━ Rules


Members are expected to know and follow the rules of our game, so we recommend getting acquainted with them before diving into anything else!

Members who break our rules will receive either a written warning, strike, or expulsion from the group depending on the severity of the infraction. The severity of an infraction will be determined by the administrator. Earning a second strike will result in expulsion from Elysium.

Elysium enforces the following rules:

  • You must be 18+ to join Elysium, no exceptions.
  • Hate speech is not tolerated. Members should not display racism, sexism, or prejudices against members of the LGBT+ community in Elysium or elsewhere.
  • Bullying is not tolerated. Harassing, manipulating, abusing or otherwise speaking maliciously of another member in Elysium or elsewhere will result in repercussions. Entry to the group may be affected by prior reputation in order to maintain a safe environment for our members. Likewise, members who become a toxic influence on the community are subject to dismissal from the group.
  • Don't be inappropriate. Don't ask questions you wouldn't ask your grandmother or priest in the chat. 
  • Be sensitive to topics that make others uncomfortable. Always provide content warnings for violence, death, gore/blood, and sexual assault. If a topic is making another user uncomfortable and they say so, switch to a new topic immediately.
  • You cannot 'block' the staff on toyhou.se or discord and remain in Elysium. These individuals need to be able to contact you for group related reasons should the need arise.
  • Art theft will always earn a strike. Art theft includes uploading another artist's work as your own, tracing another user's artwork, referencing closely from photos that are not stock, and failing to link back to your stock provider. We understand if you occasionally forget the last one, but making a habit of it will earn repercussions.
  • Referencing is a great tool, and we highly recommend using it! Always make sure that the image you are using as a reference is stock photography, meaning you have permission to use it. Plenty of stock can be found on deviantart by typing '[subject] stock'. You must read and abide by a stock owner's rules and link back directly to the stock used. Another great resource is freeimages.com and certain images on flickr; when it comes to the latter, always check a photo's licensing.
  • Don't god-mode. God-moding is when you force another person's character to think, act, or feel a certain way. God-moding is also when you do something to someone's character without the owner's permission. Yes, technically you can have fancy magics that can obliterate a character off the face of Elysium... but if that character's owner says no, it's a no.
  • Characters and proposed concepts cannot have elements appropriated from marginalized cultures. i.e. no native american headdresses.
  • Advertising of any kind is not accepted in Elysium. No soliciting, please put us on the no-call list.