Sledding Aptitude Test

Sledding Aptitude Test

Welcome to the International Federation of of Sleddog Sports's Sledding Aptitude Testing Program!

You do not need to be a member of IFSS-TH to recieve an apptitude test.

As every experienced musher knows, building a team of sled dogs is more than sticking your dogs on the gangline! Each dog possesses a different personality and different strengths and weaknesses; learning these and making the most of them is the key to a successful racing career. The Sledding Apptitude Test (SAT) is designed to help place your dogs in optimal positions to get the best results from your team, as well as to keep your dog the most comfortable and confident as it can be on the run.

This test is entirely optional and the scores do not determine the fate of your dog. Just because they may excel naturally in one area does not mean that they cannot be trained to perform well in another with time and dedication.

The areas in which a sled dog will be tested are as follows:

Strongest Position
Results: Lead, Swing, Team, Wheel
Weakest Position
Results: Lead, Swing, Team, Wheel
Male Paired
Results: Problematic, Neutral, Favored
Female Paired
Results: Problematic, Neutral, Favored
Results: Poor, Average, Excellent

In addition to the scores, you'll be given a summary to help guide you utilize them upon request. Those familiar with the SAT scores will likely not require a summary, but it's offered regardless for the benefit of those new to team building.

How will my dog be tested?

Each category will be tested by use of a random number generator. For breeds that run with similar sizes, the ranges will be the same. For breeds that range, their height and weight will alter their ranges for realistic results.

Why should my dog be tested?

Primarily, this system is for fun and immersion. It's brought to you as another facet of DARPG to play with and as a way to help you place your dogs if you're having uncertain of where to put them, as well as to provide you some material if you'd like to write roleplay. In addition, IFSS held races will now give extra credit points* to tested dogs that utilize their results.

*Amount of points earned will always be low capped in order to maintain fairness for those that do not wish to use this system.

Do I have to be tested?

Nope. Totally optional!

Go HERE to apply for an SAT