💧 Goober Creation

Jump to: Hatchling, Young, Youth, Adult

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 Regular MYO rules apply with the exception of the following:
🌱 Goobers used to be a limited subspecies, but are now free to create without having to earn them!

🌿 Egg 🌿

A slimy green egg with the visible outline of a Goober inside

🍃 Goober eggs are often called "gooey eggs" because...well...
🍃 Unlike regular Snakekey eggs, Goober eggs float since they're essentially oil on water. Don't be fooled! They still need to be soaked in order to hatch
🍃 In order to soak properly, Goober eggs can be weighted down so that they sink or left alone to float. Eventually, they'll absorb enough water to soften the shell enough to hatch, though the process will likely go faster if the egg is manually pulled below the surface of the water
🍃 Eggs are not required for approvals! This is just info

🌿 Hatchling 🌿

A hatchling Goober keke with a big smile

🍃 Little Goobers are a mess. Ideally, they would have the typically super fluffy mane and ears...if they weren't made of slime. Instead, their droopy ears are pretty well mixed with their mane and form a big ol' glob on their back and shoulder area. Their forms are a tad unstable, which results in their paws being more of a blob. They also have a bit of extra "fuzz" on their head and wobbly eyes
🍃 At this age, the kekes don't really have the ability to pull themselves back together after dripping apart. Because of this, goop won't actually leave their bodies. The material they're made of is super oily and clings tightly to itself when they're hatchlings. This makes for a slippery critter
🍃 It doesn't take long for a hatchling to learn that it can move at high speeds due to being so slidey. Thankfully, they're born with a large sail on their backs that helps them steer while they're shooting along to minimize crashing into everything

🌿 Hatchling Creation 🌿

An example of colors avaliable to typical Goobers upon creationThe image guide for creating Goobers

🍂 1: Lines > Draw the base for your new Snakekey. Be sure to look at the anatomy examples here!
🍂 2: Base > Pick a base color. A Goober's base must be a green, teal, or blue or any pure, untinted white, grey, or black. You can use yellow-green or indigo, but be sure not to fully dip into yellow or purple! Examples for this are shown here. Must be one solid color as hatchlings don't have any markings yet! The optional tingeing for this subspecies can be any color that follows the base color rules. It can be on the face, arms, or tail and may go a max of halfway up each. All tints must be the same color
🍂 3: Accent > Any solid color. This goes on the cheek pouches, paw pads, and blood. Hatchlings may have it on their baby sail
🍂 4: Belly scales > Goes on the belly scales and mouth/tongue. Hatchlings may also have it on their baby sail. This can be any pure grey, white, or black (besides pitch black). "Pure" means it's not tinted any other color and is totally desaturated! Keke with white scales are warm-blooded and black scales are cold-blooded. Middle of the road greys can be either blood type - you can pick.
🍂 5: Eyes > Eyes can be any color, but only one. By default, Snakekeys do not have visible pupils.
🍂 6: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in your description
🍂 7: Submitting > Submit your finished MYO to the approval folder, which can be found here

Temperature: (Warm or cold)
Type: Goober

🐍 Optional base 🐍

🌿 Rules 🌿

🌱 Regular aging rules apply

🌿 Young 🌿

A young Goober. They're very drippy and they look a little tired about it, but they're smiling with their tongue out. They have a skull and paw bone markings on one hand

🍃 Thankfully, Goobers at this age are beginning to figure out that they can pull themselves together. They aren't masters of this ability, granted, but they can rein in their blobby paws and messy mane at least, which now appear more stable. Learning this takes practice, which requires something to practice on. Fortunately (or unfortunately), the material they're made of gets drippier at this stage, forcing them to make stops to reform
🍃 Young Goobers will have lost their baby sails, but not their ability to slide along pretty quick! As they grow less oily, their slipperiness will fade. Secondary tingeing has disappeared as well
🍃 To keep them from slithering themselves apart, Goobers will gradually be able to move less the more of themselves they lose. All it takes to restore full movement is to pull themselves back together. They can only put this off for so long as, if the situation is severe, they'll be ground to a halt!

🌿 Young Creation 🌿
The image guide for desining young Goobs

🍂1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples shown here
🍂 2: Base > Snakekeys get their bases as hatchlings - this step is done and you can move on!
🍂 3: Color method > Choose a coloring method. Keep in mind that "variations of your base color" must appear to be in the same hue as the base. This means you can move the color slider say, from light orange to dark orange, but do not touch the slider you would use to change orange to blue much!
            🌼Method A: 0-1 variations of the base color. Can only appear to be objects or shapes inside the goo. For example, floating bones or large rings, but not tiger stripes. There may be a maximum of 5 objects
            🌻Method B: 0-2 of any color you like. Apply as gradients or heavily blurred markings. This method can imitate the secondary tingeing from the hatchling phase if desired
🍂 4: Design > Design your Snakekey with the colors you've chosen! Be sure you've removed secondary color tingeing if your Snakekey had any - they've grown out of it!
🍂 5: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 6: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:
Color method used: 
(A or B)
Art type: (The keke's, not yours)
Upgrades: (List what the keke has applied)

