Thieves and Riches

Thieves and Riches




  • TYPE Thieves' Guild
  • FOUNDER Unknown
  • LEADER Unknown
  • RENOWN Unknown
  • STATUS Active


"Quote or organization motto here."

The Treasure Hoarders are a group of mischievous creatures who often go around stealing things of high value. Whether it'd be trinkets from adventurers, big sacks of money, or anything that could be sold on the black market.

In aliquam tempus ipsum non dictum. Suspendisse tincidunt purus ac purus pharetra, vitae facilisis sem sodales. Sed vestibulum dapibus tortor sed finibus. Vivamus luctus pretium lobortis. Ut tristique vitae neque ut consectetur. Curabitur tempor mauris lobortis urna blandit vulputate. Sed cursus diam felis, in venenatis magna tincidunt eget. Nam quam elit, faucibus et diam a, imperdiet luctus libero. Donec erat magna, ullamcorper id nisl in, posuere suscipit augue. Phasellus auctor, est eu interdum pellentesque, nulla velit sagittis tellus, non luctus purus urna non metus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.


Describe your organization's mission and purpose here. For what reason were they formed and continue to function? Is it for the sake of justice? An after school affair? What is your organization's "end goal" if any?

Integer eget felis eu sem commodo feugiat. Vestibulum mauris nisl, sagittis vitae libero a, placerat viverra orci. Proin eu mi mollis purus gravida posuere. Mauris sed nunc id dui molestie ornare. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam ac ligula quis metus condimentum hendrerit. Vestibulum convallis, risus non mollis dictum, elit diam interdum urna, eu vehicula diam est id elit. Vestibulum laoreet ligula ac risus vestibulum, quis pulvinar nisi porta. In at sollicitudin turpis, congue maximus felis. Praesent id elit massa.


Describe your organization's values and principles as a collective. What do they believe in? What kind of values do they try to uphold and/ or encompass as an organization?

Maecenas efficitur aliquam leo ac pulvinar. Sed mattis ultrices lacus, nec vulputate eros hendrerit eu. Donec ultrices, purus a varius molestie, velit velit pharetra lorem, aliquam ultricies augue orci non lacus. Integer facilisis odio et dui luctus, rutrum ultricies urna sodales. Maecenas pulvinar dapibus libero, vel semper erat dictum ut. Proin egestas, tortor non gravida laoreet, ex neque ultrices mi, a cursus diam eros non sapien. Aliquam malesuada convallis ex a iaculis. Donec bibendum sem non accumsan pretium.


  1. You are to act as inconspicuous as possible; let no one see you with treasures.
  2. Mauris a quam felis. Phasellus ante risus, interdum et neque sed, ultricies porta nunc. In cursus eros at porta sagittis. Quisque iaculis rhoncus nisi, a bibendum sapien ultricies vel.
  3. Fusce mauris urna, eleifend sit amet dapibus sed, aliquet convallis risus. Fusce posuere molestie felis, sed tristique magna dictum at.
  4. Sed malesuada nunc id ante semper, sed porttitor tortor finibus. Mauris ac eleifend orci, et dapibus mauris. Mauris at porttitor odio
  5. Proin finibus elit sed imperdiet mollis.




Nam semper enim a efficitur ornare. Sed vestibulum ultricies dignissim. Nulla ac sem eleifend, maximus sem ac, placerat augue. Morbi libero metus, placerat eget nisi a, porta tempor est. Sed volutpat at nisl in accumsan.



Suspendisse feugiat luctus nisi. Ut efficitur mi nec nulla scelerisque ultricies. Phasellus ultrices in libero in vulputate. Praesent eget diam augue.



Scouts are the lowest ranks besides Recruits. More information will go here once I think of it.


In order to start your recruitment process, you must first must be recommended to an higher rank of the group by someone who is already in the group. The higher ranks will then take it upon themselves to review this referral and see if you are ready to join the Treasure Hoarders.

Ut ut quam eget ligula porttitor sollicitudin. Vivamus porta convallis vulputate. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse id sem egestas, eleifend turpis sit amet, viverra ante. Fusce interdum sit amet dui sit amet euismod. Quisque in odio lectus. Sed posuere nec dolor vel gravida. Phasellus elit libero, tempus ac lectus ut, tempor gravida nisl.

Quisque eu facilisis lorem, in aliquet mauris. Cras et lacus ut lorem suscipit dictum ut a tortor. Pellentesque velit massa, pulvinar at imperdiet a, cursus at ligula. Nulla hendrerit finibus tellus, ac feugiat massa tincidunt eu. Aenean urna risus, pretium vel mollis non, tincidunt vitae magna. Morbi mollis erat ut odio cursus, quis congue sem pretium. Integer erat sem, suscipit sed odio sit amet, consectetur euismod lectus. Ut fringilla, dui eu condimentum porta, eros arcu vehicula dolor, et pellentesque odio massa consequat magna. Pellentesque posuere dolor id massa malesuada placerat. Maecenas vel orci ligula. Proin rhoncus, ligula ac iaculis fringilla, nibh velit pellentesque elit, non iaculis libero mi suscipit purus. Donec dolor dui, auctor sed nibh non, congue fermentum turpis.


