๐ŸŒŒ Astral Creation

โญ• Jump to:ย Hatchling, Young, Youth, Adult

๐ŸŒฟย Rulesย ๐ŸŒฟ

๐ŸŒฑ Regular MYO rules apply with the exception of the following:
๐ŸŒฑย This type of keke must be obtained through an event or something similar. They are not open to make unless you've earned one!

๐ŸŒฟย Eggย ๐ŸŒฟ

๐Ÿƒย Astral eggs are called "celestial eggs" due to their surface filled with glittering stars
๐Ÿƒ Uniquely, these eggs will reflect the night sky of the planet they're currently on. Susie's sky has purple rings, Xavier lacks rings, and going to That He Made For Us will turn shells orange!
๐Ÿƒ Eggs are almost total circles with the bottom portion being flat. This is important, as babies are very upset by being spun around in there...! If an egg doesn't sit upright, it will increase the time taken for the keke to hatch
๐Ÿƒ Celestial eggs will hatch on their own without the use of water, though a warm bath now and then has been noted to sometimes speed up wait times
๐Ÿƒย Eggs are notย required for approvals! This is just info

๐ŸŒฟ Hatchling ๐ŸŒฟ


๐Ÿƒ Stra hatchlings are very...wispy. They sort of fade in and out of being tangible with no part of them being totally touchable or untouchable at any given time. Imagine holding a cloud of smoke
๐Ÿƒ At this age, there's noticeably nothing inside an Astral except for their eyes, which appear to be floating orbs that don't connect to anything. As such, most babies don't react much if you put your whole arm through them. Happens!
๐Ÿƒ As you might guess based on their looks, hatchlings are capable of levitation. They can't get much more than a foot off the ground, but they very much enjoy that foot, thank you
๐Ÿƒ While these guys will have blood later, their future type is currently only identifiable through the temperature within their cloudy bodies. Hatchlings will be noticeably warm or cool inside
๐Ÿƒ Aside from being made of space... stuff, Astrals have long, pointy ears (though not that impressive at this age) and a little head tuft

๐ŸŒฟ Hatchling Creationย ๐ŸŒฟ


๐Ÿ‚ย 1: Lines > Draw the base for your new Snakekey. Be sure to look at the anatomy examples here!
๐Ÿ‚ย 2: Base > Pick either 1 or 2 base colors. If you choose 2 colors, they'll form a large gradient over the whole of the keke which will appear to shift as they move (as if their color layer is a static background that they move around on top of!) If desired, you can add nebula-like "stripes" of one base color on top of the other
๐Ÿ‚ย 3: Stars >ย Use 1 color to add stars all over the design (3 stars minimum). Stars can be small dots, diamond shapes, five-pointed... generally anything that still looks like a star. They may glow if desired
๐Ÿ‚ย 4: Eyes > Eyes can be any color, but only one. By default, Snakekeys do not have visible pupils
๐Ÿ‚ย 5: Description > You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
๐Ÿ‚ย 6: Submitting > Submit your finished MYO to the approval folder, which can be found here

Temperature: (Warm or cold)
Type: Astral
Obtained through:ย (Link to event parts, mention a user, etc...)

๐ŸŒฟย Rulesย ๐ŸŒฟ

๐ŸŒฑ Regular aging rules apply

๐ŸŒฟย Youngย ๐ŸŒฟ


๐Ÿƒ Upon reaching the next age phase, Stras develop actual tangible parts - skin, wow! Granted, they're not 100% there... Young have heads, necks, arms, and a torso. Everything else is still space
๐Ÿƒ The skin-part of an Astral looks fairly similar to base keke anatomy with the exception of having a smooth mouth and no visible seams on their belly scales - they look like one, smooth line
๐Ÿƒ Instead of shrinking, the space portion of a Stra will actually get bigger...! The ears elongate and fluff gets fluffier
๐Ÿƒ Young keke have more range on their levitation ability. They'll begin learning how to 'swim' around in the air, able to get up to five feet off the ground!
๐Ÿƒ Now that they have blood, an Astral will be cold-blooded or warm-blooded depending on the temperature of their space-fluff, as both types will match

๐ŸŒฟย Young Creationย ๐ŸŒฟ


๐Ÿ‚1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples shown here
๐Ÿ‚ย 2: Base >ย Snakekeys get their bases as hatchlings - this step is done and you can move on!
๐Ÿ‚ย 3: Skin >ย This works exactly the same as the space part of an Astral. Pick 1-2 colors for your skin. If you choose 2 colors, they'll form a large gradient over the whole of the keke which will appear to shift as they move (as if their color layer is a static background that they move around on top of!) If desired, you can add nebula-like "stripes" of one skin color on top of the other
๐Ÿ‚ย 4: Skin stars >ย Use 1 color to add stars all over the design (3 stars minimum). Stars can be small dots, diamond shapes, five-pointed... generally anything that still looks like a star. They may glow if desired
๐Ÿ‚ย 5: Belly scales >ย Astral accent and belly scale colors are one and the same. Pick a dark color (try not to go above middle darkness on your color slider!) and apply it to the cheek pouches, paw pads, belly scales, and mouth/tongue. Note that this doesn't color the blood - that will appear like the space-fluff parts
๐Ÿ‚ 6: Description >ย You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
๐Ÿ‚ย 7: Submitting >ย Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:

