Crystal Pantheon is a TTRPG campaign and original setting created by Kaijuqid that has been running most every other weekend since late 2019! 

In the sandswept world of Duvestra, cities that dot the vast desert are built around huge deposits of magical crystal that house powerful gods. Each type of crystal grants the surrounding area unique magical boons and can be used to craft specialized magic technology. However, the barren environment is becoming more inhospitable with each passing year, and living in remote areas without the resources of the Crystal Gods is becoming less and less feasible. 

The campaign follows the main party, The Night Storms, and their compatriots as they travel across the world investigating strange phenomena under orders from the goddess Moonstone. But the nature of the Crystal Gods isn't all it seems, and while some of the party members are content to accept the powers Moonstone granted them, others are drawn in by folk tales of the Old Gods and find themselves brushing shoulders with mysterious ghostly entities called the Ephemera. No matter where the Night Storms garner their power from, they must quickly recruit as many people as they can to their cause to prevent Duvestra from withering away into desolation.

What is stripping away the planet's natural resources, and can it be stopped? What is the true nature of the Ephemera? How are people thought long dead being brought back to life? And do the Crystal Gods truly have Duvestra's best interests in mind? 


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