The Treasure Hoarders hideout is located in an underground facility that lies beneath {place name}.

Outside of the headquarters is a long corridor that branches off many times to lose people if they're being chased. Once you reach the front door, there's a small coinslot that is next to a large wooden door. That door is locked however, unless you deposit at least one coin into it.

Inside, there's many rooms to the establishment. The first room that you see once you walk in is the Lounge. In here, you'll be able to find couches, gaming tables, some bookshelves, and lots of cozy items. Most of the furniture in here though is most likely stolen though. Along the walls of the Lounge are two rows of archways, one set of two on each side, that interconnect other rooms to this room. In the far back of the room is two sets of stairwells, both leading upwards to the second floor.

The room off to the left of the Lounge is the

Heading upstairs, you'll see hallways and hallways of rooms. These rooms house the Treasure Hoarders themselves. Most of them share rooms, but a few of the higher ranks get to sleep in more luxurious rooms that are down near the ends of most of these hallways.

The first room when entering the basement is evidentally the Vault. Down here, all the gold coinage and physical wealth is piled up here. It's most likely where all the coins that are deposited at the front entrance go, since it seems to periodically rain gold coins down here.

After trekking through the Vault, behind it is the Treasure Room. This room is locked behind a secured door with guards and a near-bulletproof door. In here, there are many treasures and valuable items out on display. These items are most likely here to be sold for profit at their own means. Whether it'd be in the black market or traded off to someone else for even more bank, who knows.


Specify if your organization is recognized by the public or otherwise works in the shadows. If they're a public organization, what do the masses/ society/ general think about them? Are they well-known and respected? Or are they feared?

Phasellus pretium quis dolor quis volutpat. Sed a vestibulum velit. Nullam id tortor quam. Sed suscipit orci enim. Nullam leo arcu, dignissim ut metus a, viverra hendrerit metus. Cras vestibulum arcu eu ullamcorper pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam eget vulputate tellus. Phasellus ex sapien, varius eget lectus eu, hendrerit consectetur lacus. Praesent a mauris ex. Nam nec vestibulum est. Sed fermentum orci nisi, sed vulputate ipsum interdum eget. Quisque luctus neque quis purus cursus suscipit. Phasellus leo mi, eleifend nec interdum in, lacinia a sem.

Etiam commodo risus tempus quam ullamcorper, eget dapibus lectus sollicitudin. Nunc porta velit a dolor consequat, quis tempor arcu imperdiet. Aliquam nec metus dictum leo luctus blandit. Etiam aliquam consectetur velit et volutpat. Aenean ut massa id est lobortis ornare eu nec augue. Suspendisse semper felis orci, molestie bibendum mauris ultrices non. Donec malesuada, diam a accumsan faucibus, tortor nunc mattis urna, pharetra semper ex massa at ipsum. Fusce consequat commodo turpis vitae efficitur. Morbi nec sapien tempus orci sollicitudin bibendum.



  • AGE: 33
  • GENDER: Male
  • RANK: Silver
  • MEMBER SINCE: 1252
  • STATUS: Alive


  • AGE: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown
  • MEMBER SINCE: Unknown
  • STATUS: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown
  • MEMBER SINCE: Unknown
  • STATUS: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown
  • MEMBER SINCE: Unknown
  • STATUS: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown
  • MEMBER SINCE: Unknown
  • STATUS: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown
  • MEMBER SINCE: Unknown
  • STATUS: Unknown


  • AGE: Unknown
  • GENDER: Unknown
  • RANK: Unknown
  • MEMBER SINCE: Unknown
  • STATUS: Unknown

Code by AviCode

Treasures and Valuables


Apprentice's Notes

"Put a quote here."

A small collection of parchment that was used to collect data points during expeditions.

Provides a little amount of XP

Adventurer's Journal

"Put a quote here."

A journal of an adventurer that tells about the wilds and other miscellanous knowledge for those who need it.

Provides a moderate amount of XP


Hero's Tale

"Put a quote here."

A tome telling the wonderous story of a marvelous hero. It's quite inspiring, isn't it?

Provides a large amount of XP


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


"Stand your Ground"

"Put a quote here."

Skill level-up material for Defense units


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


"Spell Tome"

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Skill level-up material for Magic units


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Quisque pellentesque, orci a mattis sollicitudin, ligula enim tempus turpis, vitae cursus sapien ipsum id lorem. Integer eros nisl, condimentum vitae sem at, bibendum volutpat velit. Ut quis ligula nisl. Quisque turpis nisi, luctus ac lacus at, elementum cursus ante. In vitae iaculis lorem.


"Way of the Sword"

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Skill level-up material for Melee units


"Firearms: How To"

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Skill level-up material for Ranged units


Name of Item

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Skill level-up material for Ranged units


"Understanding your Allies"

"Put a quote here."

You can describe the item here. This box will scroll.

Skill level-up material for Support units

Code by AviCode