Upgrades: Clutch

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🌱 Other upgrade rules apply!
🍓 In this tier: 112 upgrades (as of ??). Inheritance, spontaneous, oversize chompers, albinism, melanism, twins, soft paws, scale overgrowth, gigantism, somatic markings, leucism, erythrism, pasta tail, paradox face, amelanism, segmented eyes, puppy eyes, third pouch, pseudo melanism, xanthism, axanthism, tailcoat flaps, mosaic scales, halfside, clone scales, Beginner's Luck, isabellinism, triplets, gene carrier, quintuplets, hatch scar, scratchy pads, runt, notched snoot, furry fin, double jointed, kinked tail, cleft scales, runic muteness, runic anosmia, runic deafness, curled tail, split ends, toothless, finless, crunch fin, cleft lip, kinked wrist, blur blindness, half pouch, webbed underarms, munchkin, hairless, twin tail tip, lil beans, missing paw, cyclops, spun paws, reverse scales, divot paws, sealed eyelids, scaleless, tailless, two-faced, dual heads, twin torso, feathered fin, blotchy mouth, mottled paws, dewpads, touchy birthmark, misfortune, ghost fur, mottled pouches, head fin, star, bobtwin, icyhot, holefin, wobble back, shortened spine, hollowboned, tongue scale, slanted eyes, blended eyes, droopy lids, baby fat, padded paws, backteeth, nubbled ears, spreading mane, murexia

🌺 Clutch 🌺
Special upgrades that Snakekeys can be born into. Accessible only through breeding and hidden until discovered!
Clutch upgrades are separated into two subcategories: risk and reward

🍀 Reward 🍀
Reward-type clutch upgrades generally do not inconvenience the hatchling
They have a 2 out of 3 chance to pull by default


🍃 1 > Inheritance - Very high chance
The hatchling is born with 1-3 upgrade(s) seen on their parents. The upgrade chosen is random and can pull from any rarity or type. Will be rolled by a mod
🍃 2 > Spontaneous - Very high chance
The hatchling is born with 1-3 upgrade(s) not seen on their parents! The upgrade chosen is random and can pull from any rarity or type. Will be rolled by a mod
🍃 3 > ??
Unknown until discovered


🍃 1 > Star - Very high chance
A small, four-point star marking that forms on the forehead or muzzle area. May have a low opacity 'halo' marking around it. With something this dramatic, it's almost like you're destined to be a leader or something, haha
🍃 2 > Baby fat - Very high chance
You're a bit rounder than the average bear. Plumps up a keke noticeably, but not to an extreme degree. Does not change colors
🍃 3 > Mottled paws - Very high chance
Pick one color to add spots or flecks to the paw pads. Cannot 100% cover all of the pads on a foot. Eg, you could fully cover one toe, but not all three toes and the central pad. If a kekin has hooves instead of paws, then this may affect the hoof keratin. If a kekin does not have paw pads (or a replacement, such as a Fakekey's soft spots), this may add colored blotches to the underside of the foot


🍃 1 > Mottled pouches - Very high chance
Pick one color to add spots or flecks to the cheek pouches (or the replacement, such as an Exo's ear bands) Cannot cover 100% of a cheek  pouch. If a kekin does not have any sort of pouch or pouch replacement, this may add colored blotches to the cheeks
🍃 2 > Dewpads - Very high chance
Add 1-3 tiny pads on the back of the wrist. These can come in any shape, but make sure they remain smallish! Dewpads should match the paw pad color or the color of the paw pad replacement, such as a Fakekey's soft spots. If there is no replacement on a kekin type, dewpads may be any one solid color unless upgraded otherwise
🍃 3 > Feathered fin - Very high chance
1-4 protrusions at the base of the baby fin where the keke tried to grow in a couple extra. These nubbins can be quite small or up to a foot in length! They share the same general shape of the baby fin (eg heart-shaped for a heart-shaped fin) or come in a rounded blade shape. They should match the baby fin in color unless upgraded otherwise. May affect baby fin replacers such as a Goober's baby sail, a Stilled's baby film, a Fawn's baby quills, etc, in similar manners. Just try to keep them logical! For example, a Stilled could have extra flaps of film, but shouldn't develop entirely new tail rings. In the event that a kekin has no baby fin or replacer, these can add the "feathers" to the tip of the tail (or the haunches/hip area, if there is no tail)


