General Lore


    Soranha is the world created by the Old Ones, named after their late peer, Soraya. This is where our two main factions thrive, but it is not limited to themSoranha means "The Heart of Soraya", as mythology states that Soraya gave up on her life in order to give the four other gods the power to create the world.

Soranha is populated by a variety of creatures: equines, cervids, bovines and dragons being the sentient population ruling over the world. These beings evolve in a world blessed with magic and all sorts of powers - remnants of the abilities the Old Ones once displayed while shaping the world.

Ever since the Godly War, the passing of time has been disturbed. "Time rifts" have opened into this realm, letting otherworldly, aggressive creatures pass through, creating patches of nothingness spreading rapidly in the land or zones in which time is visibly disturbed (stopped, going backward, looping...). 



The Old Ones refer to the group of gods responsible for the creation of the world. They are the most powerful beings to exist, they shaped the world an every living being into their likeliness - but they are also the reason why the world is flawed and rooted in a paradox. Aside from Sirius, the Old Ones are generally unfeeling, only able to experience raw, primal forms of emotions that cater to their element. The Old Ones are able to shapeshift and are known to have many forms, some of which are mortal disguises that allow them to roam about the world they created. Despite their status as the Creator Gods, the Old Ones are unable to create new gods. Instead, they can bless anyone with a fraction of their power, as well as transform them. Each Old One has a set of unique abilities which mortals may seek for help.

The Old Ones are:

  • Sirius, God of Life, Light and Emotions, known as the Father of the world.
  • Kamara, Goddess of Power
  • Hora, Goddess of Time, currently sealed in an unknown place
  • Nagai, God of Matter, currently sealed as well
  • Soraya, the original goddess of Will and Emotions, now deceased. Her soul lives on with the world and her powers went to Sirius.

Each Old One has a set of twelve Celestial Envoys that ascended upon their decision. Old Ones are able to have demigod children when procreating with other beings.


The Disturbance of Time is the result of Sirius’ rambunctious time travel escapade. Ever since he tore through the fabric of Time, it has never been the same on Soranha. While Chanteval had been relatively sheltered from time related issues (safe for a few rifts and say, a perpetually reincarnating queen), Time Rifts have been getting more and more frequent recently. Time Rifts are zones where time passes abnormally. This can take many forms: the same day looping over and over, time passing backwards, entire cities being entirely frozen…


Very few things are currently known about the Blight. People have been getting “sick”, developing spontaneous, destructive powers which more often than not end up completely consuming the infected people. The Blight started manifesting a few years ago, around the time when Time Rifts started to appear more and more frequently. Lately, cases have been multiplying. Patients will not only develop strange powers, but will often have violent visions. A lot of them seem to think that someone is calling them, and that they must find who that is. Some say they must serve their King.

Information currently unavailable to characters

The Blight reflects the cardinal sins associated to every Old One, and the flaws they are guilty of themselves. It was initiated by the first angel to have fallen, now known as the Fallen King or the Blight King. It aims to create an army of mindless drones with powers of divine origin, so he may destroy the gods and recreate the world, salvage it from its injustices. It appeared when the Time Rifts appeared, but has been spreading faster and faster recently. Indeed, the envoys of the Blight King seep into the world through Time Rifts, and enter in contact with mortals through them, unbeknownst to the mortals affected. 

The Blight is contagious and can be passed from one individual to another if those two individuals relate in their struggles. For a long time, it just feels like a weight, a presence. It enhances thoughts that were already there regarding the struggles they are going through and plants the idea of making everything better through the abuse of a power that would make their life so much easier.

Once they've accepted that idea, or have been broken down enough emotionally, the Blight will seep in and contaminate the individual. 

The origin of the contagion is the Blight Generals, who are in many regards false gods, previously envoys of all the four Old Ones. Each one of them represents each god's cardinal sins, and turns them into a form of corrupted magic that they spread in order to create an army which serves them and their lord, the Blight King. Each General controls the form of the Blight relating to the God they once served. 

  • The Sirius Blight: caused by loss/grief/fear of death.
    Powers related to him would be invincibility, healing (in an alienating way, like curing something that would be deadly and facing gruesome side effects)and necromancy.
    Physical symptoms include: body slowly turning into stone, resulting in paralysis of the limbs affected, unnatural glowing (eyes, mouth), visible cracks throughout the body and growth of gemstones inside and out of the body.
    General: Spot saved for Kay (fallen angel)
  • The Kamara Blight: caused by the pursuit of (dangerous) knowledge, the desire to alter something/someone that already exists, a desire for the destruction of memories.
    Powers include: memory and psychic manipulation, omniscience about certain magic, manipulation of reality.
    Physical symptoms include: Eyes turning silvery, moon-like, empty. Impromptu/partial invisibility which worsens with time. Unhinged behavior and paranoia.
    General: To be created.


  • The Nagai Blight: caused by a desire for vengeance and change.
    Powers include: massive destruction (often through the development of elemental powers), transformation and alienation of the physical form of the bearer or whoever they inflict it upon.
    Physical symptoms include the growth of additional limbs, malformations, rot, uncontrollable fits of rage.
    General: Creed (Ren, former Pillar)
  • The Hora Blight : caused by regrets of the past, fears for the future, disgust for the present.
    Powers include time manipulation, time travel, and premonitions which allows them to tear new rifts through the fabric of time, or worsen already existing ones.
    Physical symptoms include: extreme aging, decay, partial disintegration, parts of the body turning into dust or sand. Severe depression and apathy.
    General: to be created. (Former Time Mender)

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