🌈 Aida Creation

Jump to: Hatchling, Young, Youth, Adult

🌿 Behemoth Functions 🌿

🌠 Hatching: Aidas emerge from their eggs when in the presence of kindness and will stay curled up in there otherwise. Write 400 words/draw your keke proving their kindness in the egg's presence. Art must be fully colored and a minimum of halfbody with a background. Must be cleanly lined or done in a clean lineless style
🌠 Benefiting: Aidas can bless other keke with fertility, making it so that breeding requires one less image than usual (2 instead of 3). This effect can stack with multiple behemoths of this type, removing 1 required piece for each behemoth. In addition, you can use an Aida as a replacer for a vial of blood or two for magicked plasma in omega breedings
🌠 Boosting: By earning 125 stars, a single Aida can remove an additional necessary breeding piece. They can do this multiple times with no upper ceiling
🌠 Offspring: When breeding, an Aida's offspring will be rolled from the opposite parent (ie Aida x Spiced will always result in Spiced eggs). If  there is no parent of different type (ie Aida x Aida ) the babies will simply be regulars. Due to this, Hydras cannot produce mixes or hybrids. Offspring have the option of being blessed. Blessed offspring can pick a max of upgrades to apply on their application from the pool below. When submitting a blessed child for approval, the "type" field will have "Aida blessed" in front of it. For example: Type: Aida Blessed Pterrur

⭕ Open spoiler to see prestigious upgrades! ⭕


🌌 1 > Rough scales: Noticeable scales on the forearms and/or muzzle. These may be any color
🌌 2 > Curled fluff: Make some or all of the fluff curled. This can apply to upgrade-added fluff, but doesn't change fluff's color
🌌 3 > Rainbow gradient: Replace one color type on a character (accent, belly color, eyes, etc...) that isn't the base color with a gradient of 3 colors or more. There is no upward limit


🌌 1 > Aida twins: Bless a clutch with extra offspring. When applied to a character pulled from a breeding roll, this will effectively duplicate the character, including whatever clutch upgrades they had rolled if desired. The twin doesn't have to be colored the same as the first baby, as it's a separate character

🌿 Egg 🌿Pearly-egg.png

🍃 Aida eggs, aka "pearly eggs", are the "chosen one" type. That is to say, they're waiting for someone to prove why they should bother coming out of here
🍃 Soaking in water does not effect hatch time. Aidas will hatch when they feel they are in a kind Snakekey's presence
🍃 Eggs are not required for approvals! This is just info

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 Regular MYO rules apply with the exception of the following:
🌱 This type of keke must be obtained through an adventure, event, etc... They are not open to make unless you've earned one!

🌿 Hatchling 🌿Aida-hatchling.png

🍃 This Behemoth is a symbol of fertility and good will
🍃 Aida belly scales are commonly rainbow-colored, giving them the nickname of "rainbow snakes", but they're not restricted to such
🍃 Aidas say they have baby fins, but uh...nobody can see them, so this has yet to be confirmed. Apparently, they're heart or swirl shaped and fuzzy
🍃 These behemoths have fluffy spiral ears, prominent eyelashes, noticeable scales on the muzzle and forearms, heart-shaped main paw pads, manes full of tiny curls, bumpy-shaped belly scales, small puffs down their back that are shaped like their ears, and tails that just...vanish before the tail tip...?
🍃 Despite not being "there",  the end of an Aida's tail still functions as normal. They can use the belly scales on it, slither with it, injure it, and all that good stuff.  If cut, the air where the tail should be will appear to bleed

🌿 Hatchling Creation 🌿Aida-MYO-hatchling-guide.png

🍂 1: Lines > Draw the base for your new Snakekey. Be sure to look at the anatomy examples here!
🍂 2: Base > Pick a base color. It can be any color as long as it's solid. Hatchlings don't have markings yet with the exception of the inner ears which can optionally be a lighter or darker version of the base color
🍂 3: Belly scales > The belly scales define most of the colors on an Aida. The scales themselves are a gradient of colors minimum (if you can't fit all the colors on your application, put them as color blobs off to the side!). There is no max limit of colors the  gradient can have. 1 of the belly scale colors may optionally color the scales on the muzzle and arms. Muzzle/arm scales must all be the same color
🍂 4: Accent > The accent color is a gradient of 3 colors minimum. All of these colors must also be on the belly scales. Accent color goes on the cheek pouches, paw pads, mouth, and blood
🍂 5: Eyes > Eyes are one solid color with no visible pupils. The eye color must also be on the belly scales
🍂 6: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 7: Submitting > Submit your finished MYO to the approval folder, which can be found here

Blood type: (Warm or cold)
Type: Aida Behemoth
Hatching art: (Link to the required hatching piece. Details above in "Behemoth Functions" section!)
Obtained through: (Link to event parts, mention a user, etc...)

