🐺 Fenris Creation

Jump to: Hatchling, Young, Youth, Adult

🌿 Behemoth Functions 🌿

🌠 Hatching: Fenris hatchlings seem determined to remain inside the egg as long as possible. However, they're very family-oriented and can be drawn out by potential packmates. Write 400 words/draw the egg being cared for, discovered, or some such by their potential family (which, yes, can be a family of one). Art must be fully colored and a minimum of halfbody with a background. Must be cleanly lined or done in a clean lineless style. Backgrounds should show some effort and not just be a couple blobs of color
🌠 Benefiting: Fens bless kekes with the bond. That is to say, they'll make it so that bonding requirements take 1 less piece to complete. This stacks per Fen you own. They cannot, however, make bonding 'free'. If you have 4 Fens and want to apply a bond that only has 4 required pieces, you'd still have to do 1 piece
🌠 Boosting: Instead of getting multiple Fens, you can optionally have one breadwinner unlocking everything (if you want)! For each 80 stars a single Fen owns, they can remove one more required bond image. This is repeated every new 80 stars and there's no upward limit of how many times you can do this with one Fenris. Just remember that they can't make bonding totally free!
🌠 Offspring: When breeding, an Fen's offspring will be rolled from the opposite parent (ie Fen x Furnan will always result in Furnan eggs). If there is no parent of different type (ie Fen x Fen) the babies will simply be regulars. Due to this, Fenrises cannot produce mixes or hybrids. Offspring have the option of being blessed. Blessed offspring can pick a max of 2 upgrades to apply on their application from the pool below. When submitting a blessed child for approval, the "type" field will have "Fenris blessed" in front of it. For example: Type: Fenris Blessed Fawnette

⭕ Open spoiler to see prestigious upgrades! ⭕

A green paw with a green cuff on it. The cuff has a short length of chain attachedA tan keke with a teal cheek pouch. Four small points extend off the pouch, two on top, two on bottomA purple keke with white marks. There's a halo-shaped marking on their forehead

🌌 1: > Chains: Add metal cuffs to the wrists and/or the tail tip. Must have a minimum of one chain link coming off each cuff. Chains shouldn't be longer than a foot in total. Both cuffs and chains can be any color
🌌 2: > Pouch spikes: Add triangular 'sun beams' to the outside edges of the cheek pouches in any amount. Note that these lie flat against the face! Must match the accent color unless upgraded otherwise. If a type doesn't have pouches, these will go on their substitute (such as an Exo's ear bands). If the character for whatever reason doesn't have an accent color, you can make the spikes any color. If the character doesn't have cheek pouches or any substitute, these can go anywhere on the face
🌌 3: > Grounded halo: A halo matching the shape of any one of the Fenris options stuck anywhere on a keke's head. May be flush with the skin or raised slightly. Should be the accent color unless upgraded otherwise. If there isn't an accent color, you can choose any color instead. Note that this halo won't glow unless upgraded otherwise!

A pink keke with silly tufted ears, hehe ♪

🌌 1: > Tufted ears: Add a little tuft of fur on the tips of the ears. Can be up to five inches in length without upgrades and may be any color

🌿 Egg 🌿
A black egg sitting in a white cuff with a partially broken chain. The egg has a golden halo with triangular "sun beams" floating around it

🍃 Fenris eggs are called 'chained eggs' due to the large cuff around their base that holds them in place. This grows around the egg shortly after creation and is made of keratin. It can be broken, but why would you do that? : (
🍃 Eggs have a halo bearing resemblance to the sun or moon hovering around or above them. This tends to reflect the parents' celestial bodies rather than the baby's. It's intangible and will flicker slightly if phased through
🍃 Like other behemoths, Fens must be coaxed from their eggs since they seem pretty content to hang out in there. Water won't do - you'd better start trying virtues until you get something...
🍃 Eggs are not required for approvals! This is just info

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 Regular MYO rules apply with the exception of the following:
🌱 This type of keke must be obtained through an adventure, event, etc... They are not open to make unless you've earned one!

