Titles and Certificates

Titles and Certificates

Welcome to the title system offered by IFSS-dA! Here you will find sporting title suffixes that you may apply to your dogs' registered name once earned. For our standard sledding titles, we will be offering the titles for the Siberian Husky Clubs of both America and Canada, but available to all breeds. Most others in this section will be synced with approval with the title system of the Pedigree-Club in an effort to keep some titles streamlined for ease of play across groups. Some will be created for this group.

We honor all of the relevant titles earned through other groups here. These are simply the ones we offer if you are not a part of a group that has other options, or otherwise choose to earn them through our system.

➣In order to earn a Standard Title, all that is required is a full body image of your dog participating in the chosen sport. Single color/simple outline backgrounds are permitted for these.

➣In order to earn an Specialty Title, a full body with a background consisting of at least 3 elements is required. Each title will also have special criteria that much be met. Specialty titles must be drawn by the owner of the dog; they may not be earned through commission, gift, or art trade.

Click here to apply for a specialty title



SD - Sled Dog

SDX - Sled Dog Excellent

SDO/SDU - Sled Dog Outstanding/Unlimited*

*These are different club title sets. We don't require you to complete SD and SDX twice to obtain them, just one each for SDO (American) and SDU (Canadian).


BJR1 - Bikejoring 1

BJR2 - Bikejoring 2

BJR3 - Bikejoring 3


CCN - Canicross Started

CCI - Canicross Intermediate

CCM - Canicross Master


SKi - Skijoring

SkiX - Skijoring Excellent

MSki - Skijoring Master


WP - Weight Pull Started

WPCh - Weight Pull Champion


FP - Freight Puller

FPX - Freight Pull Excellent

FPM - Freight Pull Master


PD - Pack Dog

PDX - Pack Dog Excellent

PDM - Pack Dog Master

Specialty Titles


Only one Sledding Specialty Set may be learned per dog. All requirements must be met before drawing these titles. Only effort shows count towards the requirements.


-----➣ reqs SDU/SDO, 3 effort shows run as Lead Dog

LDP - Lead Dog Proven

LDX - Lead Dog Excellent

LDU - Lead Dog Unlimited

-----➣ reqs LDU, 1st place in an effort show run as Lead Dog.

LDCh - Lead Dog Champion


-----➣ reqs SDU/SDO, 3 effort shows run as a Swing or Team Dog

TDP - Team Dog Proven

TDX - Team Dog Excellent

TDU - Team Dog Unlimited

-----➣ reqs TDU, 1st place in an effort show run as Swing Dog.

SwDCh - Swing Dog Champion

TDCh - Team Dog Champion


-----➣ reqs SDU/SDO, 3 effort shows run as Wheel Dog

WDP - Wheel Dog Proven

WDX - Wheel Dog Excellent

WDU - Wheel Dog Unlimited

-----➣ reqs WDU, 1st place in an effort show run as Wheel Dog.

WDCh - Wheel Dog Champion


-----➣ reqs SDU/SDO, 1 effort show each run as Lead Dog, Swing/Team Dog, and Wheel Dog.

VSD - Versatile Sled Dog

VSDX - Versatile Sled Dog Excellent

VSDU - Versatile Sled Dog Unlimited


Bikejoring specialty titles are awarded to dogs that have shown efficiency in various terrain with differing team sizes.


-----➣ reqs BJR3, urban background setting

UB - Urban Bikejoring

UBX - Urban Bikejoring Excellent

UBM - Urban Bikejoring Master


-----➣ reqs BJR3, rural background setting

RB - Rural Bikejoring

RBX - Rural Bikejoring Excellent

RBM - Rural Bikejoring Master


-----➣ reqs BJR3, off road setting w/at least 1 natural obstacle

ORB - Off Road Bikejoring

ORBX - Off Road Bikejoring Excellent

ORBM - Off Road Bikejoring Master


Skijoring specialty titles are awarded to dogs that have shown efficiency in various terrain with differing team sizes.

Cross Country Skijoring

-----➣ reqs MSki , MDi, and PDM; dog requires a pack with its harness

XcSki - Cross Country Skijoring

XcSkiX - Cross Country Skijoring Excellent

XcMSki - Cross Country Master


Freight specialty titles are awarded to dogs that surpass the standard freight pulls and utilize other aspects of sledsports.


-----➣ reqs FPM and SDU/SDO, 1 freight race effort show

FR - Freight Racer

FRX - Freight Race Excellent

FRM - Freight Race Master


IFSS Range Titles are applicable to all listed sledding sports in the group with the exception of Weight Pull. These titles are awarded to dogs that not only excel in their sport, but to those that master specific distances in their fields.


-----➣ reqs MAX title set in a sledsport, 1 effort shows run at 5mi+

SDi - Sledsport Distance Dog

XDi - Distance Dog Excellent

MDi - Distance Dog Master


-----➣ reqs MAX title set in a sledsport, 1 effort shows run at -5mi

SSp - Sledsport Sprint Dog

XSp - Sprint Dog Excellent

MSp - Sprint Dog Master


-----➣ reqs MAX title set in a sledsport, 1 relay race effort show

SRe - Sledsport Relay Dog

XRe - Relay Dog Excellent

MRe - Relay Dog Master