately the goal is to keep this group manageable! It honestly depends on interest/amount of active members.

Before joining, please read all the group pages! The most important pages are Rules, Joining, Character Creation, and FAQ.. Once you’ve read the pages, fill out the character application to the best of your ability. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message the group!

Moderators reserve the right to deny applications not only on app quality, but based on behavior/reputation in other groups/sites.

Once you’ve read the group journals and have completed your application please follow these instructions:

  • Go to the main page of the world and click the "Request Membership" button on the sidebar at the bottom.
  • Include the following information in your join message, formatted like so:
    • Character Name / Hero Name / ProfileURL
  • The ProfileURL should be a link to your character's application. Follow the guidelines in Character Creation.
  • Submit!

Once your app has been sent just sit back and relax. It isn’t first come first serve so be sure to put in your best effort! Once the enrollment period is up we will then start to check apps

As always feel free to message Relevancies with any questions or concerns!