Mountain Pack

a wooof

Info :

You may be curious how a group of dogs found their way into a Pack of Wolves, well hopefully this clears that up! The Mountain Pack started off as just a regular pack of wolves but they then took in an abandoned group of sled dogs and mountain dogs when their human perished in an accident. The team was a mix of Huskies, Malamutes and Bernice mountain dogs, only a handful of which being purebred. At the time, the Mountain Packs numbers were very low and they needed to defend their territory from other predators, so they took in the group of dogs and became a family. Now that the cats have claimed territory near the pack, the dogs and wolves are very excited to meet these feline friends. However, some of the pack aren't nearly as friendly as the rest.

Prey : Squirrels, Rabbits, Deer and Fish. 

Predators : Large Birds, Badgers, Foxes and RARELY : Coyotes and Mountain Lions.