🌿 Youth 🌿

A youth Goober looking lightly exhasperated at their youth upgrades, which are waterfall mane, slippery scales, and drowsiness

🍃 Unless their belly scales decide to make life harder on them, a Goober's form and consistency will have stabilized by the youth phase. They're no longer super oily and they aren't always dripping everywhere
🍃 Teenage Goobers tend to be reclusive, cranky, and lethargic thanks to chaotic puberty. Even if they don't suffer from their goo going haywire, they're likely to act like they are. This is instinct, just to keep them safe
🍃 Due to being potentially dangerous, the upgrade spawning portion of the youth phase is a couple years shorter than it is for regular Snakekeys. A Goober will spend the remaining years recovering, usually slowly losing or 'fixing' youth upgrades before morphing

🌿 Youth Creation 🌿

🍂 1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples shown here
🍂 2: Design > We've already done this and you're ready to go!
🍂 3: Upgrades > Keke youth are required to have at least one of the upgrades listed below. They can either keep or remove them once they reach adulthood. Once the approval's over, they have full access to these any time they wish (excepting on younger stages, of course). Note that a youth will always have to have a minimum of one of these and it can't just be removed after the approval process
🍂 4: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 5: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:
Young approval:
Youth upgrades: 
(Youth ones only)
Upgrades: (List what the keke has applied, ignoring the youth ones)

 Open spoiler to see youth upgrades! 

A purple keke showing chubbiness in the torso and the naga tailA brown keke with black pointsPunkin with dark bags under their eyes

💫 1: > Chubby - Youth
Maybe one day, this'll convert into a fae morph's figure. Until then, you've got a bit of a belly going on. Note that this shouldn't be a dramatic change - just noticeable. Can be on the torso, naga tail, or both
💫 2: > Color points - Youth
A.k.a. the belly color tingeing that hatchlings have is either resurfacing or appearing for the first time on your Snakekey. Same rules apply: it can be on the face, arms, and tail, going a max of halfway up each. However, it can now be any color
💫 3: > Drowsiness - Youth
Bags under your eyes because no, mom, you weren't up late last night

A tall dark keke looks down at a grey keke of average heightA dark blue Goober looks annoyed with an oil layer visible on their head, back, and tail tipA teal Goober shrugs at the small fin shreds on their back

💫 1: > Growth spurt - Youth
Typically a sign of an oncoming reach morph. Allows a keke to be taller than average for their age. Nothing crazy, though!
💫2: > Oil layer - Goober only - Youth
In attempting to stabilize, the oil in the goo seems to have all drifted to a transparent formation on the surface. Will go upwards no matter which way the keke moves. Don't touch it, you will be sorry.
Note: It's not black! That's just the background showing through
💫 3: > Sail shreds - Youth
Baby sail's comin' back... Small bits of webbing on the back. Must be the color the sail was originally

A light green Goober is perplexed about the tiny points coming out of their arms and tail tip in abundanceA short green keke looks up nervously at a pink one of regular heightA dark green Goober says

💫 1: > Sharp things - Goober only - Youth
Goobers have about a 50-50 chance of spontaneously developing small, sharp bits of bone resembling teeth upon reaching the youth phase. Never grow larger than two inches long. Retractable and only ever appear around the paws, arms, and/or tail tip. May or may not be visible when pulled inside the goo
💫 2: > Short stature - Youth
Your keke doesn't seem to have grown much...a common sign of an oncoming goblin morph. Allows them to be shorter than average for their age. Nothing crazy, though! This "upgrade" has a tendency to make them look a stage or two too young via underdeveloped face, body, etc
💫 3: > Slippery scales - Goober only - Youth
The base goo is getting a bit adventurous and has made a thin film over the belly scales. Appearance-wise, this doesn't do much other than show slight tingeing via the slime, however Snakekeys with this 'upgrade' will find that nothing's quite as stable as it used to be. They're slipping all over the place!

A teal keke with a fully extended mouth in a display of stress. Their mane is super goopy, dripping and running all over the place

💫 1: > Waterfall mane - Goober only - Youth
Something's gone wrong with the makeup of the goo that forms the mane and head tuft... Instead of being mostly solid, it's practically running like water! This requires Goobers to pull themselves back together far more than usual and is seen as a very taxing 'upgrade'

🌿 Adult 🌿

An adult Goober, looking quite pleased

🍃 At this age, Goobers are experts at maintaining their goop. A movement does not escape their notice. Despite this, they can't really shape themselves into anything. They can be in various stages of 'melting' or turn into a puddle, but not much else
🍃 Goobers have two additional adult morphs that seem to appear just as frequently as the main four: multi and spook

🌿 Adult Creation 🌿

The four default morphs: joey, fae, reach, and goblinThe two Goober default morphs: multitasker and spook

🍂 1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke, choosing their morph in the process. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples for whichever one you end up picking!
🍂 2: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey for the fourth and final time! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
🍂 3: Submitting > Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:
Young approval:
Youth approval:
(Joey, fae, reach, goblin, multitasker, and spook are the defaults)
Upgrades: (List what the keke has applied)

🐍 Optional Base 🐍