🌿 Hatchling 🌿
A grey Fenris hatchling, standing on their tail and one paw, squinting disapprovingly

🍃 Fenrises often try to be stoic little creatures. At the same time, though... they're only puppies. They're full of playful energy and the desire to chew on things they shouldn't
🍃 While all Fens have a neck ruff, hatchlings have quite a lot of it. It'll fade with age, but for now, they'll have to wade through all that fur
🍃 A Fen's chains can generally not be removed by normal means. They can be cut off, but this is not in their best interest, as the metal will alarmingly spurt blood. On top of that, chains will mysteriously regrow if lost
🍃 Fens have a canine-like muzzle with a dog nose pad along with canine ears with tufts on the ends. Their cheek pouches may be sun or moon-shaped depending on their theme. Their paw pads are your traditional dog shape and they're equipped with little claws that are quite sharp. Belly scales zig-zag in shape. The tail tip is tufted with a long fluffy section like a canine's tail. Finally, they have cuffs on their wrists and tail tip. These will grow thicker, but for now are little more than metal bracelets

🌿 Hatchling Creation 🌿

The image guide for making Fens

🍂 1: Lines > Draw the base for your new Snakekey. Be sure to look at the anatomy examples above! Fens' cheek pouches and later features depend on whether they're moon-based (Hait) or sun-based (Skoll)
🍂 2: Base > Pick a base color. It can be any color as long as it's solid. Hatchlings don't have markings yet
🍂 3: Accent > Any solid color. This goes on the cheek pouches, paw pads, and blood. May also color a Fen's claws and/or nose
🍂 4: Belly scales > Goes on the belly scales and mouth/tongue. May also color the claws and/or nose. Fenris scales can be any color the (Earth's) moon can be. While this is usually a pale eggshell, black, or shade in between, it can also be yellow/orange, blue, or red. Whites, pale greys, yellows, and oranges are warm-blooded. Dark greys, blacks, and blue are cold-blooded. Middle greys and red can be either cold or warm
🍂 5: Eyes > Eyes can be any color, but only one. By default, Snakekeys do not have visible pupils.
🍂 6: Chains > Any solid color. Goes on the wrist and tail bands for now and will color the chains that form later. Can also go on the claws and/or nose
🍂 7: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 8: Submitting > Submit your finished MYO to the approval folder, which can be found here

Blood type: (Warm or cold)
Celestial body: (Hati for moon, Skoll for sun)
Type: Fenris Behemoth
Hatching art: (Link to the required hatching piece. Details above in "Behemoth Functions" section!)
Obtained through: (Link to event parts, mention a user, etc...)

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 Regular aging rules apply

🌿 Young 🌿
A floating Fenris young, looking surprised. A simple circle halo floats over their head

🍃 As a Fen gets older, they'll develop thicker cuffs and longer claws while their mane ruff recedes slightly. More noticeably, they get a small halo. This'll change later, but for now, it's a simple hollow circle
🍃 Halos are tangible, meaning they can be touched and can't phase through things such as walls. However, they can't be moved from above the keke's head no matter how hard one may try!
🍃 Fens go through an absolutely nightmarish teething phase. Lock up what you hold dear or they might get it in their horrible toothy maws...!
🍃 Fenris keke are very family-driven and have a tendency to pack-bond with just about anyone. Or...anything. While their 'pack' can consist of friends, it also could be a grouping of trees, a set of furniture, a cluster of stars....

🌿 Young Creation 🌿
The image guide for designing Fens

🍂1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples shown here
🍂 2: Base > Snakekeys get their bases as hatchlings - this step is done and you can move on! Note that the added halo will match the accent color
🍂 3: Color method > Choose a coloring method
            🌼Method A: 0-2 of any color to make small tick marks. These should be small dashed lines, but may have some variation (such as being teardrop or lightning bolt-shaped)
            🌻Method B: 0-3 of any color for countershading (ie dark markings on top and/or light markings on bottom). These should be somewhat sizeable, but otherwise have few restrictions
🍂 4: Design > Design your Snakekey with the colors you've chosen! Fens are special in that their markings can be blurred or a gradient if desired
🍂 5: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 6: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:
Color method used: 
(A or B)
Bonding tendency: (What does the keke try to form into their 'pack'?)
Upgrades: (List what the keke has applied)

🌿 Youth 🌿
A pissed off youth Fen, stalking and growling. They have bedhead and hacklesThe example image for Skoll (sun) and Hati (moon) halos

🍃 Youth Fens get longer claws and their cuffs start to generate small stings of chain. Perhaps more interestingly, their halo will take on some celestial qualities! It also grows a little, but hasn't reached its full size
🍃 These teens tend to be quite grumpy and snappy... They're prone to harsh mood swings that change with, well, the moon, so to speak. Why this happens is unclear, but it can affect even the sweetest Fens for a while