🍃 1 > Blotchy mouth - Very high chance
Pick one color to add spots or flecks to the inside of the mouth, which may include the tongue if desired, but not teeth. Should not cover 100% of  the tongue and mouth, but may cover 100% of one (tongue or mouth). If a kekin has no tongue nor mouth, this upgrade is pretty useless...!
🍃 2 > Oversize chompers - High chance
The teeth attached to the face seem to have come in a liiiiittle long. In fact, they're always visible. Can poke past the jawline slightly, but should go no further
🍃 3 > Albinism High chance
The baby is pure white with red, pink, or blue eyes. Slight variations of white may be used for the cheek pouches or other additional features, but the keke should overall be very pale. They may also have pinkish tingeing on areas such as the muzzle, paws, tail tip, and ears. Keke with this upgrade can be cold-blooded with white belly scales. This form of albinism does not come with any health issues


🍃 1 > Melanism - High chance
The baby is completely black with yellow, blue, or black eyes. Slight variations of black may be used for the cheek pouches or other additional features, but the keke should overall be very dark. In Snakekeys, melanism may also result in blueish tingeing in areas such as the muzzle, paws, tail tip, and ears. Keke with this upgrade can be warm-blooded with black belly scales. Melanism in Snakekeys does not come with any health issues
🍃 2 > Twins High chance
An egg hatches with two babies in it due to a double yolk!
🍃 3 > Soft paws High chance
The keke is born with 1-2 extra fingers on each paw - additional paw pads included


🍃 1 > Scale overgrowth High chance
More than the usual number of belly scales spawn, spreading out and covering up the lower portion of the naga tail. All scales must be connected rather than spattered around randomly
🍃 2 > Gigantism High chance
The baby is abnormally large. They're, at maximum, a good head taller than the average hatchling. May grow out of this with age or stay the bit bigger
🍃 3 > Somatic markings - High chance
Abnormal and often strange looking black patches on the design. Can effect any part of a keke (belly scales, base, eyes, mouth, etc...)

Slanted-eyes.pngSpreading-mane.png Ghost-fur.png

🍃 1 > Slanted eyes - High chance
A point in the far corner of a keke's eye, making them less oval-shaped and more almond-shaped. Sort of. Does not change colors. Must affect  both eyes. Affecting additional sets if a kekin has them (such as an Elver's tail eyes) is optional
🍃 2 > Spreading mane - High chance
Fur around the neck, chest, shoulder blade, and/or shoulder area. This hair is fairly short, being about 3 inches maximum, but may be any color
🍃 3 > Ghost fur - High chance
The keke grows thin, wispy hairs that are mostly transparent. These can be placed all over the body or just in specific locations. The hair itself may be any color, but note that patterns on it will be muted due to its opacity!


🍃 1 > Leucism - Average chance
The baby is mostly white (slight tinting may occur) with eyes being unaffected by the condition. Other features such as cheek pouches and belly scales can be either black, grey, or white. In Snakekeys, leucism may also result in black tingeing in areas such as the muzzle, paws, tail tip, and ears. Keke with this upgrade can be warm-blooded with black belly scales and vice versa. Leucism in Snakekeys does not come with any health issues
🍃 2 > Erythrism Average chance
The baby is entirely reddish in color with red, orange, or black eyes. Slight variations of red may be used for the cheek pouches or other additional features. In keke, erythrism may also result in red or pinkish tingeing in areas such as the muzzle, paws, tail tip, and ears. Keke with this upgrade will have red belly scales regardless of blood type. Erythrism in Snakekeys does not come with any health issues
🍃 3 > Pasta tail Average chance
The tail is twice as long as it should be (and like...super elegant)


🍃 1 > Paradox face Average chance
The face is split down the middle color-wise. One side will be the base color, the other can be any color you like! May or may not cover the ear as well. Cheek pouches, mouth, and eyes will be unaffected
🍃 2 > Amelanism Average chance
The baby lacks most darker pigments, making them mostly white or pale yellow. White belly scales will function normally, but darker colors such as black will instead be yellow. The eyes will be generally unaffected by this condition. Slight variations of yellow may be used for the cheek pouches or other additional features. In addition, the keke may also have yellow tingeing in areas such as the muzzle, paws, tail tip, and ears. Amelanism in Snakekeys does not come with any health issues
🍃 3 > Segmented eyes Average chance
The eyes are made up of two colors instead of one, resulting in spotting or patches

