Upgrades: Youth II

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🌱 Other upgrade rules apply!
🌱 Other youth upgrade rules apply!

🍓 In this tier: 53 upgrades (as of broken orb). Matching collar, mini fangs, astral facets, glittermaw, solar flare, solar wind, space scraps, booty fin, flopsy ears, molt holes, simple rattle, topple fin, banded quills, super soft, vertical pouches, rainbows, superstorm, webby mittens, weepy pouches, back burner, ember cheeks, twisty fangs, big splotches, jungly, malnourished, wilting ears, cloudfluff, flappy fingertips, pruney panels, baited breath, drifting mane, fume sputters, hefty fumes, bumper crop, scale shadow, shaped motes, straightened ears, broken mandibles, broken mask, flightless, fluff shed, mandible overgrowth, squint eyes, pronounced arm feathers, knee knapping, leg reversion, smoothed mask, teary-eyed, broken body halo, oil skin, tattered fins, broken orb

Which tab is X in?
Open for improved F3 functionality!

Sandrunner: Booty fin, flopsy ears, molt holes, simple rattle, topple fin
Fafnir: Matching collar, mini fangs
Astral: Astral facets, glittermaw, solar flare, solar wind, space scraps
Bouncer: Banded quills, super soft, vertical pouches
Elemental (All): Rainbows, superstorm, webby mittens, weepy pouches, back burner, ember cheeks, twisty fangs, big splotches, jungly, malnourished, wilting ears, cloudfluff, flappy fingertips, pruney panels, baited breath, drifting mane, fume sputters, hefty fumes
Shenbie: Broken mandibles, broken mask, flightless, fluff shed, mandible overgrowth, squint eyes
Yern Shenbie: Pronounced arm feathers
Riptee Shenibe: Knee knapping, leg reversion, smoothed mask, teary-eyed
Hallow Shenbie: Broken body halo
Merbie: Oily skin, tattered fins
Anjewel Shenibe: Broken orb

 🏃‍♂️ Sandrunner 🏃‍♂️


💫 1: > Booty fin - Sandrunner only - Youth
The small fin on the underside of the tail that was present during the young phase comes back. It can have a pointed or frilly edge and may be any color
💫 2: > Flopsy ears - Youth
The ears won't quite sand up straight. They hang about level with the head or lower
💫 3: > Molt holes - Sandrunner only - Youth
The body attempts to save energy from rapid-fire molting by omitting some scales that might not be so nessisary. This can gives the belly scales a chewed edge and/or small holes. Does not change colors


💫 1: > Simple rattle - Sandrunner only - Youth
The tail rattle is a simple, teardrop-shape. It can now be any color (adds a rattle if used on a type without)
💫 2: > Topple fin - Sandrunner only - Youth
The back fin grows enough that it falls over its own weight! Parts or all of the fin bend over on themselves

 🐲 Fafnir 🐲


💫 1: > Matching collar - Fafnir only - Youth
Add a metal collar around the neck to match the band on the tail. Should be the default and shape and match the metal color unless upgraded otherwise. If the tail band has been upgraded to look different, this upgrade can match it if desired
💫 2: > Mini fangs - Youth
The attached teeth are... really small, actually. They're not totally gone, but you sorta look like a big hatchling now

 🌌 Astral 🌌


💫 1: > Astral facets - Astral and Glowis Maxima only - Youth
This upgrade is basically the same as Glowis' star facets, except it effects the eyes only. Give the eyes a star-shaped facet, which may function as a pupil if desired. Facets can be any color and any star-shape (diamond, dot, 5-point, etc)
💫 2: > Glittermaw - Astral only - Youth
Change the mouth/tongue into Astral space-stuff. Should match the current colors of the space unless upgraded otherwise. Disclaimer: probably not the best upgrade to eat with...
💫 3: > Solar flare - Astral only - Youth
Some (or all) of the stars glow much brighter than the others, letting off long beams of light. The glow that this creates may be any color


💫 1: > Solar wind - Astral only - Youth
Portions of the body become wispy like the space parts, but is otherwise tangible. Added wisps can be any color
💫 2: > Space scraps - Astral only - Youth
Smallish tufts of space-fluff that can go anywhere on the body in any amount (as long as they stay small!) Should match at least one of the existing space's colors unless upgraded otherwise. Stars are optional

