
[Base Used By: CheesecakeCaramel (first original base. CheesecakeCaramel no longer has an active account on Devart, so unable to purchase the bases for continued use with the shop.

New base by: Ensoul on Deviantart.]


A Closed Species by AcyFaust, owned by SpaceDadDisapproves as of 2022

There are six types of Sijinn which are sorted by the sigil used to summon them. Primarily in olden times Sijinn were used during wars and times of chaos as trump cards to secure victory. They were the champions of kings, queens and rulers a-like. Now they  wait for new masters to serve.

Lore | Sigils | Masterlist | Discord

Sijinn Design Rules

No commercial use. Personal use only.

Do not change your Sijinn's sigil unless if you get a sigil swap charm from the shop. If you want your Sijinn to dual wield sigil's then you will need a dual wield charm.

You may use your Sijinn outside of the lore if you would like but please keep note somewhere that it originally was a closed species and notify me of you removing it from the species! By doing so I will be able to mark it as VOID on the masterlist in the Sijinn world.

Sijinn are male only. No females!

Do not make your own unless if you acquire a MYO slot from the shop!

Do not resell your Sijinn for more than you paid for it. Of course if you commission art of the Sijinn it will increase it's value (purchased for 10 + 40 in art = 50 resell!) If you got your Sijinn for free or in a trade you cannot resell it.