Puppy-eyes.png[] []

🍃 1 > Puppy eyes - Average chance
The eyes are unnaturally large, which some might find cute, others might find disturbing... Despite how it looks, this doesn't change a keke's vision (except for giving them a bit more peripheral view). This may fade with age, with a keke "growing into" their eyes
🍃 2 > ??
Unknown until discovered
🍃 3 > ??
Unknown until discovered

[] []Third-pouch.png

🍃 1 > ??
Unknown until discovered
🍃 2 > ??
Unknown until discovered
🍃 3 > Third pouch - Low chance
An additional pouch spawns anywhere on the face/neck/shoulder area. Can not be placed inside the mouth or in the mane. Will be the same color and shape as the other pouches unless upgraded otherwise


🍃 1 > Pseudo melanism Low chance
The baby is at least 50% black with the rest of them appearing colored as regular. Slight variations of black may be used for the cheek pouches or other additional features. The black can appear as blotches, stripes, and/or spots. If it covers the eyes, they will be black, yellow, or blue. Keke with this upgrade can be warm-blooded with black belly scales. Pseudo melanism in Snakekeys does not come with any health issues
🍃 2 > Xanthism Low chance
An unusual pigmentation resulting in a fully bright yellow baby with red or yellow eyes. Belly scales will be yellow regardless of blood type. Slight variations of yellow may be used for the cheek pouches or other additional features. The keke may also have white tingeing in areas such as the muzzle, paws, tail tip, and ears. Xanthism in Snakekeys does not come with any health issues
🍃 3 > Axanthism Low chance
An odd pigmentation resulting in a blue hatchling with blue, grey, or white eyes. Belly scales will be blue regardless of blood type. Slight variations of blue may be used for the cheek pouches or other additional features. The keke may also have blue tingeing in areas such as the muzzle, paws, tail tip, and ears. Axanthism in Snakekeys does not come with any health issues


🍃 1 > Tailcoat flaps - Low chance
Two, small, vaguely wing-shaped flaps of skin located somewhere along the spine (commonly at the hips or below). Match the base color/whatever they're touching unless upgraded otherwise. They lack the muscles to move on their own, making them limp
🍃 2 > Mosaic scales - Low chance
The belly scales are mottled with one of the other available colors for a keke type (unless they have the colored belly scales upgrade, then it can be anything). This does not effect a keke's blood type
🍃 3 > Halfside - Low chance
The keke is split vertically color-wise! This can (but doesn't have to) include eyes, accent colors, belly colors, or other things a subspecies might have. Once side will have to be colored correctly according to that keke type's creation guide, but the other does not. However, colors that should match, like cheek pouches/paw pads, should still match on both sides. If possible for their type, one side of them can even be warm-blooded while the other is cold-blooded!

Clone-scales.pngNubbled-ears.png Head-fin.png

🍃 1 > Clone scales - Low chance
It's like the belly scales finished forming, realized they were too small, and started completely over. There are two rows of belly scales pressed closely together that may or may not come up higher on a keke's sides than normal. Besides the spit in the middle, they'll still face the right direction (though both sides don't have to line up perfectly with each other). This is actually beneficial, as the possible extra scales give a keke more climbing ability
🍃 2 > Nubbled ears - Low chance
A second, smaller set of ears growing in front of the main set. In keke, these will usually look like little tufts of fluff, but they may appear different in types with different ears (eg, Goobers could have teeny lop ears, etc). They may be functioning ears with canals or simply decorative - it's up to you! They may also be any color
🍃 3 > Head fin - Low chance
A short to medium-length crest of fin that can go atop the muzzle or forehead area. This fin should match the baby fin/sail/film/etc in color if there is one. If not, then it should match the accent color. If both of these fall through, then it may be any single, solid color

Bobtwin.png [] []