 🦘 Bouncer 🦘


💫1: > Banded quills - Bouncer only - Youth
Small stripes of color that tip the quills. May be any color and come in any amount (Does not add quills on types without)
💫 2: > Super soft - Bouncer only - Youth
Change the quills back into the soft, velvety kind that Bo hatchlings have. Terrible for defense, great for hugs! (May add quills on types without, but only in places that Bo hatchlings have)
💫 3: > Vertical pouches - Bouncer only - Youth
Flip some or all of the pouches to be vertical instead of horizontal. This may remove the belly scale seam on affected scales, but seams will continue as usual on the rest of the body (does not add pouches to types without)

 ♨️ Elemental (All) ♨️


💫 1 > Rainbows - Tempest Elemental and Aida only - Youth
Rainbows crop up from the mane or otherwise available fluff (head tuft, tail tip, etc). While typically Roy G. Biv, rainbows can be any color
💫 2 > Superstorm - Tempest Elemental only - Youth
There must be something in the air because your lightning is going crazy...! Add way more lightning than usual within the clouds. Should match the accent color unless upgraded otherwise and may glow. May add lightning to types without, though it will be restricted to fluff (such as the mane, a head tuft, etc). If you're totally bald, you're out of luck!
💫 3 > Webby mittens - Tempest Elemental only - Youth
Return to the underdeveloped Tempest hatchling paws with undefined fingers and pancake hands. Does not change colors


💫 1 > Weepy pouches - Tempest Elemental only - Youth
Shrink the cheek pouches down to small teardrop shapes located beneath the eyes. Does not change colors. May add pouches to types without
💫 2 > Back burner - Flicker Elemental only - Youth
Reduce the flames to a smaller size. Note that this does not change colors nor can it remove the flames completely. Cannot add flames to other types, but can interact with other fire-based upgrades
💫 3 > Ember cheeks - Flicker Elemental only  - Youth
The keke develops glowing, ember-like markings on the cheek area, imitating a cheek pouch (though these can spread out about double the size of a usual pouch). Embers may be any color. These will not produce a castoff if pouch magic is used. If added to a type with cheek pouches, this can just go on top!


💫 1 > Twisty fangs - Youth
The fangs grow in a curled formation! This can look like the example image or be a looser spin. Fangs should stay about the usual size for age/type or can be shrunk slightly to account for the twist. This upgrade does not change colors. It cannot effect attached teeth like regular keke have, but can be applied to external ones like in Fakekeys and Flicker Elementals! It may also effect upgrades that give a type external teeth such as sabers or tusks
💫 2 > Big splotches - Verdant Elemental only - Youth
Big smudges of discoloration that can go anywhere on the base, leaves, or flowers. This should generally be a paler or darker type of the base color or a brown
💫 3 > Jungly - Verdant Elemental only - Youth
More vines form anywhere on the body in any amount! These must remain naked - no leaves and no flowers. Added vines may be any color


💫 1 > Malnourished - Verdant Elemental only - Youth
You need some more sun or something... : ( The tail leaves are all wilty! This may also make the leaves and/or bud appear stunted or slightly paled, but otherwise doesn't change color. If applied to a type without tail leaves/flowers, this can make their tail tip (or tail bauble - bells for Shinies, fins for Wyrms, etc) unnecessarily droopy
💫 2 > Wilting ears - Verdant Elemental only - Youth
The ears are clearly upset, as they've gone all crunchy! This can give the ears a tattered or wobbly outline and may counteract the youth dog-earing. Does not change colors. If applied to other types, this can make their ears wobbly/tattered
💫 3 > Cloudfluff - Swept and Tempest Elemental only - Youth
Add one additional cloud tuft anywhere on a keke. Tufts may be symmetrical if applicable (eg, you can put them on both wrists, wings, etc). May be any size and color


💫 1 > Flappy fingertips - Swept Elemental only - Youth
Revert the hands to what they looked like in the younger phases with wing fingers. May keep the paw pad or remove it. Added bits can be any color. There's no min or max required fingers for this upgrade. Can be used to apply young Swept wing fingers to a non-Swept. Not flight-able
💫 2 > Pruney panels - Swept Elemental only - Youth
Eugh... apparently it was a bit moist in that chrysalis. Some or all of the wing sheets have a pruned look to them like what happens to your fingers if you stay in the water for too long. Does not change colors. Does not work on other keke/PC types unless they have some sort of thin membrane it can be applied to (eg Nightling wings)
💫 3 > Baited Breath - Myrrh Elemental only - Youth
Fumes start coming out of the keke's mouth! These may be any color and scent. They'll dissipate if they get much further than two feet from the keke, sometimes sooner


