Roles of the Order





24 moons






While Hollow is the Deputy of The Order, he is also the founder of the clan as a whole, making those who took to him after he brought them together very grateful. However, just because he threw together a very messy laws and rules list did not mean he was fit for leading the cats around him. He was happy to assume the role until Siren came along to take over for him. While he thought he was doing an excellent job taking charge, more and more, people began to slack off and nonchalantly disregard his word. This was mostly due to him taking this position entirely too seriously, reprimanding everyone for any small rule breaking, accidental or not. It honestly started getting annoying after awhile though those who still respected him chalked it up to the growing anxiety that something bad may happen soon.

They all felt it, whether they wanted to acknowledge it's existence or not. Honestly, could Hollow really be blamed for his spike in anxious and poor coping behavior? They all needed a deputy to carry them through and the clan wasn't in the business of kicking their founder out of his position, but they were definitely happy that Siren came around to not only put him in his place but calm his nerves, even if it were only for a short while. Overall his role in the clan was that of a protector, not one that was fighting on the front lines, but one that would always do his best to keep those he loved safe.




name here


age here


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pronouns here


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Suspendisse id facilisis dolor. Proin augue mi, scelerisque porttitor sem sed, dictum consequat neque. Proin rutrum iaculis convallis. Nulla a arcu non dolor finibus dictum. Donec dictum ex eget magna auctor, vel rhoncus lacus consequat. Donec gravida odio sit amet justo ullamcorper, eget bibendum dolor accumsan. Praesent convallis dignissim accumsan. Ut ultrices nisi ut ante condimentum, et molestie nibh consectetur. Duis non justo non nulla sodales tincidunt. Mauris consequat, enim quis porta finibus, urna neque rhoncus dui, id sollicitudin enim massa eget est. Donec placerat hendrerit iaculis. Nam ac condimentum arcu. Curabitur mollis justo lectus, eget pharetra sem volutpat sed. Sed rutrum urna justo, nec mollis urna mattis in.

code by zodia

character image by artist credit
aesthetic image by octavian rosca