Into the Singing Vale


french, "the Singing Vale"

♔Basic Plot

Storytellers often recall legends sung for millenia about the land that the Father god loved the most. It was a quaint, green piece of land nested between two mountains he knew so well, where winds whispered and streams sung. He called the valley Chanteval and there He led His people to a better life. 

These people take many shapes and forms: equines, cervines, bovines and dragons coexist as one society, all loved equally by Sirius. 

Chanteval exists in the unforgiving world of Soranha, a world created by the Old Ones, Sirius, Kamara, Hora and Nagai, and has been washed over by constant wars ever since. A countrycompletely locked away from foreign lands, which Sirius deems too dangerous. Only an endless, glittering nothingness stretches past the borders: because they are Sirius’ doing, the people never question them. 

While sheltered from the outside world, Chanteval is no less wide and has a turmoiled inner life. A river splits the territory in half: each half was given to Sirius’ two daughters to rule. 

The eastern half, littered with lush forests, became the fabled Kingdom of Liande, ruled by the youngest daughter, Lucie. It is home to fae people and the numerous legends surrounding them. The western half, with a gilded capital city crowning the mountaintop, became the powerful Kingdom of Avalon, home to the people of the sky, ruled by his eldest daughter, Astrielle.

While the two Kingdoms were always at peace, numerous events during the past year threw off a balance that was kept for millenia. Both Queens disappeared mysteriously: Astrielle vanished one night without warning, leaving her kingdom to chaos, and Lucie died to never be reincarnated again. The borders appear to have been shrinking sensibly, and in some places were reported to have turned pitch black. People started catching mysterious diseases giving them undesired, harmful powers. More recently a floating island has been seen soaring through Chanteval’s skies, but no one has been able to approach it thus far.



Chanteval is a private group that focuses on art and freeform writing. The group is pictured as a shared, sandbox style headworld driven by narrative freedom, in which characters themselves carry the plot.

  • Characters do not level, but come in with a set of skills and magic powers depending on their breed and their god alignment. They may seek to unlock new skills and powers thanks to prompts and quests.
  • There is nothing to be purchased within the group. However, some in game character changes can only be unlocked through specific events.
  • While there are group admins who create and regulate the lore, creative freedom is preached for all players. Any suggestion is welcome and can be worked towards being implemented.
  • Characters may be depicted as animals or humans interchangeably.



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