| About Sloomens |

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  • OTHER NAMES: Slime People

  • LIFESPAN: (Sloomens): 300 yrs | (Abandoned Sloomens): 150 yrs

  • CLASSIFICATION: Slime Humanoids

  • DIET: ( Sloomens) Diet can vary between regular food like stew, cake etc. (Abandoned Sloomens): Diet can very but mostly eats Sloominals.

  • HOMEWORLD: Slimla (Earth)

  • HABITAT: (Sloomen): Kingdom/Towns | (Abandoned Sloomens): Caves and Dark Forests|

  • Kingdom: Satif Kingdom

Girl in a jacket

Sloomens are humanoid slime people that have evolved after a war broke out many centuries ago, leaving the inhabitants that once roamed into slime. Sloomens dwell nowadays in kingdoms and in small towns. Sloomens are also able to turn into small slime monsters for aesthetic and travel reasons. The slime form being said to have been evidence of what they used to be before they evolved into humanoid.

There is a subspecies of Sloomens called Abandoned Sloomens, known to have unique traits and dwell in caves and catacombs. They’re the sloomens that have been outcast and have formed their own society. Becoming an Abandoned Sloomen isn't a choice and you become one when you don't have products like corn starch, borax, etc, to keep yourself from mutating. Mold is commonly found on Abandoned Sloomens, so it can spread onto other Sloomens.

More Information!~


Sloomens have a more human-like appearance, all of their body is made out of slime.

Their hair being the part that looks more slimelike than any other part. The slime hair being different variations depending on the trait and being key to the appearance to their slime monster form. Decorations and other traits can be seen on the Sloomen as well as their Monster Form.

Sloomens do have sexual organs and can reproduce with any gender!~

| Satif Kingdom Map: CLICK HERE |

The link above will direct you to the map with more information that's not listed here.

Girl in a jacket

Sloomens live in a kingdom called [Satif Kingdom] with 5 towns making up the kingdom along with other areas

Kawaii Town, Foam Town, Soft Town, Dazzle Town, and Umbrella Town

The Internal Abyss and Forest of the lost being sanctuary for Abandoned Sloomens.

Sloominals are slime animals that have evolved along side Sloomens. They are some that are kept as pets and to make food for Sloomens. For Abandoned Sloomens, they have Sloominals of their own that help them hunt and get around. They also don't mind eating the pets of regular sloomens.

More information will be provided in the future!~

More information about this can be found in:

| Sloomen Lore |

Girl in a jacket

They definitely can! They can naturally morph into their Slime Monster Forms!~ They are knee height and it's soothing for a Sloomen to be in this form. There isn't any special purpose for this form, other than to be cute and to travel around without taking up space. More info about the monster form here:

| Sloomen Monster Form |

Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket

The one on the left is the King of The Sloomens and the one on the right is the Pack Leader of the Abandoned Sloomens! More information can be found about them in:

| Sloomen Lore |

For More Information

For more information like traits, rules, etc. in the | Sloomen Info | Category. Joining the Discord is also very much encouraged along with joining this Toyhou.se group for fun events!~

By Joining the discord, you're more likely to catch events faster along with adoptables! Discord also have a Bank option only available in the discord group.

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