🌿 Youth Creation 🌿

🍂 1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples show here. Note that the halo will develop some differences as shown above! (Unless you use the simplified halo youth upgrade)
🍂 2: Design > We've already done this and you're ready to go!
🍂 3: Upgrades > Keke youth are required to have at least one of the upgrades listed below. They can either keep or remove them once they reach adulthood. Once the approval's over, they have full access to these any time they wish (excepting on younger stages, of course). Note that a youth will always have to have a minimum of one of these and it can't just be removed after the approval process
🍂 4: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 5: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:
Young approval:
Youth upgrades: 
(Youth ones only)
Upgrades: (List what the keke has applied, ignoring the youth ones)

⭕ Open spoiler to see youth upgrades! ⭕

Two keke with scruffy hair. The left one has short facial hair while the right one does notTwo Fenrises. The left one is pink with a corner of black lip showing on their closed mouth. The right is tan with an open mouth showing more black lipA purple keke showing chubbiness in the torso and naga tail

💫1: > Bedhead - Youth
An enhanced version of head fluff that looks worse and is generally terrible. Grows on the top of the head and doesn't heed your mortal laws. Sticks up wherever it pleases and can't be tamed no matter how hard you try. Sometimes, this can form in small amounts on the chin or right above the mouth. Unlike regular head fluff, bedhead can go to the base of the neck at its maximum (excepting the bits on the muzzle, those stay short)
💫 2: > Black lip - Youth
The skin around and/or just inside the mouth becomes black like a dog's. It may also be a little floppy, falling out of the mouth when the keke opens wide. Can be any color despite the name
💫 3: > Chubby - Youth
Maybe one day, this'll convert into a fae morph's figure. Until then, you've got a bit of a belly going on. Note that this shouldn't be a dramatic change - just noticeable. Can be on the torso, naga tail, or both

Punkin with darkened bags under their eyesA grey Fenris arm with a pink cuff. A very long pink chain extends from it, looping and disappearing offscreenA tall grey keke looks down at a lighter keke of average height

💫 1: > Drowsiness - Youth
Bags under your eyes because no, mom, you weren't up late last night
💫 2: > Excess chains - Fenris only - Youth
The cuffs can have way more chains coming off of them. There's no upper limit, become as rattle-y as you like! Added chains can be any color. They can be slightly smaller or larger, but should otherwise look like typical links
💫 3: > Growth spurt - Youth
Typically a sign of an oncoming reach morph. Allows a keke to be taller than average for their age. Nothing crazy, though!

A grey Fenris is annoyed, showing the hackles on their shouldersA tall grey keke looks down at a lighter keke of average heightPaws of an orange Fenris who emotes with a sweat drop. The chains on their pink cuffs are very short, only being three links long

💫 1: > Hackles - Fenris only - Youth
A line of fur on the back that raises when a keke is angry or frightened. May run somewhere between the top of the neck and mid-torso. Added fur may be any color, but shouldn't be longer than three inches without upgrades
💫 2: > Missing teeth - Youth
The teeth attached to your face are falling out again.... Hopefully they all grow back
💫 3: > Reduced claws - Fenris only - Youth
Those look dangerous! Give a keke the safety scissors treatment and shorten their claws any amount. Note that this cannot change color or fully remove claws. Doesn't have to shorten all claws, you can pick and choose

A green sun halo being reduced to the simpler young version, which is just a circle

💫 1: > Simplified halo - Fenris only - Youth
Instead of developing celestial features, keep the simple circle halo that young Fens have. It can now be any color and size

🌿 Adult 🌿

An adult Fenris, frowning and standing on their big 'ol paws

🍃 Fens, while of imposing size, aren't the largest behemoths out there. Unless they've got the dire morph, then they can be obscenely big (upwards of 20 feet tall!)
🍃 Their fully grown claws are only retractable a tiny bit - less than an inch. While this is good for looking spooky, it isn't so great for handling things... They might need some help
🍃 An adult's halo is larger than that of a youth. Typically, it looks big enough that the Fen could wiggle their whole body through there if they wanted! Er, unless they're equipped with bulky upgrades
🍃 The chains will have grown more links by this age, though they won't get longer than about a foot without upgrades

🌿 Adult Creation 🌿
The four Fen morphs: frost, packmate, orbit, and dire

🍂 1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke, choosing their morph in the process. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples for whichever one you end up picking!
🍂 2: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey for the fourth and final time! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 3: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:
Young approval:
Youth approval:
(Frost, packmate, orbit, and dire are the defaults)
Upgrades: (List what the keke has applied)