🍃 1 > Bobtwin - Low chance
A short, nubby tail for the hip-area that bears resemblance to the tip of the naga tail (or actual tail, in species with them). The bobtwin tail can mimic the appearance of the naga tail in having a baby fin, belly scales, or whatever else the naga tail might have at birth (quills for Fawns, etc). Note that when the kekin ages, baby traits on the bobtwin tail will still disappear unless upgraded otherwise! Baby fins will fall off, belly color tingeing will fade, etc... Colors should match traits on the naga tail unless upgraded otherwise
🍃 2 > ??
Unknown until discovered
🍃 3 > ??
Unknown until discovered


🍃 1 > Beginner's Luck - Very low chance
This kiddo's a bit more prone to mutations than usual! Pulling this upgrade will allow for 2 additional clutch upgrades to be rolled
🍃 2 > Isabellinism - Very low chance
A pale, greyish-yellowish pigmentation with eyes unaffected by the condition. Slight variations of greyish-yellow may be used for the cheek pouches, belly scales, or other additional features. The keke may also have fawn (light brown) tingeing in areas such as the muzzle, paws, tail tip, and ears. Isabellinism in Snakekeys does not come with any health issues
🍃 3 > Triplets - Very low chance
An egg hatches with three babies in it due to a triple yolk!


🍃 1 > Gene carrier - Very low chance
The keke doesn't hatch with anything special themselves, but their offspring (for one generation only), will have a higher chance of pulling rarer clutch upgrades. (Stacks, so a couple of gene carriers' offspring will have double-higher chance)
🍃 2 > Quintuplets - Very low chance
An exceptionally rare instance where five Snakekeys hatch from an egg due to a quintuple yolk. Unless the egg chosen was very large, the babies are likely to be very small upon hatching due to the space they had to fit into. This does not have a negative influence on their health
🍃 3 > Murexia - Very low chance
The keke is affected by a purple pigmentation, with eyes that are either purple themselves or a dark shade (such as black, dark brown, deep blue, etc). Variations of purple can be used for additional features such as belly scales, accent color, and so on. The keke may also have purple tingeing in areas such as the muzzle, tips of the ears, paws, and tail tip. Murexia in Snakekeys does not cause any health issues

[] []

🍃 1 > ??
Unknown until discovered
🍃 2 > ??
Unknown until discovered

🎲 Risk 🎲
Risk-type clutch upgrades commonly pose some inconvenience and require the hatchling to adapt in some manner
They have 1 out of 3 chance to pull by default


🍃 1 > Hatch scar - Very high chance
The hatchling got a little too eager and attempted to escape the egg before it could fully soften, resulting in some torn skin. Should only be one scar or a cluster of smaller scars right next to each other. Scars would usually match the accent color, but can be any color
🍃 2 > Scratchy pads - Very high chance
The paw pads are way rougher than they should be... Looks like you need some lotion, stat
🍃 3 > ??
Unknown until discovered

Droopy-lids.png [] Touchy-birthmark.png

🍃 1 > Droopy lids - Very high chance
The eyelids are overlarge and hang a little low. Does not change colors
🍃 2 > ??
Unknown until discovered
🍃 3 > Touchy birthmark - Very high chance 
A birthmark that's overly sensitive to touch in a manner that's often unpleasant... This can take on a wide variation of appearances from a simple blob to an intricate marking. It should only be one color unless upgraded otherwise and may go anywhere on the body. It may be any size, but cannot cover 100% of a character

[] Backteeth.png []

🍃 1 > ??
Unknown until discovered

🍃 2 > Backteeth - Very high chance
When the keke's mouth is closed, it appears smooth. Open wide, however, and the truth is revealed! The teeth grow a little further back than they should, making them present inside the mouth. They may be skin-colored or the color of the mouth (unless upgraded otherwise). A human wouldn't consider this a detriment, but for a species used to growing teeth on the outside of their faces, it requires some adaptation to function! If applied to a species without attached teeth, this can add basic keke-like teeth inside the mouth like depicted

🍃 3 > ??
Unknown until discovered


🍃 1 > Icyhot - Very high chance
Kekin with this have warm and cold blood both, but it doesn't exactly play nice... The extremities are almost always too chilly while the core of the kekin is usually too hot. Does not change colors (the aura effect in the image is just for clarity)
🍃 2 > Tongue scale - Very high chance
A belly scale has gotten lost and formed on the tongue. This doesn't hurt or anything, but does reduce the keke's ability to taste... Scale should match the general shape of other belly scales (if there are any) or be rounded. It may be small or large, like shown in the image example. It should be the same color as the existing belly color, but may be tinted slightly lighter or darker to distinguish it from the tongue. If there is no belly color, use a single, solid color instead
🍃 3 > Holefin - Very high chance
The baby fin (sail, film, etc) has a hole in it! This hole can be very small or quite large, but shouldn't poke through the edges of the fin. Depending on its size, it can hamper a hatchling's ability to swim significantly...


