🦌 Guild: Haveners

Haveners-Symbol.pngIn the scheme of guilds, Haveners is in its infancy. They hope to learn more about the wildlife and team up with animals to make life easier with things like domestication on the horizon. They dream of creatures that can sit or stay on command or even beasts of burden that actually do as instructed instead of just taking suggestions. Initially, they suffered a lot of pushback from the general population due to their beliefs. Keke are totally against bullying nature and using creatures as mounts, workers, or even an unwilling resident in the home seemed... despicable! Such things require discipline and training and how could you do such a thing to that poor animal?? However, thanks to their resilience, Haveners where the ones to rediscover pouch training and the fact that keke can speak to animals using their cheek pouches. This has caused public opinion of them to improve drastically. It's also gotten their name out there because their discovery was quite the event...!

🍃 Accepts: Youths and adults
🍃 Location: Bumpytown
🍃 HQ: The Haveners have an office down at the farm, but otherwise don't have a place of their own. They also use farm space for animals as well as whatever anyone else will lend them
🍃 NPC Members: Koi Wintergreen: founder, Embert: secretary (?), Coraline: animal caretaker, Cassie: initiate

🌿 Initiation 🌿

Koi-talker.pngYou'll likely find Koi around Bumpytown when you're not actually looking for her. She doesn't spend as much time recruiting anymore, as word of her guild can officially be considered "out". While she may mention it in conversation, you'll probably need knowledge of the guild and have a desire to join beforepaw. Instead, she may be attempting to communicate with local wildlife, practicing pouch magic, helping animals, or being a general busybody. Mention your interest in the cause to her to get her to stop rushing around. When she can spare a moment, she'll lead you to the farm to discuss joining things such as guild values and, er, make you interact with at least one animal. Sometimes wildlife seems to have a vendetta towards certain kekin! This is very weird, but it makes being a guild member much more difficult, so Koi now ensures this check is done as a rule
🐎 Write 300 words/draw a fully colored halfbody with shading or a background regarding the above blurb to complete initiation. Be sure you know the general guild rules!

🌻 Newcomer 🌻

Embert-talker.png🍃 After completing initiation, your kekin becomes a newcomer
🔺 Perk: [CharacterName] is now able to do guild work for GPS at the regular earning rate. Each separate piece will earn them +1 Haveners faction
🔓 Unlock: [CharacterName] has unlocked the ability to do the following adventures:
    ▶ Bird With a Broken Wing. 4 prompts. Rewards +8 faction & one use of Ilinook pearls or beakspot
    ▶ C'mere. 3 prompts. Rewards +6 faction & one use of snap headpiece or blooming antenna
    ▶ One Small Step for Noodle.... 3 prompts. Rewards +6 faction & one use of wool or bar pupils
    ▶ Silk Over Your Eyes. 3 prompts. Rewards +6 faction & one use of shoulder horns or Bubblebee wings
    ▶ Less Than Ideal. 2 prompts. Rewards +4 faction and one use of neck pouch

🍃 In order to advance: Have at least base level pouch ability (if possible for character type) and 20 Haveners faction for the kekin advancing

🍏 Trainee 🍏

Coraline-talker.png🍃 After fulfilling the requirements at the bottom of the newcomer section, your kekin becomes a trainee
➖ [CharacterName] keeps the perks that newcomers have
🔺 Perk: Animals drawn in GPS-earning images with [CharacterName] while doing guild work will also earn GPS at the regular rate, adding onto [CharacterName]'s total!
🔺 Perk: GPS-earning images for [CharacterName] now reward +2 Haveners faction instead of just +1
🔓 Unlock: [CharacterName] has unlocked the ability to do the following adventures:
    ▶ Lost and Found. 3 prompts. Rewards +6 faction and one Vyis pet
    ▶ Relocation. 3 prompts. Rewards +6 faction and one pointy puppy (Quillrend)
    ▶ Tiny Stowaway. 4 prompts. Rewards +8 faction & one use of Springhop antenna or candy floss
    ▶ A Constant Struggle. 3 prompts. Rewards +6 faction & one use of vine tail tip or stompy paws
    ▶ The Unthinkable. 3 prompts. Rewards +6 faction and one Warped Frogdog pet

🍃 In order to advance: Have at least usable level pouch ability (if possible for character type) and 40 Haveners faction for the kekin advancing

🌼 Regular 🌼

🍃 After fulfilling the requirements at the bottom of the trainee section, your kekin becomes a regular
➖ [CharacterName] keeps the perks that newcomers and trainees have
🔺 Perk: [CharacterName] now earns star bonuses per animal included in the same drawing as they are! Animals earn stars at the same rate as a Snakekey. The stars can go to any keke/PCs you own in this guild
🔓 Unlock: [CharacterName] has unlocked the ability to do the following adventures:

🍃 In order to advance:

🍂 Professional 🍂