Official F.A.Q

Official Fosgailas F.A.Q!

Can I put glowing flowers as a glow item?

In case you want to put flowers as a glowing item, this is how it would go:

  • Flowers that are accessories (not real flowers) will count as common glow item.
  • Flowers that glow naturally from nature (like a glowing mushroom), would also count as common BUT they can wither, which means in canon your OC would need to change it after a while (be it inside their jars or in accessory form). This is only if the flower glows from nature, do not make your own or use a flower that doesn’t glow naturally! Remember the glow would not be the same as artificial, so it wont shine brightly 
  • Flowers that are NATURAL but became ARTIFICIAL, or preserved, would count as ultra rare glow item (be it inside the jars or as accessory). 
  • Flowers that are fake/artificial/object/etc would also be ultra rare if inside the jars as a glow item (this is the glowing filling trait). Otherwise it would count as a common accessory glow item

Can the jars be any colour?

Yes. White / transparent is common, and any other colour would be uncommon. Please keep in mind uncommon/common must be in one colour only, while more than 1 colour would be ultra rare.

Do Fos has human/elf/etc ears?

No they do not! Their ears are the jars.

How do Fos get fillings?

The jars without a cap or an opening can open like a capsule/gachapon.The line where the jar can open is very faint, almost invisible, but its there!.

Can we mix tails?

Yes, you can mix tail traits as long as you have the rarity for it! Ex. mixing a rat tail with a sphere on the tip.

Where do the Fos get their tail?

Fos are born without a tail so they usually buy tails to fit their aesthetic and style. There are some specialty shops that you get your custom made tail! The more riskier types of tails, such as bones or a real animal tail, are usually done in secret. How your Fos get their tail is up to you!

Does it hurt getting a tail?

Nope! You might feel a small nib when its attached but that’s all

Can tails move?

Yes. The tails are attached to the nervous system so some can move on their own. The tails usually move subconsciously, depending on what the Fos is feeling or thinking.

Can we have multiple fillers?

Yes! Go wild as long as you have the rarity for it!

Can I give my Fos 2 different shaped jars?

No. Unlike the tail, jars cannot have differing shapes (this is a limited trait)

Can the jars crack or break? What happens if they do?

The jars are part of the body so think of them as bones - breaking or cracking them would be painful. They can be broken yes, but it will require a lot of damage for that to happen. It doesn't mean the jars can’t be fragile, it just depends on the Fos! In case a Fos breaks or cracks their jar, the Fos will go to Glassmakers, which are a type of doctors that specializes in Fos jars. Glassmakers are the only people who know how to fix jars, so they are highly respected and valued. 

What’s a melted jar? How does the jar melt?

Melted jars are usually the cause of overheating, where the jar melts and the shape stays melted. A jar melting is common to happen to Fos that live near volcanic or very hot areas, so it's recommended for Fos that can’t stand the heat to be careful when visiting these places!

Can I change my Fos’s region if I change my mind where I want them to be?


How is it possible for a Fos live underwater?

Fos’s bodies are able to adapt to new environments very quickly. In case of a Fos wanting to live in the ocean, they grow gills after prolonged exposure to the oceanic environment. Some training and help of a special diet can make the process even faster.

Do Fos have special abilities?

Not really. Aside from their bodies adapting rapidly, there’s nothing else. Unless you count being resistant to cold or heat as a special ability.

Will the fireflies/animals be okay in the jars? Won’t they drown with the liquid?

Yes they will be fine! The liquids are specifically made so they won’t hurt small animals inside. Some Fos might not add a liquid, some crazy Fos add toxic liquids.

If my character has a hat or something that covers their head, for example a veil, would the jar go over it or would the veil cover it?

The veil will go over the jar like if you were to wear it normally! Hats have holes specifically for the Fos's ears, and some larger hats can cover the jars too.

Can I give my Fos prosthetics that don't glow?

Yes you can! Prosthetics are free to use (any type), and it has a rarity (aka uncommon/rare) if it is used as the GLOW ITEM. If it isn't treated as a glow item and doesn't have a glow, it's free to use!

FAQ will be updated as new questions arise