🦷 Brooder Creation

Jump to: Hatchling, Young, Youth, Adult

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 Regular MYO rules apply with the exception of the following:
🌱 This type of keke must be obtained through an adventure, event, etc... They are not open to make unless you've earned one!

🌿 Hatchling 🌿
A grey-brown Brooder hatchling looking a little displeased. They stand on their paws and sit on their tail

🍃 Brood hatchlings look very similar to regulars. Noticeable differences include a visible inner ear, 'V' shaped belly scales, a smooth mouth full of teeth, and horizontal lines on the cheek pouches
🍃 As their features are easily confused for upgrades, Brooder babies can often sneak into a clutch and pretend to be from it. Which is good because parents often deposit brood parasite eggs in nests or nurseries
🍃 These guys will generally keep their heads low in order to be accepted into a clutch to which they don't belong. They'll often mimic their 'clutch-mates' behaviors to appear more natural

🌿 Hatchling Creation 🌿
The image guide for designing Brooder hatchlings

🍂 1: Lines > Draw the base for your new Snakekey. Be sure to look at the anatomy examples above!
🍂 2: Base > Pick a base color. It can be any color as long as it's solid. Hatchlings don't have markings yet
🍂 3: Accent > Any solid color. This goes on the cheek pouches, teeth, inside the mouth, and blood. May optionally color a hatchling's baby fin
🍂 4: Belly scales > Goes on the tail scales, inner ears, and mouth/tongue. This can be any dark purple or blueish color. Broods are cold-blooded by default. May optionally color a hatchling's baby fin
🍂 5: Eyes > Eyes can be any color, but only one. By default, Snakekeys do not have visible pupils.
🍂 6: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 7: Submitting > Submit your finished MYO to the approval folder, which can be found here

Blood type: Cold
Type: Brooder
Obtained through: (Link event parts, mention a user, etc)

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 Regular aging rules apply

🌿 Young 🌿
A young Brooder, its fangs protruding. Their stand on their paws and glare offscreen

🍃 With their chances of survival increased, young Broods don't seem concerned anymore with hiding their true appearance. Their belly scales stand off their stomach slightly, cheek pouches form into claw-like shapes, ears elongate, toes become unfused,  and develop small claws. Their tail tips grow out quite long, tipped with a small tuft that matches the accent color. Their teeth also get considerably larger, protruding like saber fangs with jowls hanging over them
🍃 At this age, Brooders tend to be very independent. They can often be seen slithering around, learning what there is to learn. This is believed to be an instinct incase their 'parents' end up kicking them out
🍃 Often, keke will develop a 'proficiency' or one thing they learn exceptionally quickly. This gives them a leg-up (so to speak...) and gives them more time to focus on other things
🍃 Despite their hooked shape, a Brood's cheek pouches remain tucked close to the head. They're not immune to snagging on things, but the chances are reduced

🌿 Young Creation 🌿The image guide for designing young Brooders

🍂1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples shown here
🍂 2: Base > Snakekeys get their bases as hatchlings - this step is done and you can move on! Note the tail tuft will match the color the baby fin was previously
🍂 3: Color method > Choose a coloring method. Keep in mind that "variations of your base color" must look like it comes from the same hue as the base. This means you can move the color slider say, from light orange to dark orange, but do not touch the slider you would use to change orange to blue much!
            🌼Method A: 0-3 variations of the base color
            🌻Method B: 1 variation of the base color, 2 of any color you like! Note that this method requires the use of 3 colors total
🍂 4: Design > Design your Snakekey with the colors you've chosen! Markings generally need to cover a lot of area. This can mean they are large in size or are very long. Smaller markings are okay as long as they're connected to a bigger marking of the same color. Spots generally should be no smaller than the entire hand and thin markings no shorter than arm's length. Do not use gradients on designs
🍂 5: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description.
🍂 6: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:

Proficiency: (One thing they learn very quickly)
Color method used: 
(A or B)
Upgrades: (List what the keke has applied)

🌿 Youth 🌿
A youth Brooder, floating in space. They have blotches and bedhead

🍃 Besides getting longer and bigger, a youth's appearance changes relatively little from the young phase
🍃 The saber teeth continue to grow, becoming quite imposing. They may also look a little blunt, as they'll have to manually sharpen them into points if they desire (this isn't usually done by hatchlings as it can impede tooth growth)
🍃 Tooth sharpening can be done by gnawing and 'scratching' on hard surfaces. As such, it isn't uncommon to see a Brooder with some sort of chew toy