Art type:ย (The keke's, not yours)
Upgrades:ย (List what the keke has applied)

๐ŸŒฟย Youthย ๐ŸŒฟ


๐Ÿƒ Youth Astals will have their full neck and the majority of the naga tail poke out of their space. The 'mane' that previously ran down the whole of them is broken into two sections, with the upper segment stopping at the torso and the second starting below the hips (Note that the wrist space shown here is a youth upgrade!)
๐Ÿƒ The space continues to grow in size, giving youths quite the impressive head tuft, mane, tail tuft, and ears
๐Ÿƒ At this age, there's a huge jump in a Stra's levitational abilities. They're essentially capable of flight, their only restriction being that they can't go high enough to leave the atmosphere (.........yet)

๐ŸŒฟย Youth Creationย ๐ŸŒฟ

๐Ÿ‚ย 1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples shown here
๐Ÿ‚ย 2: Design >ย We've already done this and you're ready to go!
๐Ÿ‚ย 3: Upgrades >ย Keke youth are required to have at least one of the upgrades listed below. They can either keep or remove them once they reach adulthood. Once the approval's over, they have full access to these any time they wish (excepting on younger stages, of course). Note that a youth will always have to have a minimum of one of these and it can't just be removed after the approval process
๐Ÿ‚ย 4: Description >ย You're ready to post your Snakekey! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
๐Ÿ‚ย 5: Submitting >ย Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:
Young approval:
Youth upgrades:ย 
(Youth ones only)
Upgrades:ย (List what the keke has applied, ignoring the youth ones)

โญ•ย Open spoiler to see youth upgrades!ย โญ•


๐Ÿ’ซ 1: > Astral facets - Astral and Glowis Maxima only - Youth
This upgrade is basically the same as Glowis' star facets, except it effects the eyes only. Give the eyes a star-shaped facet, which may function as a pupil if desired. Facets can be any color and any star-shape (diamond, dot, 5-point, etc)
๐Ÿ’ซย 2: > Blotchesย - Youth
It looks like sores, but it's just little dots of the accent color appearing on the face. Scaled keke may try and pick off the affected scales, but this isn't a great idea, please don't pull scales out of things
๐Ÿ’ซย 3: > Chubbyย - Youth
Maybe one day, this'll convert into a fae morph's figure. Until then, you've got a bit of a belly going on. Note that this shouldn't be a dramatic change - just noticeable. Can be on the torso, naga tail, or both


๐Ÿ’ซย 1: > Drowsiness - Youth
Bags under your eyes because no, mom, you weren't up late last night
๐Ÿ’ซย 2: > Glittermaw - Astral only - Youth
Change the mouth/tongue into Astral space-stuff. Should match the current colors of the space unless upgraded otherwise. Disclaimer: probably not the best upgrade to eat with...
๐Ÿ’ซย 3: > Growth spurtย - Youth
Typically a sign of an oncoming reach morph. Allows a keke to be taller than average for their age. Nothing crazy, though!


๐Ÿ’ซ 1: > Short stature - Youth
Your keke doesn't seem to have grown much...a common sign of an oncoming goblin morph. Allows them to be shorter than average for their age. Nothing crazy, though! This "upgrade" has a tendency to make them look a stage or two too young via underdeveloped face, body, etc
๐Ÿ’ซ 2: > Solar flare - Astral only - Youth
Some (or all) of the stars glow much brighter than the others, letting off long beams of light. The glow that this creates may be any color
๐Ÿ’ซ 3: > Solar wind - Astral only - Youth
Portions of the body become wispy like the space parts, but is otherwise tangible. Added wisps can be any color


๐Ÿ’ซ 1: > Space scraps - Astral only - Youth
Smallish tufts of space-fluff that can go anywhere on the body in any amount (as long as they stay small!) Should match at least one of the existing space's colors unless upgraded otherwise. Stars are optional

๐ŸŒฟย Adultย ๐ŸŒฟ


๐Ÿƒ In adults, the gap between the mane and tail tuft separates further, the the tail portion moving to only be on the very end of the tail. The space reaches its max length, leaving the keke with long, long ears tousled by an endless wind
๐Ÿƒ At this age, Stras will be able to venture into space...! They're capable of charging up a "speed boost" that uses a lot of energy, but is capable of shooting them up through the atmosphere without the flight taking hours
๐Ÿƒ With their boost using so much oomph, it's not uncommon for Astrals to take an airborne (or spaceborne) nap to recharge before coming back down

๐ŸŒฟย Adult Creationย ๐ŸŒฟ26845128_WhMHErUvUdjp9oW.png


๐Ÿ‚ย 1: Lines > Start by drawing the base image for your keke, choosing their morph in the process. Be sure to follow the anatomy examples for whichever one you end up picking!
๐Ÿ‚ย 2: Description >ย You're ready to post your Snakekey for the fourth and final time! Please be sure to locate the form below, fill it out, and put it in the description
๐Ÿ‚ย 3: Submitting >ย Submit your finished image to the aging approval folder, which can be found here

Hatchling approval:
Young approval:
Youth approval:
(Joey, fae, reach, goblin, reduced, sail, and star nursery are the defaults)
Upgrades:ย (List what the keke has applied)

๐Ÿ Optional Base ๐Ÿ