Mistral Walkers • Ren Fair Monster Nomad Group
The WIP of some sort of nomadic family leaded by Salvador.
IC Group staff: --

** The info may be changed once we get to know more about Rarrah world! This is just the base idea c: **

• Story •
The group started with Salvador, a herder who constantly traveled between places for his herd's benefits. His beauty did not go unoticed, so many would follow him to be his courtesans. At first Salvador was able to sustain all his loved ones' lives alone, but as the group number grew a need for new sources of income appeared. With this, the courtesans started to sell handcrafted stuff, and withnin the years the group gained a more family feeling, a name, and ren fairs joining it for reasons others than its leader's beauty.
First seen as vagabonds in an douchebag's harem, the Mistral Walker family gained enough reputation to be the dream of adventurous youth and a fearsome name for many merchants during windy seasons.

• Functionality •
Mistral Walkers are mainly artesans and merchants, surviving of sales and resales as they travel across different places, enjoying the best of what each place has to offer. The group takes anyone willing to join as long as they become apprentices or functional for the group.  Those willing to not be functional must be taken as responsability by someone already in group, as an example a housewife can stay without any support to the group as long as her husband works for two.
Money obtained with sales is kept by the sellers however there is the expectation that they will help with the group, so often half the month's gain is given to the group's staff to be distribuited as resources for the group. Money is not a necessity for many, however some materials can not be obtained in other ways so certain professions prefer to keep gold.

• Group Objectives •
This group can be a way to find people with ren fairs to interact with, ship, draw or simple give your character a background story. This group provides:
- Roleplay or brainbarfing opportunities, whichever kind of interaction you are confortable with (even if it is just a "lets draw our characters together" thing)
- Art proposals and events for those in, such as trade events (however there is an art forum so no need to wait for events to share, propose or get something!)
- A background story, setting and family for your character
- A group of friends for you :D

You need not to be active in the group forums to be in, however checkin them to know what is going on would be nice.

• Travel book •
There shall be a timeline-style travel book here talking about locations visited, dates and the objectives in such places. This will give a solid timeline and a way for you to pick when your character joined it! `v´)b
We just gotta wait for info on RF world stuff to trace it,,,, orz

• Rules and joining •
Basically all you need is not to be a jerk and respect people with their wishes, views and what they want/not want to do. That means no begging nor constant insisting - no one likes that!
To join simply add your ren fair monster to the group. The forums will provide IC ways which you can do that, eventually...