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 Regular aging rules apply

🌿 Young 🌿

🍃 As they grow, and Aida's mane may shrink in size slightly, but they generally stay large and voluminous
🍃 Unless they have upgrades to change it, every Aida has at least one heart-shaped marking. Sometimes these might be disguised as a cluster of other markings
🍃 Once they hit the young phase, an Aida loses their invisible tail fin. They're reportedly super light and blow away with the wind once detached
🍃 These guys have a tendency to leave heart-shapes behind whether they intend to or  not. The location can vary, but each Aida usually has one place that almost guarantees a heart. This can vary from heart-shaped tracks to heart-shaped art to standing with their paws in a heart-shape, etc...

🌿 Young Creation 🌿Aida-young-aging-guide.png

🍂1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples shown here
🍂 2: Base > Snakekeys get their bases as hatchlings - this step is done and you can move on!
🍂 3: Design > An Aida's markings can be any color found on their belly scales. These markings can be any shape and size. No gradients. Every design must have a minimum of 1 heart shape on it!
🍂 4: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 5: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:

Heart-shape: (Info above. Where is this keke most likely to leave a heart-shape or what is their signature heart-shape?)
Upgrades: (List what the keke has applied)

🌿 Youth 🌿Aida-youth.png

🍃  Aidas have a tendency to be a little more embarrassed about puberty than your average keke. It's a little unbecoming of something like a behemoth, don't you think...?
🍃 For some unknown reason, Aidas also speed through the puberty part of the youth phase. The spontaneous upgrades tend to peter out several years early. Weird.

🌿 Youth Creation 🌿

🍂 1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples show here
🍂 2: Design > We've already done this and you're ready to go!
🍂 3: Upgrades > Keke youth are required to have at least one of the upgrades listed below. They can either keep or remove them once they reach adulthood. Once the approval's over, they have full access to these any time they wish (excepting on younger stages, of course). Note that a youth will always have to have a minimum of one of these and it can't just be removed after the approval process
🍂 4: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 5: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:
Young approval:
Youth upgrades: 
(Youth ones only)
Upgrades: (List what the keke has applied, ignoring the youth ones)

⭕ Open spoiler to see youth upgrades! ⭕


💫1 > Bedhead - Youth
An  enhanced version of head fluff that looks worse and is generally  terrible. Grows on the top of the head and doesn't heed your mortal  laws. Sticks up wherever it pleases and can't be tamed no matter how  hard you try. Sometimes, this can form in small amounts on the chin or  right above the mouth. Unlike regular head fluff, bedhead can go to the  base of the neck at its maximum (excepting the bits on the muzzle, those  stay short)
💫 2 > Blotches - Youth
It looks like sores, but it's just little dots of the accent color appearing on the face. Scaled keke may try and pick off the affected scales, but this isn't a great idea, please don't pull scales out of things
💫 3 > Chubby - Youth
Maybe one day, this'll convert into a fae morph's figure. Until then, you've got a bit of a belly going on. Note that this shouldn't be a dramatic change - just noticeable. Can be on the torso, naga tail, or both


💫 1 > Drowsiness - Youth
Bags under your eyes because no, mom, you weren't up late last night
💫 2 > Growth spurt - Youth
Typically a sign of an oncoming reach morph. Allows a keke to be taller than average for their age. Nothing crazy, though!
💫 3 > Missing teeth - Youth
The teeth attached to your face are falling out again.... Hopefully they all grow back


💫 1 > Roughed up - Aida only - Youth
Add more scales like on the muzzle/forearms to other places on the body. This allows added scales to be any color
💫 2 > Short stature - Youth
Your keke doesn't seem to have grown much...a common sign of an oncoming goblin morph. Allows them to be shorter than average for their age. Nothing crazy, though! This "upgrade" has a tendency to make them look a stage or two too young via underdeveloped face, body, etc
💫 3 > Smooth - Aida only - Youth
The forearm and/or muzzle scales smooth out so that they aren't visible anymore. This can be used  to form a pattern in the existing scales (such as a heart-shape). If smoothed, the color of the scales can remain or be removed


💫 1 > Visible spots - Aida only - Youth
Patches of the invisible tail become visible here and there. Can't be used to make the whole tail visible

🌿 Adult 🌿Aida-adult.png

🍃 Considering their name of 'behemoth', Aidas are actually quite small. They may have an extra foot of height despite having a regular morph (such as joey), but won't be any taller than that without upgrades

🌿 Adult Creation 🌿


🍂 1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke, choosing their morph in the process. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples for whichever one you end up picking!
🍂 2: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey for the fourth and final time! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 3: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:
Young approval:
Youth approval:
(Joey, fae, reach, and goblin are the defaults)
Upgrades: (List what the keke has applied)