🌿 Youth Creation 🌿

🍂 1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples show here
🍂 2: Design > We've already done this and you're ready to go!
🍂 3: Upgrades > Keke youth are required to have at least one of the upgrades listed below. They can either keep or remove them once they reach adulthood. Once the approval's over, they have full access to these any time they wish (excepting on younger stages, of course). Note that a youth will always have to have a minimum of one of these and it can't just be removed after the approval process
🍂 4: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 5: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:
Young approval:
Youth upgrades: 
(Youth ones only)
Upgrades: (List what the keke has applied, ignoring the youth ones)

⭕ Open spoiler to see youth upgrades! ⭕

Two keke with scruffy hair. The left one has short facial hair while the right one does notA black keke with white blotchesA purple Brooder paw, the claws crumbling and broken

💫1: > Bedhead - Youth
An enhanced version of head fluff that looks worse and is generally terrible. Grows on the top of the head and doesn't heed your mortal laws. Sticks up wherever it pleases and can't be tamed no matter how hard you try. Sometimes, this can form in small amounts on the chin or right above the mouth. Unlike regular head fluff, bedhead can go to the base of the neck at its maximum (excepting the bits on the muzzle, those stay short)
💫 2: > Blotches - Youth
It looks like sores, but it's just little dots of the accent color appearing on the face. Scaled keke may try and pick off the affected scales, but this isn't a great idea, please don't pull scales out of things
💫 3: > Broken claws - Youth
The claws chip or completely break off in places

A purple keke showing chubbiness in the torso and naga tailPunkin with darkened bags under their eyesTan Brooder ears with fur covering the normally visible inner ear

💫 1: > Chubby - Youth
Maybe one day, this'll convert into a fae morph's figure. Until then, you've got a bit of a belly going on. Note that this shouldn't be a dramatic change - just noticeable. Can be on the torso, naga tail, or both
💫 2: > Drowsiness - Youth
Bags under your eyes because no, mom, you weren't up late last night
💫 3: > Ear fuzz - Brooder only - Youth
Extra fluff on the ears partially or fully conceals the ear canals. Added fluff can be any color, but note that it covers a very small area. Cannot exceed 2 inches in length without upgrades

A tall grey keke looks down at a lighter keke of average heightA blue keke with some missing attached teethA short green keke looks up nervously at a pink one of average height

💫 1: > Growth spurt - Youth
Typically a sign of an oncoming reach morph. Allows a keke to be taller than average for their age. Nothing crazy, though!
💫 2: > Missing teeth - Youth
The teeth attached to your face are falling out again.... Hopefully they all grow back
💫 3: > Short stature - Youth
Your keke doesn't seem to have grown much...a common sign of an oncoming goblin morph. Allows them to be shorter than average for their age. Nothing crazy, though! This "upgrade" has a tendency to make them look a stage or two too young via underdeveloped face, body, etc

A brown Brooder tail with a yellow tuft. It's coiled in a sort of spring-shape

💫 1: > Spring tail - Brooder only - Youth
The extra length of the tail tip coils on itself and is generally unable or takes effort to uncoil. Coils can have a variety of shapes, being spring-shaped, spiral-shaped, etc

🌿 Adult 🌿
An adult Brooder, floating and mouthbreathing. Dramatically, though, dramatically

🍃 At the adult phase, the saber teeth will have likely reached their maximum length, which will almost certainly protrude below the bottom jaw
🍃 Brooders have a strong instinct to make eggs, but...not so much of an instinct to take care of them. Thus, slipping eggs into other Snakekey (or even other animal) clutches is an easy way to escape the responsibility
🍃 Broods have a tendency to be somewhat antisocial upon maturing. Of course, this is not always the case. Still, media often portrays them as the skulking in the darkness. Often...akin to Batman

🌿 Adult Creation 🌿
The four default morphs: joey, fae, reach, and goblin

🍂 1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke, choosing their morph in the process. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples for whichever one you end up picking!
🍂 2: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey for the fourth and final time! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 3: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:
Young approval:
Youth approval:
(Joey, fae, reach, and goblin are the defaults)
Upgrades: (List what the keke has applied)