🍃 1 > Runt - High chance
The baby is abnormally small. They're, at maximum, a good head shorter than the average hatchling. May grow out of this with age or stay the bit shorter
🍃 2 > Notched snoot - High chance
A tiny nick out of the skull that forms a notch. Note that this doesn't form a muzzle - just a little indent
🍃 3 > Furry fin - High chance
The baby fin (sail, etc...) has got hair on it..? A light layer of baby fuzz that shouldn't be longer than about an inch. The hair can be colored, but this will not color the whole fin


🍃 1 > Double jointed - High chance
The keke is double jointed in one way or another, allowing them to bend in ways that just...aren't right. Beware: the affected may be all too proud of themselves. Can cause increased risk of injury or slight difficulty doing things others would have no problem with (ie, doubled jointed fingers may have a hard time pushing stiff buttons), but most keke will be fine
🍃 2 > Kinked tail - High chance
The naga tail has one or more abrupt kinks in it. Usually, this is no big deal, but an abundance of kinks may make for some mobility issues or some such
🍃 3 > Cleft scales - High chance
A cleft forms in the uppermost belly scale, usually forming a sort of heart-shape. The cleft can be very small or run through the entirety of the upper scale


🍃 1 > Runic muteness - High chance
The keke is born with a specific rune somewhere on their body that disallows them from speaking. Rune can be any color. Characters born on That He Made For Us may have this rune instead
🍃 2 > Runic anosmia - High chance
The keke is born with a specific rune somewhere on their body that disallows them from smelling. Rune can be any color. Characters born on That He Made For Us may have this rune instead
🍃 3 > Runic deafness - High chance
The keke is born with a specific rune somewhere on their body that disallows them from hearing. Rune can be any color. Characters born on That He Made For Us may have this rune instead

[] Padded-paws.png Blended-eyes.png

🍃 1 > ??
Unknown until discovered
🍃 2 > Padded paws - High chance
The finger pads are fused together which slightly reduces finger movement range (or severely reduces depending on kekin type. Folk with separated fingers such as Shive will struggle more). Does not change colors. If a kekin does not have finger pads, this upgrade may apply them
🍃 3 > Blended eyes - High chance
The keke has successfully formed a third eye, but it's... a bit too close to the other ones and has merged with one or both of them. This third eye is commonly quite small, but may be as large as a regular eye, too! It may match the existing eye color or be its own single, solid color


🍃 1 > Wobble back > High chance
You have scoliosis! Yippie!! Add a sway to the spine that can be minor or severe. Does not change colors
🍃 2 > Curled tail - Average chance
This kid must not have sat right in the egg... The naga tail twists into a permanent curl or loop. This doesn't result in health issues, though they might have a bit of trouble using their belly scales efficiently
🍃 3 > Split ends - Average chance
The keke's mane and ears are absolutely covered in split ends. This gives them a very puffy, frizzy look and feels just awful to the touch. May apply to other fur if applicable


🍃 1 > Toothless - Average chance
The keke is born without any attached teeth at all. However, the notches where they would have gone are still slightly visible, giving the mouth a bumpy look
🍃 2 > Finless - Average chance
Keke who should be born with some sort of baby fin (sail, etc...) are born without
🍃 3 > Crunch fin - Average chance
Instead of being smooth in shape, the fin (sail, etc...) is somewhat frayed, torn, and/or crumpled. Note that this should look like tearing and not be a shaped fin


🍃 1 > Cleft lip - Average chance
A natural kitty face! : 3 A split forms in the center(ish) of the mouth and runs to the top of the muzzle. Split may or may not show the inside of the mouth
🍃 2 > Kinked wrist - Average chance
The wrist is folded on itself, curling towards the arm. This impairs movement, but doesn't prevent it. After learning how to work with it, a keke can get along just fine
🍃 3 > Blur blindness - Average chance
A visible form of blindness. A gradient/blur in the center of the eye that's a slightly different color than the eye color