💫 1 > Drifting mane - Myrrh Elemental only - Youth
The very tips of the mane fur start producing fumes, which makes the mane look like it's converting to gas! Sort of. These added plumes may be any color, but should remain pretty short unless upgraded otherwise. Does not apply to any areas besides the mane by default
💫 2 > Fume sputters - Myrrh Elemental only - Youth
The vents are getting pretty temperamental... The gas that comes out of them is sometimes fitful or even explosive! This can make some loud noise, but is otherwise pretty harmless. Does not change color. If applied to a keke without fumes, this can apply to any other vapor they may have. Otherwise, this upgrade won't be noticeable
💫 3 > Hefty fumes - Myrrh Elemental only - Youth
Instead of drifting up, some or all of a Myrrh's fumes instead spill downwards and pool on the ground before dissipating. Does not change colors. If applied to a keke without fumes, this can apply to any other vapor they may have. Otherwise, this upgrade won't be noticeable


💫 1 > Bumper crop - Lumi Elemental only - Youth
Add more wheat-like baubles in the grass. Baubles may be any color, but should not exceed roughly a foot in length. This also allows wheat to be placed in fluffy bits such as fur or hair
💫 2 > Scale shadow - Lumi Elemental and Subterfewege only - Youth
Add a marking darker than the base color (but otherwise any color) that implies the presence of belly scales. These shadows often resemble the basic keke scales, but can technically take on the appearance of any belly scales as long as they form a single, straight line down the body
💫 3 > Shaped motes - Lumi Elemental only - Youth
Change the shape of the motes coming from the light patches into anything you like! This does not change colors nor add motes, so it won't do anything if added to keke without motes in the first place


💫 1 > Straightened ears - Lumi Elemental only - Youth
Make it so the tips of the ears no longer curl towards each other

💗 Shenbie 💗


💫 1: > Broken mandibles - Shenbie only - Youth
The mandibles grow brittle, breaking or cracking. Note that this can be used to break mandibles completely off, but the stump should still be visible in this case! Does not change colors
💫 2: > Broken mask - Shenbie only - Youth
The  facial mask suffers weakening that can make it break or crack. This can remove smallish chips from the mask, but shouldn't do huge chunks. Does not change colors
💫 3: > Flightless - Shenbie only - Youth
Issues from pupahood return and the Shenbie struggles to levitate properly! Their abilities may go in and out without warning


💫 1: > Fluff shed - Shenbie only - Youth
Some or all of the fluff falls off. Does not change colors
💫 2: > Mandible overgrowth - Shenbie only - Youth
Thanks to some overproductive hormones, you grow a rather impressive set of mandibles. Length should not be longer than shown in the example image (about a 8 inches of extra length). Does not change colors
💫 3: > Squint eyes - Shenbie only - Youth
The eyes press either into very thin slits or fully closed

🦅 Yern Shenbie 🦅


💫 1: > Pronounced arm feathers - Yern only - Youth
Large,  rounded, feather-like protrusions off the backs of the wings. May go on  the arms if a species doesn't have wings. Added bits may be any color

💧 Riptee Shenbie 💧


💫 1: > Knee knapping - Riptee only - Youth
The direction the knees bend flips the opposite way!
💫 2: > Leg reversion - Riptee only - Youth
The legs change from bird-like sticks to normal paws. Well, sort of... they still only have two toes. Does not change color - legs will still  appear to be a separate material from the base! Paw pads and claws not included
💫 3: > Smoothed mask - Riptee only - Youth
Soften the edges of the mask so that there no longer appears to be jagged teeth coming from it. In species without masks, this may soften attached teeth. Otherwise, it doesn't do anything


💫 1: > Teary-eyed - Riptee only - Youth
The Riptee is so weepy that tears appear to be constantly coming from the eyes...! Added bits should be the same color as the eye they're attached to

🪐 Hallow Shenibe 🪐


💫 1 > Broken body halo - Hallow only - Youth
Some parts of the body halo crack and fall away. This can remove smallish chips from the halo, but shouldn't knock out huge chunks. Does not change colors

🧜‍♀️ Merbie 🧜‍♀️


💫 1: > Oily skin - Merbie only - Youth
That ain't right... A peculiar oily substance is being secreted by the skin instead of soap. This can be any color and level of transparency
💫 1: > Tattered fins - Merbie only - Youth
Small holes or nibbles taken out of the fins. Cannot remove large pieces and does not change colors

💎 Anjewel Shenbie 💎


💫 1: > Broken orb - Anjewel only - Youth
Cracks along the surface of the tail orb. This can be used to take tiny chunks out of the orb, but shouldn't do anything large. Does not change colors or affect species without any kind of orb to their name
