| Sloomen Lore |


How It Began

"Life always finds a way."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Once upon a time, the world of Sloomens used to be dominated by humans in the 20th century.

One day, a nuclear war broke apart, transforming all of the millions of inhabitants on the planet into slime as a result. Eventually, all of this slime, throughout the course of many years, accumulated and evolved into slime humanoids that would later go on to develop independent consciousness. Their own individual thought patterns, sentient feelings, and all sensations of self-awareness.

Their ways of thinking grew and advanced.

Currently, the universe of Sloomens is set in a medieval setting with remnants of the previous modern human world still. From what they’ve scavenged so far, they’ve been able to collect artifacts of what they refer to as the Old World, which they are still in the process of studying to this day.

The Sloomens have also grown socially advanced enough to establish a hierarchy of some sorts.


Social hierarchy

"Abandoned doesn't mean forgotten."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Sloomens are the inhabitants of King Callum's kingdom, which consist of exactly five towns. Usually, these places are on the wealthier side and are dominate sites of the surface world. But as for the underground and dark murky places that Sloomens dare not to go, this is where you can find the Abandoned Sloomens.

Abandoned Sloomens are slime humanoids that have been cast aside from the rest of society due to their deteriorating and moldy appearances, low income backgrounds, and some are even rumored to be cannibals.

Aside from eating food and drinking small amounts of water, Sloomens typically have products that help maintain their bodies. They have baking soda, cornstarch, or other similar things to help make them not too sticky and to maintain the flexibility and cleanliness of their slime forms.

While a lot of Abandoned Sloomens are affiliated with crime life, the main leading factor behind becoming one is poverty. For without much money to afford things like baking soda and cornstarch to help maintain their slime forms, eventually something like mold can develop, which is usually frowned upon since traits like mold are painted out to be conventionally unattractive.

To this day, Abandoned Sloomens are known to be a living social taboo and most of them can be found rarely in the streets and/or commonly in the underground catacombs.



King Callum, the current ruler of Satif Kingdom, was originally the son of the 6th King of Sloomen kind. Recently, his father after ruling the kingdom for many many years had now passed away, leaving the kingdom in Callum’s hands. He was one of the youngest among his siblings and didn’t think he would become the ruler he is today. He’s still new to ruling but one of the goals he’s after is to find peace between Sloomen and Abandoned and reunite the kingdom once more. He’s hoping to find a cure or solution so the Abandoned Sloomens wouldn’t be driven out of the kingdom.

He’s a regal and kind hearted ruler, always putting his citizens first. He can be found mostly at Castle of Satif, but can be found in the neighboring towns. He’s always heavily guarded by knights, however, that doesn’t stop him from saying hi!~

Ramona is the pack leader of the Abandoned Sloomens. She was once a regular sloomen just like everyone else before she was infected. She hates regular sloomen and bears a grudge towards the royal family of Satif, since her interactions with King Callum’s father before he past weren’t friendly. Her main focus right now is to protect her people and ready herself if the regular sloomens decide to fight. She is proud to be an abandoned sloomen.



"Insert a quote here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Integer odio lorem, fringilla vitae nunc vel, faucibus mattis elit. In sagittis libero sem, dignissim pellentesque massa eleifend nec. Nam rhoncus sodales eros sit amet blandit. Sed non metus sapien. Mauris ac leo eu magna hendrerit rhoncus. Fusce a tristique purus. Donec sed malesuada nibh. Sed venenatis ultrices orci, at blandit velit vehicula ac. Pellentesque tincidunt nunc at neque pretium eleifend. Donec at enim a orci congue aliquet. Integer elementum libero ac leo ultrices, quis mattis diam ornare.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.



"Insert a quote here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Integer odio lorem, fringilla vitae nunc vel, faucibus mattis elit. In sagittis libero sem, dignissim pellentesque massa eleifend nec. Nam rhoncus sodales eros sit amet blandit. Sed non metus sapien. Mauris ac leo eu magna hendrerit rhoncus. Fusce a tristique purus. Donec sed malesuada nibh. Sed venenatis ultrices orci, at blandit velit vehicula ac. Pellentesque tincidunt nunc at neque pretium eleifend. Donec at enim a orci congue aliquet. Integer elementum libero ac leo ultrices, quis mattis diam ornare.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.

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