Sijinn's Bulletins

Hey guys

Posted 2 months, 14 days ago by SpaceDadDisapproves

Just posting to let you all know that I have given Sijinn back to AcyFaust, so it is back under her ownership <3

Update on the Sijinn species

Posted 10 months, 8 days ago by SpaceDadDisapproves

I'm writing this to give you all a chance to pull your characters from the Sijinn species if you wish to. Sijinn will be moving from CS format to a game AcyFaust and I are working on behind the scenes. So long as you keep the artist info in the images that you bought originally from AcyFaust, you may now remove your characters from the CS if you wish and make them simply a standalone character to take into any fanverse/story setting. If you choose to remove them from the species, you may no longer call them Sijinn. The Sigils also will no longer be allowed to be used, as they are still going to be in use for what AcyFaust and I are doing with it afterwards.

New Ownership

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by SpaceDadDisapproves

Hey all, SpaceDadDisapproves here. Just wanted to make a formal announcement here in the TH world about my purchasing of the Sijinn from AcyFaust. There is a separate Discord server linked in the main part of the Sijinn world. There will be new linearts used since the DA account the previous linearts were bought from is no longer around/active, so I am unable to go and purchase those lines for myself (yes, they were pay to use lines.). So, while I play around with the new lines I just purchased, it will help me figure out which sets I want to use going forward for this CS. Please be patient with me as I do also have 2 jobs IRL that take up alot of my time, plus Krystaments/Kettui to work on. There will be a Gacha system in place once I hash out the details, also. I will not be looking for other Guest Artists, although if AcyFaust still wants to color and sell Sijinn from time to time, she does have my permission to do so.

New set price batch!

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago by AcyFaust


Small chibi batch of various Sijinn looking for homes! This is also the first set price batch. ^^ 

Each Sijinn is 18 USD.

You can purchase them here: