Welcome to...


Camp Cicashel invites the curious and ambitious minds of (almost) all ages to explore the surrounding forest and learn how to survive in the wild.

Do you love nature?

Do you need new friends?

Did your parents just wanted to get rid of you for the summer?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you’re in luck! At Camp Cicashel, we offer a lifetime’s worth of adventure and fun, right here in the heart of the Cirrusvale forest!

Canoeing, Roasting Marshmallows on a Fire, Hunting, and More! All the fun activities you participate in can potentially earn you a badge holding special perks... Such as the Rowing Badge, which will title you the captain of the boat and let you lead the way down the river during canoeing activities! And the Rock Climbing badge, which will allow you to rock-climb unsupervised! (If anybody gets hurt, it is not our fault, do not sue us.)

Deep forested areas where the mountains reach the sky. Friendly faces who will greet you on even their darkest days. So don’t be shy! Grab your tent, form groups, and make new friends! (All participants are required to make at least one friend in this camp. Or else.) A nice, cozy atmosphere for even the coldest of ice monsters above, and a refreshing one for even the most cynical demons below!

All are welcome!

Fun experience guaranteed, or you get no money back.

We are not giving refunds. Please stop asking.