🍃 1 > Half pouch - Average chance
Oh no, one of the cheek pouches is missing! Also applies to cheek pouch replacements such as an Exoskeletal's ear bands
🍃 2 > Webbed underarms - Average chance
The keke's arms don't fully separate during development, leaving a small membrane connecting them to their torso. Thankfully, this web is usually small enough to not hamper movement. Can be any color
🍃 3 > ??
Unknown until discovered


🍃 1 > ??
Unknown until discovered
🍃 2 > Munchkin - Low chance
A Snakekey is born with abnormally shortened arms. Although still usable, you can kiss your chances of ever reaching the top shelf goodbye
🍃 3 > Hairless - Low chance
The keke is born without the usual mane or ears. Instead of fluff, the ears will be little sticks (Hairless applied to a Subterfewege)


🍃 1 > Twin tail tip - Low chance
A parasitic twin that gives the hatchling a second tail tip. They may or may not be in control of it. This will result in 2 baby fins (or bells for Shinies, candy for Spiced, etc...)
🍃 2 > Lil beans - Low chance
The Snakekey is born with one less paw pad/finger than usual. Typically, this results in 2 fingers instead of 3 (results may vary depending on subspecies)
🍃 3 > Missing paw - Low chance
One or both of the paws just didn't bother to show up today. Or ever. Instead, the arm(s) will end in flat or rounded nubs


🍃 1 > Cyclops - Low chance
The keke is born with only one eye located in the center of their head
🍃 2 > Spun paws - Low chance
Instead of facing forward the paws are on...backwards...? Or at least mostly backwards - they can drastically be facing outwards as well
🍃 3 > Reversed scales - Low chance
The belly scales grew in facing the wrong direction! If they'd normally face down, they now face up and vise versa. This may result in a few more snags than normal when slithering, but shouldn't really hamper the keke too awful much


🍃 1 > Divot paws - Low chance
One of the keke's toes didn't form, but their paws still grew to the proper size! This leaves a little notch where the toe should have been. May effect one paw or both. Does not have to be the center toe. The missing toe can have the remains of a paw pad or be missing the pad that would go there
🍃 2 > Sealed eyelids - Low chance
The eyes form properly, but for whatever reason, the eyelids are unable to open. The eyes may be seen as a blurry blotch beneath the lids. Keke with this can't see or can see very little
🍃 3 > ??
Unknown until discovered


🍃 1 > ??
Unknown until discovered
🍃 2 > Scaleless - Very low chance
The keke is born without any scales at all! Their body is only made up of skin. No belly scales, so they can't slither over any surface
🍃 3 > Tailless - Very low chance
Despite the name, it's only a mutation that drastically shortens the naga tail rather than entirely removing it. Impairs movement, but is survivable. These keke will usually learn to move with the help of their arms


🍃 1 > Two-faced - Very low chance
A strange growth that gives a hatchling a second muzzle and mouth as well as a third eye and additional tiny cheek pouch. They will be in full control of both sides, as there is only one brain
🍃 2 > Dual heads - Very low chance
Conjoined twins in the form of two fully functioning heads. Each will have their own brain, making them effectively two different people stuck together. Each head can have a different cheek pouch and eye color (or other subspecies traits that apply) if desired
🍃 3 > Twin torso - Very low chance
Conjoined twins that merge somewhere ranging from the shoulders to the hips. If their shoulders aren't merged, they can have two arms each. If not, they'll only have one arm each. Each will have their own brain, making them effectively two different people stuck together. Each side can have a different cheek pouch and eye color (or other subspecies traits that apply) if desired

[] Hollowboned.pngShortened-spine.png

🍃 1 > ??
Unknown until discovered
🍃 2 > Hollowboned - Very low chance
The kekin's bones are full of air pockets like those of birds! This makes them significantly lighter and will make flight much easier if they obtain flight-enabling upgrades. However, this also makes them more susceptible to bone injury
🍃 3 > Shortened spine - Very low chance
The spine is significantly reduced, which can affect the neck, torso, or both. This can make a keke look neckless or abnormally short. Does not change colors

[] Misfortune.png

🍃 1 > ??
Unknown until discovered
🍃 2 > Misfortune - Very low chance
This kid is just plain outta luck... Pulling this upgrade will result in 2 more risk upgrades